Browsing by Author "Jankowiak, Barbara"
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Item Adultyzm – uprzedzenia przeciwko młodym ludziom(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2017) Jankowiak, BarbaraThe article analyses adultism, or prejudice against children and young people as singled out of ageism, i.e. prejudice on grounds of age. Adultism involves a stereotypical perception of and approach to younger members of the society solely because they are young. Scientifictheories on young people and adolescence have transformed from those stressing the negative features of teenagers themselves and seeing adolescence as the “most difficult”development stage to those which highlight the potential of young people and the coming-of-age period as one of many equally important stages of life. Analysis of relevant literature and studies indicates that there is a need to fillthe gap both in the theoretical approach to adultism and in studies of prejudice against young people.Item Cechy wizerunku politycznego a emocje w głosowaniu na Bronisława Komorowskiego i Jarosława Kaczyńskiego w wyborach prezydenckich w 2010 roku. Raport z badań postaw politycznych studentów(Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2013) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Jankowiak, BarbaraIn the theory of political marketing the concept of the image appears crucial when explaining electoral preferences and behaviors. This paper presents a survey into the relations between image factors and liking for the main two candidates in the presidential elections in Poland in 2010. It is widely supposed that the assessment of a candidate’s image should translate into a definite (positive or negative) emotion towards him or her. An empirical analysis of the influence of political images on political attitudes, however, leads to a slightly more modest conclusion regarding the power of such influence. Surveys do not unconditionally confirm the assumption that voter’s emotions are unequivocally determined by a candidate’s image, especially as the decisive factors in stimulating support for a given politician (or party) may be provided by negative emotions evoked by his or her rival. The results of the survey do confirm an observation that has already been noted in the literature, that cognitive judgments of a candidate’s image have a considerably weaker influence on voter preferences than the emotions he evokes.Item Edukacja seksualna w socjoterapii(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Jankowiak, Barbara; Gulczyńska, AnnaAutorki analizują siedem głównych modeli (paradygmatów, wzorców) z refleksji dotyczących reformy szkolnictwa. Zgodnie z przyjętymi w literaturze założeniami, socjoterapia realizuje zarówno cele terapeutyczne, jak i rozwojowe oraz edukacyjne. Edukacyjny i rozwojowy charakter oddziaływań jest szczególnie istotny właśnie w tej formie pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej, ze względu na grupy, do których kierowane są owe oddziaływania pomocowe. Grupy docelowe zajęć socjoterapeutycznych stanowią dzieci i młodzież. Dlatego sensowne wydaje się podejmowanie kwestii związanych z funkcjonowaniem psychoseksualnym człowieka na różnych etapach jego rozwoju. Seksualność jest istotnym atrybutem każdego, mimo to mówienie, a tym bardziej edukowanie w tym obszarze wydaje się stanowić trudność dla wielu dorosłych – zarówno rodziców, jak i nauczycieli. W niniejszej pracy podjęto starania, aby wskazać znaczenie odpowiedniego podejmowania zagadnień z zakresu edukacji seksualnej podczas działań socjoterapeutycznych.Item Kompetencje socjoterapeuty – wybrane zagadnienia(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Jankowiak, BarbaraThe aim of this article is to analyze the competences of sociotherapists, which make it possible to help members of groups. Sociotherapy consists in psycho-pedagogic group help for children and adolescents from risk groups or for those who have problems functioning in society. Five important basic competence areas have been signaled and described: 1) psycho-pedagogic, 2) diagnostic, 3) group work, 4) self-development, 5) moral. Describing these competences enables one to analyze various aspects of a sociotherapist’s work.Item Konflikt między rodzicami jako czynnik ryzyka nieprzystosowania dzieci i młodzieży(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Jankowiak, BarbaraThe aim of the article is to analyze parental conflict as a risk factor of difficulties experienced by their children. Research studies have shown that parental conflict is connected with maladjustment, defined as internalizing and externalizing problems. The difficulties experienced by children contribute to a deepening of the conflict between partners, especially in the field of parenting. The research cited proves that children and adolescents in families with conflicts and arguments should be given psychological and pedagogical help since they are in a risk group with disorders and maladjustment.Item Kontrowersje wokół socjalizacji dziewcząt i kobiet(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Matysiak-Błaszczyk, Agata; Jankowiak, BarbaraW książce zamieszczono artykuły wpisujące się w interdyscyplinarny, społeczno-humanistyczny dyskurs dotyczący rozmaitych kontrowersji wokół socjalizacji dziewcząt i kobiet. Teksty zgrupowano w dwóch częściach: pierwsza z nich dotyczy kontekstów społeczno-kulturowych i pedagogicznych, druga – behawioralnych i emocjonalnych problemów dziewcząt i kobiet. Nadrzędnym celem pracy było uzyskanie lepszego zrozumienia niektórych kluczowych aspektów trudności kobiet i dziewcząt, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów socjalizacji; przedstawienie teorii i diagnoz empirycznych dotyczących współczesnych zagrożeń egzystencjalnych i socjalizacyjnych, próba zaprezentowania i zidentyfikowania wyżej wymienionej problematyki z prezentacją genezy, przejawów, skali, dynamiki, aktualnych praktyk profilaktycznych oraz organizacji szeroko rozumianego systemu działań pomocowych wobec dziewcząt i kobiet. Publikacja adresowana jest zarówno do studentów, jak i teoretyków oraz praktyków, którym nie jest obojętna tematyka socjalizacji, wychowania oraz pomocy psychopedagogicznej, a więc w szczególności do osób, których jednym z zadań społecznych jest poznanie i transmitowanie wzorów i wartości życia społecznego.Item Kształtowanie się tożsamości w okresie adolescencji a podejmowanie zachowań ryzykownych w obszarze używania alkoholu przez młodzież(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Jankowiak, Barbara; Wojtynkiewicz, EwaThe adolescence period is a time in which appear some significant adjustments concerning one’s identity. Adolescents, both males and females, have to undertake new forms of behaviour and experiment in order to determine their own place in the society and to find the answer to the question ‘who am I?’. Risk behaviours, including using alcohol by young people during adolescence, are supposed to meet the developmental challenges, bearing in mind personal resources and limitations occurring in the context of the development of an adolescent. The article presents a discussion concerning the meaning of a developing identity in using alcohol by adolescents as well as the proper understanding of teenagers’ identity dilemmas when relevant psychological and pedagogical interventions are chosen.Item Mentalne wzorce relacyjne jako predyktory statusu związku studiujących kobiet(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Soroko, Emilia; Adamczyk, Katarzyna; Klepka, Paweł; Jankowiak, BarbaraThe article analyses relationship patterns as predictors of relationship status (having vs not having a partner) among female university students. Inner relationship patterns were identified on the basis of written statements on significant relations. The statements were obtained through the Relationship Anecdotes Paradigm (RAP), which allows the acquisition of autobiographic records of narrative nature on personally significant interpersonal relations. The results of the analysis based on the concept of Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) helped predict whether a respondent has a partner thanks to only one category of relationship patterns – the desire of the self to feel well and comfortably, to have a sense of stability, to feel happy and self-satisfied, triggered in the context of referring to a significant interpersonal relation in the narratives. The other aspects of the patterns – responses of the other to the self’s desire and the response of the self to the reactions of the other – do not markedly affect the prediction of the relationship status.Item Modele wychowania seksualnego w rodzinach pochodzenia współczesnych kobiet na tle przemian obyczajowych w sferze seksualności(Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2011) Churska-Nowak, Karolina; Gulczyńska, Anna; Jankowiak, BarbaraThe paper attempts to present the transformations in sexual morality and their significance for the sexual upbringing of men and women. The results of the research presented herein allow us to analyze the models of sexual upbringing implemented in the families of origin of modern young women. It also verifies whether there are differences between men and women in the realm of sexual upbringing in their families of origin and if there are differences in their sexual functioning within a partnership depending on the model of sexual upbringing in the family of origin.Item Nieformalne związki jedno i dwupłciowe jako alternatywne formy życia małżeńsko-rodzinnego. Analiza jakości i stabilności relacji(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Jankowiak, BarbaraThis thesis presents the characteristics of alternative forms of marriage and family life with special consideration of cohabitation and homosexual relations. These untraditional kinds of partnership relations are more and more common and become new socialization patterns. An analysis was carried out of the satisfaction and stability of informal same- and different sex relations and a comparison of these relations was made to the intimate relations of marriages in order to establish whether functioning in relations of this kind is as valuable as being married. Polish and foreign studies so far prove that many relation characteristics such as love, happiness, stability, quality, or communication are not very different for various sexual orientation relations. Simultaneously, a greater stability of formal relationships as compared to common law ones was indicated.Item Problematyka wsparcia w socjoterapii – wybrane zagadnienia(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jankowiak, Barbara; Soroko, EmiliaSocio-therapy is a form of psycho-pedagogical help directed at children and adolescents from the risk group or/and presenting the signs of disorders in psycho-social functioning. In the presented work it is assumed that a socio-therapeutic group is a social support context of delivering social support network, where helping factors are activated by the possibility of bonding, tightening social contacts and the sense of belonging to the group. There are many help-oriented social interactions in the socio-therapeutic group (functional social support). The following paper deals with selected aspects of social support in socio-therapy: 1) support as a response to developmental and other crises, 2) support in psychological problems, 3) support aimed at group dynamics and stages of group development, 4) support in self-help during group work and after the end of work, 5) support by creating conditions in offering help. The role of socio-therapists (and institutions where sociotherapy takes place) in the social support processes and areas were also analyzed.Item Rodzinne i partnerskie uwarunkowania dobrostanu studentów(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Jankowiak, BarbaraSubjective well-being constitutes and important area for positive psychology research. Building own feeling of happiness and satisfaction strongly depends on relations with other people. The aim of this thesis in the analysis of the relations between well-being and family relations or partnership relations of students. The results obtained showed that the retrospective positive evaluation of a relation between parents in the childhood period and own relations with the father were connected to the higher indicators of personal well-being. What has been obtained is also statistically important relation between secure attachment style and higher personal well-being as well as between the styles: evasion and anxiety-ambivalent and lower personal well-being. The prediction analysis proved that both non-secure styles decrease the well-being indicators, however, it did not prove that the secure style is the condition of well-being. With regards to intimate relations, the obtained results point that the form itself of the relations which is formed does not relate to the feeling of happiness but its quality definitely does. The obtained data also show that the people being in the relationships are more satisfied with life that singles.Item Socjoterapia jako forma pomocy psychologiczno‐pedagogicznej. Teoria i praktyka(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Jankowiak, BarbaraThe papers in this book are part of a multidisciplinary discourse on the contemporary psycho-logical and pedagogical assistance. They include both purely theoretical analyses and empiri-cal considerations related to the practice of assistance work. The volume is centred around the phenomenon of sociotherapy: definitions of the concept, its functions, importance, methods and techniques. The book is divided into a theoretical and a practical part.Item Status związku (w związku intymnym vs singiel), konstrukt Ja i zdrowie psychiczne młodzieży akademickiej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2017) Adamczyk, Katarzyna; Jankowiak, Barbara; Soroko, EmiliaThe aim of this online survey was to test the hypothesis that self-construals (Independent self-construal and Interdependent self-construal) mediate the association between relationship status (single vs. partnered) and mental health. Four hundred and twenty-nine university students (327 females and 102 males) 19-25 (M = 21.79, SD = 1.72) completed the Polish versions of the General Health Questionnaire-28 and Self-Construal Scale. The results indicated that although different configurtions of self-construals are related to the level of experienced anxiety, the aspects of mental health analyzed are not related to the interaction between relationship status (partnered vs single) and 4 configurationsof self-construals. At the same time, the revealed lack of correlation between relationship status and mental health is contradictory to expectations and hypotheses. The results suggest that university students are perhaps in the middle of a prolonged moratorium, and in consequence, not making an attempt to fulfilldevelopmental tasks characteristic for (young) adults cannot be seen as an indicator of any aspect of psychological health.Item Struktura i uwarunkowania afektywnego komponentu postaw politycznych studentów(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Churska-Nowak, Karolina; Jankowiak, BarbaraIt is indisputable that emotions predominate in shaping political attitudes. This is corrobo- rated by the development of political marketing, whose techniques and means are mainly di- rected at voters’ emotions. The paper presents the results of research into the affective component in the political attitudes of university students. To a large extent the analysis con- firms the hypothesis that religious organizations have a significant impact on developing a positive emotional attitude towards right-wing politicians and parties, whereas the media strongly influence the emergence of similar attitudes towards liberal political entities. Advo- cates of the right wing declare their commitment to national values and patriotism, while dem- onstrating a relatively passive attitude to politics. The respondents whose opinions indicate liberal sympathies emphasize their satisfaction with life and intention to be active in the field of politics. The important conclusion to be drawn from this research is that the family contin- ues to have a significant impact on the emotional political attachments of the young, whereas the influence of school in this regard is definitely limited.Item Studenci a polityka. Badanie komponentu emocjonalnego postaw(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Jankowiak, BarbaraThe liberal democracy assumes that the most crucial factor of system legitimization, the issue of common political participation, especially electoral activity. Realizing this goal is possible through creating the attitudes of participation, mostly among the generation starting the adult life. One of the goals realized on various stages of educational teaching programs is increasing social and political engagement of teenagers, creating citizenship attitude and as a result increasing active participation of the youth in politics. Creating emotional side of the attitude- not only in relations to the politics- is far easier than cognitive or behavioral component. In the subject literature the impact of emotions on creating the attitudes is widely described. In the object literature the role of emotions in creating the attitudes (also political ones) is widely described. Positive emotions in many cases are the conditions for certain behaviours towards attitude objects. It might be assumed that positive feeling about politics and political institutions will result in greater effectiveness in the sphere of political society. This thesis analyses the conditions of students attitudes towards politics and dependencies between experienced emotions and the issues including political engagement, citizenship attitude, nationalistic attitude. The thesis shows mutual changes between them. The question which has been also analyzed is the issue of political socialization subjects in creating positive feelings about politics. The results of the analyses performed showed dominating role of media in creating emotional attitudes towards politics as not traditional socialization agendas such as family, school or church. The results obtained present also what personal and sociodemographic features of the questioned are linked to their positive emotions in the researched area. The most crucial personal property appeared to be optimism, while sociodemographic variable is parents educationItem Style socjoterapeutycznej pracy grupowej z dziećmi i młodzieżą z perspektywy czynników pomocowych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jankowiak, Barbara; Soroko, EmiliaSocial therapy is a group form of psycho-pedagogical help directed at children and adolescents from risk groups or/and presenting the signs of disorders in psycho-social functioning. The help includes intentional activating helping factors applying group processes. The study includes: an empirical investigation of helping factors, distinguishing the styles of socio-therapeutic group-work, the comparison of the styles with emotional and cognitive functioning of social therapists’ and their professional background. Three socio-therapeutic styles were distinguished: 1) ‘social therapist-focused style’ (N = 22), 2) ‘active group-focused style’ (N = 21); 3) low activation of all groups of factors with a slight stress on C – ‘passive group-focused style’ (N = 32). Interestingly, those groups differed significantly in terms of some aspects of professional experience of the social therapists as well as their hopeful thinking, pathway thoughts and agency but did not differ in terms of emotions that accompanied their work.Item Uwarunkowania sympatii wobec PJN i RP w badaniach postaw politycznych studentów(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im.Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2013) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Jankowiak, Barbara; Gulczyńska, AnnaThe aim of the following work is to analysis the results of survey concerning the structures and conditioning of students’ political attitudes. The factors which create appreciation to two political parties, Palikot’s Movement (presently Your Movement) and Poland Comes First and their leaders, were shown. The assessment of sympathy towards the parties was made in order to nd out if it is not related with the political organizations from which the leaders come (Civic Platform and Law and Justice). The issue of emotions was also analysed since they are important elements of the attitudes, as well as they form them. The studies associated with the political attitudes improve that emotions towards the candidates have an impact on the voting process. Electors often have preconception feelings towards the candidates when they don’t know anything about their platforms. The survey shows, that Janusz Palikot is much more recognizable as the politician than Paweł Kowal. The attitudes towards his party are very emphatic and they are related with the antipathy to Law and Justice and Jarosław Kaczynski and with the sympathy to Donald Tusk, the prime minister. The analysis also suggest that the supporters of Poland Comes First create their views through the traditional socializing agendas like the social background, whereas the supporters of Janusz Palikot’s party form their views on the basis of contact with their partners, at the same time rejecting the traditional socializing institution as the church.Item Wczesna inicjacja seksualna młodzieży – przyczyny i konsekwencje(Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2014) Jankowiak, Barbara; Gulczyńska, AnnaJuvenescence constitutes period between infantile sexuality and sexuality of young man. Adolescence is time of discovering sexual identity, initiating new sexual behaviors and involving into intimate relationships. During this period, the forms of sexual activity are developing from less to more and more mature – from masturbation, through petting to sexual initiation. Decision of a first sexual intercourse is an important act for every person. Nevertheless, sexual initiation which is precocious, in a stage of unformed identity, can disturb psychosexual functioning of an individual causing unplanned pregnancies, leading to sexually transmissible diseases and initiating risky sexual behaviors. The causes of starting precocious sexual activity are associated with improper models of upbringing (strictness or lack of interference) as well as with distancing of youth from pedagogical or educational influences of school or church. These traditional socializing agendas are replaced with media influences and behavior patterns providing by peers. It seems that only complex acts from pedagogical and socializing backgrounds can contribute starting responsible behaviors of youth in sexual field.Item Wpływ środków masowego przekazu na sympatie polityczne studentów – analiza wyników badań własnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Jankowiak, BarbaraThe article contains an evaluation of results of a survey carried out among Poznań university students. Its purpose was to investigate which media are used by students in order to obtain socio-political information and what kind of attitudes towards political parties and politicians are connected to the use of certain mass media. In today’s democracy media play the role which is hard to overestimate but crucial changes occur as to their potential impact on the individuals’ attitudes. The young generation of the electorate entering adult life read fewer and fewer newspapers and magazines, choosing instead the Internet rather than television. The assumption about the subjectivism of mass media content infl uencing the various emotions of audiences was almost completely confi rmed. The survey results show that the press and TV news programs are far advanced in the process of an intentional creation of images of reality. However, the increasing role of Internet portals introduces new features to public discourse, resulting in a greater balance of political attitudes