Rola Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w procesie przywracania pamięci
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu
Title alternative
The role of the Institute of National Remembrance in the process of restoring memory
Historia Polski, to zmienność sukcesów i ciężkich doświadczeń naszej państwowości. To burzliwy wir wydarzeń, które stały się naszym udziałem, od dawnych piastowskich czasów na okresie komunizmu kończąc. Układ pojałtański wprowadzony w Europie w wyniku zmagań okrucieństwa drugiej wojny światowej podzielił Europę i świat na dwa bloki. Polska znalazła się w bloku państw komunistycznych.
Rola jaka przypadła Instytutowi Pamięci Narodowej jest szczególna. Realizując zapisy ustawowe w imieniu państwa polskiego ma on poprzez swoje działania zadośćuczynić ofiarom i krzywdom jakich naród polski doznał od nazizmu i komunizmu. Instytut podjął się rozliczenia z trudną przeszłością lat 1939-1989. Ważnym i nierozerwalnym elementem tego procesu jest prowadzenie działań edukacyjnych i naukowych, które pozwolą przekazać prawdę o tym trudnym okresie, w sytuacji, kiedy blisko pół wieku zakłamywano prawdę o naszej historii, a bohaterów walk o niepodległość skazywano na zapomnienie.
Przywracanie pamięci, to zadośćuczynienie i uhonorowanie, które są wymagane jako moralne działanie instytucji państwa, w imieniu którego działa Instytut, to wreszcie nauka i edukacja, które docierają do najmłodszego pokolenia, by ono mogło poprzez naukę i zabawę uczyć się historii. Poprzez swoje działania IPN dociera również do starszego pokolenia i rewiduje wcześniejszy obraz historii przekazywanej przez państwo komunistyczne.
Poland’s history reflects the vicissitudes of the successes and difficult experiences of our statehood. It was a whirl of events we took part in, starting from the ancient times of the Piast dynasty and ending with the communist period. The post-Yalta order introduced in Europe after the atrocities of WWII divided Europe and the entire world into two blocs. Poland found itself in the Communist one. The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) has a special role to play. Executing its statutory obligations on behalf of Poland, it is supposed to redress the injustices suffered by the Polish nation during the periods of Nazism and Communism. The IPN has undertaken the task of resolving this difficult past from 1939–1989. A crucial and inherent element of this process involves educational and research activities that allow the IPN to present the truth about this difficult period, after the truth about Polish history was distorted for nearly half a century and the heroes of the struggle for independence were doomed to oblivion. Restoring memory is about redressing the victims and honouring them which is indispensable from the point of view of the moral activities of the State institutions on behalf of which the IPN operates, as well as about academic and educational activities addressed at the youngest generation, allowing them to learn history while learning and having fun. The activities of the IPN are also addressed to the older generations, revising the former picture of Polish history conveyed by the communist State.
Poland’s history reflects the vicissitudes of the successes and difficult experiences of our statehood. It was a whirl of events we took part in, starting from the ancient times of the Piast dynasty and ending with the communist period. The post-Yalta order introduced in Europe after the atrocities of WWII divided Europe and the entire world into two blocs. Poland found itself in the Communist one. The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) has a special role to play. Executing its statutory obligations on behalf of Poland, it is supposed to redress the injustices suffered by the Polish nation during the periods of Nazism and Communism. The IPN has undertaken the task of resolving this difficult past from 1939–1989. A crucial and inherent element of this process involves educational and research activities that allow the IPN to present the truth about this difficult period, after the truth about Polish history was distorted for nearly half a century and the heroes of the struggle for independence were doomed to oblivion. Restoring memory is about redressing the victims and honouring them which is indispensable from the point of view of the moral activities of the State institutions on behalf of which the IPN operates, as well as about academic and educational activities addressed at the youngest generation, allowing them to learn history while learning and having fun. The activities of the IPN are also addressed to the older generations, revising the former picture of Polish history conveyed by the communist State.
IPN, Pamięć, polityka pamięci, historia, edukacja, Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), memory, politics of memory, history, education
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2015 nr 3, s. 221-237.