„Unsere andersartige Kulturpolitik” Zensur und Literatur in der DDR und in der Volksrepublik Polen
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
Title alternative
„Our Divergent Cultural Policy". Censorship and Literature in the German Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of Poland
Monografia jest próbą komparatystycznego studium nad funkcjonowaniem cenzury literackiej w NRD i PRL w latach 1945-1970. Autor odwołuje się do istniejącej literatury przedmiotu i przedstawia wyniki własnych analiz, przeprowadzonych na podstawie obszernych kwerend archiwalnych w archiwach niemieckich i polskich. Wskazuje na różnice w polityce kulturalnej przewodnich partii, ich wzajemną nieufność i krytyczne oceny, które nie pozostały bez wpływu na rozwój życia kulturalnego w każdym z państw i realizowaną przez nie wymianę literacką. Dość daleko idące odrębności istniały także w strukturze urzędów cenzury oraz organizacji samego procesu cenzurowania. Obrazują to liczne przypadki przedstawiające cenzurowanie literatury polskiej w NRD i literatury niemieckojęzycznej w PRL.
The monograph is a comparative study of literary censorship in the German Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of Poland in the period 1945-1970. The author makes references to relevant literature and presents the results of his own analyses, carried out on the basis of comprehensive studies in German and Polish archives. He indicates the differences in the cultural policy of the leading parties and their mutual distrust and criticism, which all had their impact on the development of culture in both countries and the literary exchange agenda. Marked differences can be observed also in the structure of censorship offices and in the organisation of the very censorship process. This is borne out by numerous examples which showcase the censorship of Polish literature in the GDR and of the literature in the German language in communist Poland.
The monograph is a comparative study of literary censorship in the German Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of Poland in the period 1945-1970. The author makes references to relevant literature and presents the results of his own analyses, carried out on the basis of comprehensive studies in German and Polish archives. He indicates the differences in the cultural policy of the leading parties and their mutual distrust and criticism, which all had their impact on the development of culture in both countries and the literary exchange agenda. Marked differences can be observed also in the structure of censorship offices and in the organisation of the very censorship process. This is borne out by numerous examples which showcase the censorship of Polish literature in the GDR and of the literature in the German language in communist Poland.
cenzura literacka w NRD, cenzura literacka w PRL
Rajch M., „Unsere andersartige Kulturpolitik” Zensur und Literatur in der DDR und in der Volksrepublik Polen
Filologia Germańska;57