Inwestycje odtworzeniowe jako warunek optymalizacji planowania w przemyśle

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Restitutional Investments as a Condition of Optimalization of Planning in Industry


The problem of restitutional investment in the theoretical and methodological respect has not been fully elaborated till now. It has also not been treated respectively in the works of planning despite considerable repercussion of this fact. A common inventarization of permanent assets carried out in Poland in the years 1945—1961 supplied statistic material which helped to learn the magnitude of exploitation and the age of the permanent assets and as a result of it the need of their restoration. The purpose of this article is to show and to give the reasons, in the light of the shown materials, for the necessity of raising the institutional investments to a suitable level in the theoretical works, and in the economic practice of all stages and levels of planning. This is indicated by the degree of exploitation of industrial permanent assets which is 41%, despite the fact that it does not take into account part of the economic consumption. The consumption is formed exceptionally high in the traditional branches of Polish industry, particularly machines and facilities in regional cross section on the territory of western voivodeships and industrial districts. The low coefficient of liquidation of consumed permanent assets 1,2% which approximately reflects the rate of exchange does not help to improve the situation. The deterioration of the technical-economical index within the progress of consumption, the expected great increase of consumption especially economical and comparatively high effectiveness of restitutional investments stands for a change of investment policy towards a distinct increase of restitutional investments. The second part of this paper shows the proposed method of estimating the size of restitutional expenditure and conditions on which the possibility of its use depends. This method results in defining the size of permanent assets qualified for liquidation at a given period of time. The following are indispensable: — to learn the age of permanent assets. The data in this range illustrating additionally the scale of obsolete of a big part of the industrial capital ass'ets have been constructed as a result of common inventarization. This together with the yearly evidence of movements of capital assets makes possible the publication of information of this range in all necessary sections, — to define the correct (from the point of view of progress of complete consumption) and at the same time the realistic (in the light of changes in building and ability of industrial production and import) periods of exploitation of capital assets. Apart from establishing factual possibilities of exchange, it is necessary to define them from the financial point, i.e. — assigning — within the frame of global investment expenditure, — permissible range of restitutional investments from the point of view of increased needs, and to assign such trends of investment policy which could combine the interest of a simple and broadened reproduction, — to introduce changes into the previous system of financing the restitutional investments towards ensuring a required part of the amortization fund to cover the restitutional needs combined with modernization within the limits which the economic bill will assign for the purpose of these investments. Undertaking effords to elaborate the programming system and planning of the restitutional investments seems to be purposeful not only from the point of view of the investment processes but also in the broader aspect of programming and planning. The determination of the restitutional demand however will supply additional premise to settle the correct production tasks of these disciplines of economy, which will realize the program of restitution of the capital assets of industry.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 31, 1969, z. 2, s. 205-226






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