Pareto jako krytyk Marksa i ideologicznego pojmowania społeczeństwa

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Pareto as a critic of Marx and of the ideological conception of society


The article points to the significance of Pareto's conception of ideology and his distinction between the two interpretations of historical materialism (populaire — savante) for modern social sciencies. The author questions the view that Pareto constructs a juxtaposition of theory of classes and class struggle with the theory of elites and the law of the circulation of elites. The author indicates that Pareto's theory of elites assumes the defence of Marx's theory of classes and his theory of class struggle against recurrent criticism, such as: glorification of violence in social life, discrepancy between the class struggle and humanism, law, religious values. Pareto's conception of class struggle, his distinction between „la violence" and „la force" shed new light on his theory of elites. Pareto's theory of elites may than be rid of naturalistic determinism, ahistorism and antidemocratism and may no longer be treated as the expression of the attitude of contempt towards the masses. It reveals its antielitist consequences and is in agreement with liberal values accepted by Pareto.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 52, 1990, z. 3-4, s. 197-213



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