Rola ojca w poglądach i planach życiowych młodych mężczyzn
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The role of the father in young men’s opinions and their life plans
Struktura pracy doktorskiej składa się z trzech części: pierwsza, to rozdziały wprowadzające w teoretyczną problematykę ojcostwa, druga przedstawia metodologiczne założenia badań własnych, trzecia natomiast została poświęcona ukazaniu i analizie zebranego materiału badawczego. Na początku, autorka przedstawia i omawia pojęcie roli ojca, jej komponenty, strukturę i proces jej nabywania przez mężczyznę. Dalej, porusza kwestię nieobecności ojca, funkcjonowanie roli ojca w rodzinie i sposoby jej pełnienia. Rola ojca i związane z nią prawa i obowiązki, rozwijały się zależnie od epoki czy rodzaju społeczeństwa, dlatego też w dalszej części pracy, autorka ukazuje przemiany, jakie dokonały się w pełnieniu roli ojca przez mężczyznę zaczynając od czasów najdawniejszych aż po współczesność uwzględniając przy tym aspekt kulturowy. Ojcostwo dla mężczyzny może stanowić przedmiot planowania życia, dlatego też w pracy autorka skupia się na związku roli ojca z planami życiowymi. Znajomość nastawienia mężczyzny do własnej przyszłości ma duże znaczenie nie tylko poznawcze, lecz również praktyczne, ponieważ wiedza o planowaniu przyszłości umożliwia zrozumienie aspiracji, dążeń czy motywacji człowieka, w tym również znaczenia roli ojca dla mężczyzny. Druga część rozprawy ma charakter metodologiczny. Tutaj, autorka przedstawia i omawia proces badawczy, metodę i narzędzie badawcze, organizację i przebieg badań oraz dokonuje charakterystyki próby badawczej. Dzięki badaniom autorka chciała ustalić, jaka koncepcja roli ojca występuje w świadomości współczesnego mężczyzny, jaki jest jego stosunek do ojcostwa, jaki jest jego stan przygotowania do ojcostwa, jakie miejsce zajmuje rola ojca w planach życiowych mężczyzny oraz jakie czynniki warunkują to wszystko. Próbę badawczą stanowiło 330 bezdzietnych kawalerów i żonatych mężczyzn, których wiek mieścił się między 18- 34 rokiem życia. Badania zostały przeprowadzone na terenie wielu miast i wsi Polski. Zebrany materiał badawczy został poddany ilościowej i jakościowej analizie danych. To umożliwiło autorce sformułować kilka wniosków na temat roli ojca i jej miejsca w planach życiowych młodych mężczyzn. W ostatniej części pracy autorka przedstawia wyniki badań własnych, czyli poddaje analizie poglądy młodych mężczyzn na rolę ojca we współczesnym świecie, ich koncepcję roli ojca oraz stan ich przygotowania do jej podjęcia i pełnienia. Dalej, analizuje ona również osobiste doświadczenia młodych mężczyzn w zakresie pełnienia roli ojca oraz ich plany życiowe związane z rolą ojca. Poruszany problem naukowy na gruncie polskim jest oryginalnym wkładem wniesionym do dorobku pedagogiki, a zwłaszcza pedagogiki rodziny. Wyniki uzyskane w badaniach mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w praktyce, a przede wszystkim w polityce społecznej, oświatowej i ewentualnie demograficznej. Pozwolą też rozwinąć studia nad mężczyzną.
The structure of this dissertation consists of three parts: theoretical chapters (I-IV), methodological chapter and the analysis of the results from researches (VI-X chapters). In the first chapter, it was presented and discussed the notion of the social role and explained notions: “fatherhood”, “father” and “the role of the father”. In this chapter, author mentioned components the role of the father, the structure and the process of purchasing by a man. It was described functioning the father in a family, ways of fulfiling the role by a man. Author brought the matter of the father’s absence up. In the next chapters, the second and the third, author concentrated on historical and cultural aspects the role of the father. From the historical point of view, fatherhood is created by the human culture and the role of the father is dependent on specific epoch and society. Author described the role of the father in: the Antiquity (Sparta, Greece and Rome), the Middle Age, modern times and of course in the XX and XXI age. From the cultural point of view, the role of the father is functional and adapts to religion, tradition, social, economic or demographic conditions and contexts. In this dissertation it was represented various fulfiling the role of the father patterns over the world. At the end, author discussed couvade phenomenon. In the fourth chapter, it was presented fatherhood as the object of planning life and opinions about fatherhood. The author concentrated on connection the fatherhood with man’s life plans. The knowledge about it, if a man wants to be a father, if he respects the fatherhood in own life plans, it’s necessary to understand his ambitions, aspirations and motivation for the role of the father. The next chapter is devoted own research methodology. The author presented the research concept, method (diagnostic poll), technique (opinion poll) and research tool (questionnaire of the opinion poll) and discussed research organization and their course. At the end, it was presented the research attempt. There were childless bachelors and married men. Them age was between 18- 34 the year of the life. The young men came from the cities, towns and countries. The next chapters (VI- X) had the empirical character. In the sixth chapter entitling “The opinions young men about the role of the father in the contemporary world” author focused on the contents opinions young men, which concerns on the role of the father; father’s social situation in opinion young men; motivational and emotional relation young men for the role of the father. Next chapter presents young’s men prescription the role of the father and the father’s position in the family. In the future, young men want to be positively involved, nurturant, accessible and responsible fathers. They want to create with own children close relationships (the seventh chapter). Author asked young men, from who they learn about fatherhood, if they are ready to take and to fulfil the role of the father. The young men are prepared for the fatherhood partly. They want to learn more about caring and bringing up a child or about child development (the eighth chapter). Much attention was devoted to examining the personal experiences of young men in the role of the father. Author asked young men about them father patterns, these correct and accepted by them and about these negative (the ninth chapter). In the last chapter it was presented and discussed, when young men provide or want to undertake the role of the father in the future; their attitude to the role of the father and reasons, why man undertake to fulfil the role of the father or why he gives up being a father.
The structure of this dissertation consists of three parts: theoretical chapters (I-IV), methodological chapter and the analysis of the results from researches (VI-X chapters). In the first chapter, it was presented and discussed the notion of the social role and explained notions: “fatherhood”, “father” and “the role of the father”. In this chapter, author mentioned components the role of the father, the structure and the process of purchasing by a man. It was described functioning the father in a family, ways of fulfiling the role by a man. Author brought the matter of the father’s absence up. In the next chapters, the second and the third, author concentrated on historical and cultural aspects the role of the father. From the historical point of view, fatherhood is created by the human culture and the role of the father is dependent on specific epoch and society. Author described the role of the father in: the Antiquity (Sparta, Greece and Rome), the Middle Age, modern times and of course in the XX and XXI age. From the cultural point of view, the role of the father is functional and adapts to religion, tradition, social, economic or demographic conditions and contexts. In this dissertation it was represented various fulfiling the role of the father patterns over the world. At the end, author discussed couvade phenomenon. In the fourth chapter, it was presented fatherhood as the object of planning life and opinions about fatherhood. The author concentrated on connection the fatherhood with man’s life plans. The knowledge about it, if a man wants to be a father, if he respects the fatherhood in own life plans, it’s necessary to understand his ambitions, aspirations and motivation for the role of the father. The next chapter is devoted own research methodology. The author presented the research concept, method (diagnostic poll), technique (opinion poll) and research tool (questionnaire of the opinion poll) and discussed research organization and their course. At the end, it was presented the research attempt. There were childless bachelors and married men. Them age was between 18- 34 the year of the life. The young men came from the cities, towns and countries. The next chapters (VI- X) had the empirical character. In the sixth chapter entitling “The opinions young men about the role of the father in the contemporary world” author focused on the contents opinions young men, which concerns on the role of the father; father’s social situation in opinion young men; motivational and emotional relation young men for the role of the father. Next chapter presents young’s men prescription the role of the father and the father’s position in the family. In the future, young men want to be positively involved, nurturant, accessible and responsible fathers. They want to create with own children close relationships (the seventh chapter). Author asked young men, from who they learn about fatherhood, if they are ready to take and to fulfil the role of the father. The young men are prepared for the fatherhood partly. They want to learn more about caring and bringing up a child or about child development (the eighth chapter). Much attention was devoted to examining the personal experiences of young men in the role of the father. Author asked young men about them father patterns, these correct and accepted by them and about these negative (the ninth chapter). In the last chapter it was presented and discussed, when young men provide or want to undertake the role of the father in the future; their attitude to the role of the father and reasons, why man undertake to fulfil the role of the father or why he gives up being a father.
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Podstaw Wychowania i Opieki
Rola ojca, Role of the father, Rola społeczna, Social role, Ojcostwo, Fatherhood, Okres wczesnej dorosłości, Early adulthood