Rola systemu podatkowego przed, w trakcie i po kryzysie finansowym
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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The role of a taxation system before, during and after a financial crisis
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest podsumowanie najnowszych wyników badań analizujących rolę systemu podatkowego w kolejnych fazach kryzysu zapoczątkowanego w 2008 r. Przeprowadzona w opracowaniu analiza wskazuje, że jego rola ulegała istotnym zmianom: 1) przed wybuchem kryzysu stwarzał bodźce do takich zachowań podmiotów gospodarczych, które przyczyniały się do narastania nierównowagi leżącej u podstaw kryzysu; 2) po jego wybuchu wzrosło znaczenie stabilizacyjne systemu podatkowego: zarówno w obszarze oddziaływania tak zwanych automatycznych stabilizatorów, jak i dyskrecjonalnych zmian obciążeń podatkowych; 3) obecnie zmiany systemu podatkowego zmierzają w kierunku wsparcia procesu konsolidacji fiskalnej oczekiwanej w najbliższych latach w wielu gospodarkach rozwiniętych i w części krajów rozwijających się.
The aim of this paper is to sum up the most recent results of a survey carried out to analyse the role which the system of taxation played in subsequent phases of the financial crisis that started in 2008. As can be seen from the obtained data that role has been substantially changing: (1) prior to the crisis the tax incentives that the system made available to business entities gave rise to even greater economic imbalance which later became one of the elements that laid the basis for the crisis; (2) when the crisis started, the stabilisation role of the taxation system prevailed and operated through the working of so called automatic stabilisers as well as through discretionary changes of tax burdens; and (3) currently, the taxation system is being modified to support the process of fiscal consolidation expected to be implemented in the coming years in the economies of developed and some developing countries.
The aim of this paper is to sum up the most recent results of a survey carried out to analyse the role which the system of taxation played in subsequent phases of the financial crisis that started in 2008. As can be seen from the obtained data that role has been substantially changing: (1) prior to the crisis the tax incentives that the system made available to business entities gave rise to even greater economic imbalance which later became one of the elements that laid the basis for the crisis; (2) when the crisis started, the stabilisation role of the taxation system prevailed and operated through the working of so called automatic stabilisers as well as through discretionary changes of tax burdens; and (3) currently, the taxation system is being modified to support the process of fiscal consolidation expected to be implemented in the coming years in the economies of developed and some developing countries.
system podatkowy, system of taxation, kryzys fiskalny, fiscal crisis, automatyczne stabilizatory, automatic stabilisers, mnożniki fiskalne, klasyfikacja JEL: E60, H30, H62, H63
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 74, 2012, z. 1, s. 125-145