Kobiety jako uczestniczki sprawowania władzy w Polsce po 1989 r.
Journal Title
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Volume Title
Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu
Title alternative
Women as participants of government in Poland after 1989
W oparciu o analizę dostępnych danych statystycznych prześledzone
zostanie uczestnictwo kobiet w sprawowaniu władzy na szczeblu centralnym – zarówno
ustawodawczej, jak i wykonawczej. Podjęta zostanie również próba wyjaśnienia
dysproporcji pomiędzy kobietami i mężczyznami w sprawowaniu władzy i ewentualnych
tego konsekwencji. Tak więc główne pytania badawcze zostały sformułowane
w następujący sposób: Jaki jest udział kobiet w organach władzy ustawodawczej, czyli
w Sejmie oraz w Senacie? Jaki jest udział kobiet w strukturach partii politycznych
w Polsce? Ile kobiet pełni funkcje kierownicze w partiach politycznych? Jaki jest
udział kobiet w organach władzy wykonawczej w Polsce? Na czele jakich resortów
kobiety stają najczęściej? Z czego wynika różnica w poziomie uczestnictwa kobiet
w organach władzy ustawodawczej i wykonawczej w Polsce? Jakie mogą być konsekwencje
różnego uczestnictwa kobiet i mężczyzn w procesie sprawowania władzy?
Basing on the analysis of available statistical data, this article presents Polish women’s participation in the processes of exercising political power (legislative and executive) within central institutions of the state. The analysis covered a time frame between 1989 and 2015. The reasons for disparities between the numbers of women and men in political authorities as well as its possible consequences have also been illustrated. The received results allow arriving at the following conclusions. In the analysed period, a considerable increase in the number of women in both chambers of the Polish parliament and the subsequent governments was observed. However, the numbers are still far from political parity. In case of the government, the increased presence of women holding posts of the heads of ministries for affairs traditionally linked with feminine activity (e.g. culture, education, social policy) can also be underlined. Inequality within the area of exercising political authority may exert a significant impact on the society, i.e. limit the ability to shape the state policy within areas particularly interesting to women or reinforce gender stereotypes in the society.
Basing on the analysis of available statistical data, this article presents Polish women’s participation in the processes of exercising political power (legislative and executive) within central institutions of the state. The analysis covered a time frame between 1989 and 2015. The reasons for disparities between the numbers of women and men in political authorities as well as its possible consequences have also been illustrated. The received results allow arriving at the following conclusions. In the analysed period, a considerable increase in the number of women in both chambers of the Polish parliament and the subsequent governments was observed. However, the numbers are still far from political parity. In case of the government, the increased presence of women holding posts of the heads of ministries for affairs traditionally linked with feminine activity (e.g. culture, education, social policy) can also be underlined. Inequality within the area of exercising political authority may exert a significant impact on the society, i.e. limit the ability to shape the state policy within areas particularly interesting to women or reinforce gender stereotypes in the society.
kobiety w polityce, kobiety u władzy, III RP, women in politics, women in power, Third Polish Republic
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2016, nr 4, s. 205-2016.