Talent menedżerski w oświacie. Teoria i praktyka
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Managerial talent in education. Theory and practice
Wśród obszarów rozważań dotyczących funkcjonowania organizacji oraz zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, szczególne miejsce zajmuje problematyka zarządzania osobami wyjątkowo uzdolnionymi, czyli talentami. Według obowiązujących definicji są to jednostki wyróżniające się, wysoko wyspecjalizowane, otwarte na doświadczenie, silnie refleksyjne na temat własnego rozwoju. W świetle zróżnicowanych zmian i rosnących oczekiwań, które stawiane są wobec polskich szkół, interesująca wydaje się kwestia, czy podobna tendencja dotyczy również polskiego systemu szkolnictwa i dyrektora szkoły, który coraz powszechniej nazywany jest menedżerem oświaty. Współcześnie bowiem, wobec szkół stawiane są coraz większe oczekiwania oraz wymogi, nie tylko z perspektywy dydaktyczno-wychowawczej, lecz również w kontekście zarządzania. Skuteczny dyrektor powinien posiadać wszechstronną i interdyscyplinarną wiedzę. W świetle dynamiki zróżnicowanych zmian i oczekiwań wobec współczesnych placówek oświatowych, a także wysokich wymagań stawianych wobec dyrektorów, podjęto próbę identyfikacji kategorii określonej jako talent menedżerski w oświacie. Rozprawa doktorska składa się z pięciu rozdziałów. Trzy pierwsze zawierają analizy koncepcji związanych z zarządzaniem oświatą, natomiast dwa następne - prezentują założenia metodologiczne, wyniki własnych badań empirycznych oraz implikacje praktyczne związane ze stanowiskiem dyrektora szkoły.
Among modern discussion areas concerning the functioning, organization, and personal management, the issue of managing talented people has a special place. According to literature and practical definitions, a talented person is someone extraordinary, who stands out, is highly specialized, open to new experiences, and strongly reflexive upon his own progress. In the light of diversified changes and raising expectations, which are being set with Polish schools, a particular issue seems interesting: are school’s headmasters, who more and more frequently are called educational managers, also influenced by this tendency. A contemporary school headmaster should have a comprehensive and interdisciplinary knowledge concerning: didactic methodology, methods of upbringing, working with children and teenagers on psychological, educational, law, administrative as well as other spheres. Not only are schools facing expectations and requirements as far as education and upbringing is concerned, but also apply to the quality of managing standards. Nowadays, schools face higher expectations and requirements not only from didactic and educational perspective, but also in the context of management. An effective school principal should possess an extensive and interdisciplinary knowledge. In light of dynamics of diverse changes and expectations towards modern educational institutions, as well as high expectations towards its principals, an attempt to identify the category of managerial talent in education has been made. This doctoral dissertation consists of five chapters. The first three chapters include the analyses of concepts associated with managing education, whereas the subsequent two chapters present methodology and results of my own empirical studies as well as practical implications related to the position of a school headmaster.
Among modern discussion areas concerning the functioning, organization, and personal management, the issue of managing talented people has a special place. According to literature and practical definitions, a talented person is someone extraordinary, who stands out, is highly specialized, open to new experiences, and strongly reflexive upon his own progress. In the light of diversified changes and raising expectations, which are being set with Polish schools, a particular issue seems interesting: are school’s headmasters, who more and more frequently are called educational managers, also influenced by this tendency. A contemporary school headmaster should have a comprehensive and interdisciplinary knowledge concerning: didactic methodology, methods of upbringing, working with children and teenagers on psychological, educational, law, administrative as well as other spheres. Not only are schools facing expectations and requirements as far as education and upbringing is concerned, but also apply to the quality of managing standards. Nowadays, schools face higher expectations and requirements not only from didactic and educational perspective, but also in the context of management. An effective school principal should possess an extensive and interdisciplinary knowledge. In light of dynamics of diverse changes and expectations towards modern educational institutions, as well as high expectations towards its principals, an attempt to identify the category of managerial talent in education has been made. This doctoral dissertation consists of five chapters. The first three chapters include the analyses of concepts associated with managing education, whereas the subsequent two chapters present methodology and results of my own empirical studies as well as practical implications related to the position of a school headmaster.
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych
talent menedżerski, managerial talent, szkoła, headmaster, zarządzanie oświatą, school, przywództwo edukacyjne, management of education, educational leadership, dyrektor szkoły