Diaspora i emigracja: wymiary egzystencji. Listy z wygnania Egona Hostovskiego
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Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO
Title alternative
Diaspora and emigration: the dimensions of existence. »Listy z wygnania« by Egon Hostovský
W niniejszym artykule analizuję pierwszy napisany na emigracji utwór czeskiego pisarza pochodzenia żydowskiego, Egona Hostovskiego zatytułowany Listy z wygna- nia. Wychodząc od koncepcji amerykańskiego badacza Nico Israela, który w swojej pracy Outlandish: writing between exil and diaspora, dokonał rozróżnienia między kategoriami diaspory i emigracji, pragnę pokazać, iż Hostovský w Listach z wygnania wykorzystuje zarówno dykcję emigracyjną, jak diasporalną, polegającą na wewnętrz- nym doświadczeniu „losu żydowskiego”. Istotna jest tu dla mnie również obecna w utworze Hostovskiego formuła gatunkowa listu, w oparciu o którą wprowadzam przejęty od Martina Bubera kontekst dialogu.
In the following article I analyze the first book of the Jewish Czech writer Egon Hostovsky written in exile, entitled Letters from Exile. Based on the distinction between the categories of diaspora and emigration (exil) as presented by the American scholar Nico Israel in Outlandish: writing between exil and diaspora, I am attempting to show that in his book Hostovsky utilizes both types of discourse: the emigrational and the diasporic, the latter as part of his internalization of the „Jewish fate” experience. The analysis is also built upon the particular letter-writing formula used by Hostovsky, which, in my opinion, points to Martin Buber’s theory of dialogue.
In the following article I analyze the first book of the Jewish Czech writer Egon Hostovsky written in exile, entitled Letters from Exile. Based on the distinction between the categories of diaspora and emigration (exil) as presented by the American scholar Nico Israel in Outlandish: writing between exil and diaspora, I am attempting to show that in his book Hostovsky utilizes both types of discourse: the emigrational and the diasporic, the latter as part of his internalization of the „Jewish fate” experience. The analysis is also built upon the particular letter-writing formula used by Hostovsky, which, in my opinion, points to Martin Buber’s theory of dialogue.
Literatura czeska, Czech literature, List, Letter, Diaspora, Diaspora, Emigracja, Exile, Dialog, Dialogue, Egon Hostovský, Egon Hostovsky
Bohemistyka XII, 2012, nr 2, s. 85–106.