Biblioteki włoskie – między tradycją a nowoczesnością
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Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
Title alternative
Modern Italian libraries – between tradition and modernity
Przez wieki na terenie dzisiejszej Republiki Włoch powstawały najświetniejsze
biblioteki w Europie. Od średniowiecza po renesans prężnie się rozwijały
i odgrywały dominującą rolę na Starym Kontynencie. Artykuł przedstawia, jak
włoskie biblioteki funkcjonują dziś. Poruszając takie zagadnienia, jak: typy bibliotek
we Włoszech i współpraca między nimi, normy prawne, którym podlegają, działalność
bibliotek narodowych, stowarzyszenia bibliotekarskie, inicjatywy i projekty
wykorzystujące w bibliotekarstwie najnowsze techniki informatyczne, podkreśla
słabe i mocne strony bibliotekarstwa włoskiego i przywołuje refleksję: jaka jest rola
bibliotek włoskich dziś, kiedy lata ich rozkwitu minęły, i czy są one w stanie sprostać
wymaganiom współczesności.
For centuries, lands currently belonging to the Republic of Italy boasted the greatest and the most illustrious libraries in Europe. From the Middle Ages to Renaissance, they developed extensively and were dominant in the Old World. The present article, however, concentrates on modern Italian libraries and provides an extensive review of their functioning today. The following issues are covered in the discussion: types of libraries and their cooperation, legal circumstances, the activity of national libraries, library associations and their initiatives and projects aimed at utilization of state-of-the-art IT infrastructures in librarianship. The article also emphasizes strong and weak points of Italian librarianship and ponders on the following: What is the role of Italian libraries today when they are evidently past their prime times? Can the libraries in question meet the requirements of modern times?
For centuries, lands currently belonging to the Republic of Italy boasted the greatest and the most illustrious libraries in Europe. From the Middle Ages to Renaissance, they developed extensively and were dominant in the Old World. The present article, however, concentrates on modern Italian libraries and provides an extensive review of their functioning today. The following issues are covered in the discussion: types of libraries and their cooperation, legal circumstances, the activity of national libraries, library associations and their initiatives and projects aimed at utilization of state-of-the-art IT infrastructures in librarianship. The article also emphasizes strong and weak points of Italian librarianship and ponders on the following: What is the role of Italian libraries today when they are evidently past their prime times? Can the libraries in question meet the requirements of modern times?
biblioteki, libraries, bibliotekarze, librarians, problemy współczesnych bibliotek, problems of modern libraries, włoskie biblioteki, Italian libraries, współczesne biblioteki włoskie, modern Italian libraries
Biblioteka, 2011, nr 15(24), s.245-259.