Prawna regulacja czasu pracy artystów
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Legal Regulation of Artists Working Time
Problems of artists employment relations have not been as yet touched upon
in the Polish legal literature although that they can become a point of interest
for many reasons. Forms of administering artists' working time are original.
The said time is only the basis to assess the tasks in units called "arrangements".,
"shows" or "rehearsals" etc. For the reason of a group work character, especially of'
rehearsals and shows their timing over certain periods is decided by the superiors
like the artistic manager or the director of the artistic institution. The scope of
executed tasks is flexible in relation to seasonal filuctations of the work demand
in the artistic institution, In face of the lack of artists competence to influence that
timing one could speak here of a balanced size of tasks, analogically to a balanced
working time regulated in the code provisions. The artistic institution becomes
competent in thegulating the size of leisure time of its employees. The director's
competence to decrease norms of work for particular artists can can create
a problem of artist's right to work understood as a right to being faeticiously
employed. A variety of original forms is also encountered in the regulation of
extra work of artists. These are mostly the so called ad-hoe substitutions different
to common substitutions. The originality can be viewed in additional
paying for over average intensity of work what is unusual on the grounds of
our regulation. Particual attention can also be paid to regulating individual non
standarized work including artist's performances apart of his artistic institution
in the place and time selected by the artist himself. These forms of employment
require a further study. The flexible forms of managing artists working time can
provide many indications for the further shaping of the new process of making
the working time more flexible also in other spheres of employment in our
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 48, 1986, z. 4, s. 57-69