Mierniki makroekonomicznej analizy wykorzystania środków trwałych w przemyśle
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Macroeconomical Measures Analysing the Use of Fixed Assets in Industry
The article deals with the subject of proper measures for the definition of using
fixed assets as an agregáte in the industrial branch from the viewpoint of macroeconomical
analysis. The analysis has been carried out in the three stages. The first one describes the charakteristics of measures. The authors have divided those
measures into three groups because of variety of fixed assets and the manifold role
they have to perform in the manufacturing process:
— synthetical measures
— fractional measures
— detailed measures
According to the opinion of the authors synthetical and fractional measures are
best fitted for the analysis of a macroeconomical type. The indicator of productivity
of the fixed assets and indicator of using productive ability are classified
as synthetical measures. Where as indicators of area use and extensive and intensive
use of equipment are attributed to fractional measures.
On the basis of the classification the best-known measures have been presented.
The second stage tries to show the above characteristics of using these indicators
in practice. In the result of a general estimate of the missing methodical and
statistical data it was stated that a complete and complex estimate of the full use
of fixed assets in industry was not possible. This part of the paper draws particular
attention to indicators, which give the greatest possibility of a complete description
and can therefore be applied to macroeconomical analysis. The above stages of analysis
enabled the authors to come to a number of conclusions of methodical and
statistical character which contribute to the improvement of construction and selection
of measure and their statistical presentation and also to working out a standardized
form for the definition of using fixed assets in industry.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 35, 1973, z. 1, s. 159-177