Agraryzm w teorii i praktyce
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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Agrarism in theory and practice
Agrarism, as a socio-economic doctrine, develops in countries with a prevailing
agricultural sector, especially in years 1918 - 1939. The changes connected with land
reforms and the transition of European agriculture into capitalism deepened the
disproportions between towns and countryside. Therefore, among the activists of
agrarian movements in agricultural countries appeared the view stressing the
necessity of socio-economic changes leading to the elevation of the significance of
agriculture in the nation's life.
The beginnings of agrarism on Polish territory appeared early in the XXc.
Taking as an example agricultural relations in Denmark and Czechoslovakia,
Polish agrarians put forth the postulate of subordinating the policy of the State
to the overall development of farms. An attachement to the principles of market
economy and a so-called right of deconcentration made agrarians consider agriculture
to be the basic branch of national economy. In turn, they were usually
against the development of industry not connected with agriculture. Their postulates
included the restriction of big land ownership and the parcellation of land
among peasants capable of efficient farming based on family labour resources.
The agrarian movement, prosecuted during the four decades of „socialist
construction" in Poland, has not enirely lost its significance. Some deformations
of views from that period are presently corrected under changed political, social
and economic conditions. The replacement of the directival-distributive system
with the market system in difficult conditions of demand imbalance makes it
necessary to exert the economic pressure with respect to the economy as a whole.
The point is to stipulate the growth of the most efficient sectors of economy.
The adoption of the principles of free competition accompanied by simultaneous
demands for a preferential treatment of agriculture together with a far-reaching
interventionist policy of the State is determined by the present character of the
market-place and the direction of changes. State interventionism is to correct, not
to replace, the market mechanism. A precondition for efficient regulation of
economic processes is the creation of market economy. State interventionism must
not be a mere social aid for all farmers. It should aim at securing the profitability
of agricultural activity only for efficient farms.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 52, 1990, z. 3-4, s. 165-177