Browsing by Author "Werner, Wiktor"
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Item Antropologia wiedzy; dylemat historyczności(Warszawa, 2006) Werner, WiktorItem Attitude Towards Polish People’s Republic in Poland and Nostalgia For the Soviet Union in Russia in the Context of Reflections on Historical Consciousness(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań); Instytut Historii, 2018) Werner, Wiktor; Topolska, AnnaItem Central figures and events of Ukrainian history in the light of content analysis of the Ukrainian historical YouTube channels from 2014 to 2022(2023) Werner, Wiktor; Vovchuk, LiudmylaThe purpose of the research is to identify historical heroes and events that are top among the Ukrainians from 2014 to 2022, based on the processing of historical videos posted on the leading Ukrainian historical YouTube channels. The methodology of the research is based on a complexapproach, which implies the use of special computer methods that have not been used in this way before. The methods related to complex network analysis (CNA) have been used, with the help of which a relational database containing information about the most popular characters, events and topics in the Ukrainian historical YouTube videos was depicted in the form of a graph, and the most significant characters and motifs were found out by measuring centrality (as graph vertices). The Louvain Community Detection and Clauset_Newman_Moore algorithms have been used to extract links between topics and the context of their creation (date). The scientific novelty consists in the fact of finding out the renowned historical heroes among the users of Ukrainian historical YouTube channels owing to the use of innovative computer methods. The Conclusion. Nowadays, YouTube, it is not just a platform for posting relevant video content. It is a social network that serves as a platform for learning, communication, exchange of ideas, and distribution of important information. Diverse interesting and important films and videos appeared on the Ukrainian YouTube channels with historical themes in 2014 – 2022, regarding the coverage of the Ukrainian view of its own history, which was carefully hidden or rewritten by colonial regimes for decades. As a result of the research, owing to the cutting-edge computer methods application, the authors found out that the top period of Ukrainian history for domestic producers of video products posted on the Ukrainian segment of YouTube is the period of the 17th century. Accordingly, the top historical hero is Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. However, for the Ukrainian users of these YouTube channels, the top historical hero is Ivan Mazepa, a symbol of the struggle for the Ukrainian and European statehood. The conducted research showed that the interest of the Ukrainians in the history of their own country has increased recently. This tendency is could be observed with the outbreak of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian War, which affected people’s reception of their own past significantly. And this is, in fact, the beginning of the conscious nation formation, who seeks to get rid of its “backwardness” and the imperial past, and aims at gaining self-respect and respect of the European community of peoples. It is the foundation for getting rid of the Ukrainians’ reception of themselves as the inferior. It is one of the important steps towards building a truly independent state, an equal partner in the international arena.Item Czy historia ma przyszłość? Problemowy zarys odpowiedzi(2008) Werner, WiktorItem Człowiek, świadomość, społeczeństwo. Splątane korzenie współczesnej psychologii.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu im. Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2007) Werner, WiktorItem From Andrzej Kmicic to Witcher. Alternative History and Historical Fantasy in Poland at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań); Instytut Historii, 2018) Werner, Wiktor; Topolska, AnnaItem Gwiezdne Wojny – fenomen czy przypadek. Salis rok III Nr 1-2 (5-6) 2000, s. 26-28(2000-01) Werner, WiktorItem Historyczność i środki jej wyrazu. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i perspektywy przyszłości.(Oficyna Wydawnicza Arboretum, 2008) Werner, WiktorItem Historyczność kultury. W poszukiwaniu myślowego fundamentu współczesnej historiografii.(Wydawnictwo naukowe UAM, 2009) Werner, WiktorPracę tę ma można uznać za studium z obszaru intelektualnej historii kultury europejskiej. W tym ujęciu dotyczy ona powstawania, w okresie od początku XVIII wieku do początku XX wieku, ważnych dyskursów opisujących i wyjaśniających świat: filozoficznego empiryzmu, ekonomii politycznej, społecznego darwinizmu i teologii naturalnej. Praca ta także ma charakter studium z historii idei, gdzie badanym zagadnieniem jest historyczność kultury czyli zbiór myślowych kategorii, których obecność w różnych dyskursach (niekoniecznie historiografii) nadaje im historyczny charakter. Jest to również praca z teorii historii, której zadaniem jest poszukiwanie podstaw historycznego myślenia obecnego w różnych sposobach opisywania świata. Nie jest to natomiast praca z historii historiografii, gdyż historiografia nie jest tu przedmiotem bezpośredniego namysłu. Współczesna historiografia jest w tej pracy punktem odniesienia refleksji poświęconej historycznym kategoriom myślowym stanowiącym konceptualny fundament tak historiografii jak i innych historycznych opisów świata. Praca ta jest podzielona na dwie części: część teoretyczną i empiryczną. W części pierwszej nakreślona jest wstępna koncepcja historyczności wraz z ugruntowaniem jej na fundamencie takiej teorii ludzkiej świadomości, która jest w stanie odpowiedzieć na pytanie: Dlaczego człowiek potrzebuje historycznego sposobu myślenia i historycznego obrazu świata? W części empirycznej odnosimy wypracowaną i uzasadnioną w części teoretycznej koncepcję historyczności do interpretacji ważnych dla kultury europejskiej dyskursów: empirycznej filozofii Hume’a, klasycznej ekonomii politycznej, społecznego darwinizmu i teologii naturalnej. Naszym celem jest ukazanie w obrazach świata powstających w tych dyskursach cech historycznych i ahistorycznych oraz wyodrębnienie kategorii myślowych, które czynią dany opis świata historycznym lub ahistorycznym.Item Historyk w powodzi danych. O chaotyczności współczesnej historiografii(Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, 2013) Werner, WiktorItem Inspiracje w badaniach regionalnych. Perspektywy i możliwości.(2000) Werner, WiktorItem Interest in Historical Figures on the World Wide Web as a Marker of Historical Consciousness in Contemporary Ukraine(2023) Telvak, Vitalij; Werner, WiktorThe purpose of the article – to determine the specifics and intensity of interest in M. Hrushevskyi from 2004 to 2022 based on statistical data from the Google search engine. The research methodology. Analysis using computer-assisted methods was performed on two types of data: time series (quantitative data) and sets of keywords (qualitative-textual data). The methods used to examine the time series were: analysis of the central tendency in the whole set and in the set divided into individual periods; extraction of the main trend from the time series by sifting out seasonal and random components using the Hodrick Prescott filter. Computational linguistics methods were used to analyse sets of keywords (text data): a linguistic corpus was created based on the set of keywords, from which words with only grammatical meaning were removed. A table of the frequency of occurrence of specific words individually as well as the frequency of associations between words was then drawn up. The scientific novelty of the study consists in clarifying the peculiarities of M. Hrushevskyi’s reception in cyberspace, manifested in the frequency of searching for information about him using the popular Google search engine, as well as Wikipedia, the largest online encyclopedia. Conclusions. At the end of our research, we conclude that M. Hrushevskyi appears to be a well-known and important figure to Ukrainian users, but on the contrary, does not generate much interest amongst Internet users from other countries. As we can see from the acquired results, search queries concerning M. Hrushevskyi are mainly dominated by scientific and didactic topics. Therefore, a certain working hypothesis can be derived in that the discourse dealing with M. Hrushevskyi is not noticeably politicized, as might be expected given his dizzying career during the revolutionary years. Instead, the discourse relates more to education, cultural heritage research, memory and history. The obtained data will be useful primarily to sociologists working on establishing the attitude change dynamics of Ukrainians towards our most famous historical figures.Item Kobiety w cyfrowych strumieniach dziejów. Tematyka kobieca na polskich kanałach historycznych portalu YouTube(2023) Werner, Wiktor; Sypniewska, Nell; Szymczak, Zuzanna; Stachura, Maciej; Trzoss, Adrian; Stryjakowski, Adam; Staszak, Borys; Kleist, CyprianIn this article, the authors confront the thesis found in historical discourse about the dominance of male figures in historical narratives present in the public sphere. In order to do so, they analyse the new research field that is the social networking site YouTube and the most popular channels on historical topics contained therein. The main research question is whether women are marginalised in the narratives contained in the sources discussed, in which contexts they appear and what is the reception of the films in which they appear. In addition, the authors look at the question of the form of historical narratives. The study combines quantitative methods (descriptive statistics, correspondence analysis) as well as qualitative methods (Northrop Frye’s typology of story motifs. For this purpose, 551 films were analysed, which were then annotated using seven groups of tags corresponding to the content of the sources ‑ concerning the functioning of female characters and the subject matter of the films. As a result of the analyses carried out, it was observed that the thesis of the absolute dominance of male characters in historical narratives does not fully hold true under the conditions of Web 2.0 sources in terms of quantity, while in terms of content it cannot be accepted unreservedly in the context of the very diverse use of female themes in social media resources.Item Krytyka i nawiązanie. Sienkiewicz i współczesna polska literatura fantastyczna z perspektywy internetowych mediów społecznościowych.(Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Zeszyty Historyczne, 2017) Werner, Wiktor; Trzoss, AdrianCriticism and reference. Sienkiewicz and contemporary Polish fantasy literature from the perspective of web social media Summary The following paper presents the results of the analysis of the reception of Henryk Sienkiewicz works and authors of Polish contemporary fantasy from the perspective of social media. The authors of this article develop three hypothesis which are the results of their personal impressions regarding the reception of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s works. In the first hypothesis the authors assume that the writer functions in Polish culture as a sort of a classic figure and his popularity is connected with school reading list and official commemoration events. The next aspect of this paper is a consideration about knowing Sienkiewicz in indirect manner, such as from movies or video games. At last the authors bring up the issue how Henryk Sienkiewicz inspired modern authors of Polish fantasy literature, with Andrzej Sapkowski amongst them as the most popular writer. Wiktor Werner and Adrian Trzoss use statistical data from Google search engine as well as its Google trends mechanism, which shows relative interest in certain subjects in time. During their research, the authors use a dedicated computer program to scrape data from social media, such as Facebook and Youtube, and to analyse their results (correlation, trends).Item Między krytyką a fetyszyzacją. Różne reakcje na pojawienie się ewolucjonistycznej koncepcji natury.(„Roczniki Antropologii Wiedzy”, Rocznik I 2004, 2004) Werner, WiktorItem O (nie)rzeczywistości propagandy. Cechy charakterystyczne propagandowych obrazów świata.(Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, 2011) Werner, WiktorThe article is devoted to the problem of the propaganda. The propaganda here is defined as the tool of the authority consisting in creating such an image of world which is realizing aims of authority by provoking emotion at its recipients. Aims realized by the propaganda can have pragmatic, short-range character when they are encouraging recipients for concrete action for the author/beneficiary. Aims of the propaganda can be also long-range when they concern discouraging the individual from the independent thinking and integrate them closely with the society. Basing on character it's aims we can classify propaganda as weak, distinctive of democracies and present there occasionally in situations of the war or different risks and as the element of the advertisement as well as the strong propaganda present permanently in, authoritarian and totalitarian states. The image of world characteristic of the propaganda is characterized by an emotionalism, duality (reduced to the good and evil), with dogmatism (propaganda "strong" is aspiring to the monopoly on informing the society), is also non-cohesive and incomplete. Coaxing power of the propaganda is stuItem Od „małpiego procesu” do mechanizmów władzy. Metafora „mniejszości” jako narzędzie ideologizacji świata(Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2004) Werner, WiktorItem Poznawcza rola metafory w polskim dyskursie historyczno politycznym po 1989 roku(2008) Werner, Wiktor; Pomorski, Jan; Stobiecki, Krzysztof; Nowinowski, S. M.Poniższy artykuł poświęcony będzie metaforze jako kategorii opisującej, wyjaśniającej i wartościującej zjawiska historyczne a także obecności metafor w opisach współczesnej historii Polski. W artykule omówiona jest możliwość wykorzystania teorii dyskursu historycznego Haydena White'a dla opisania zabiegów narracyjnych obecnych w polskiej historiografii.Item Problem pamięci w anglosaskiej refleksji nad jaźnią społeczną(2007) Werner, WiktorItem Realpolitik w historii nauki. Perspektywa badawcza Roberta Maxwella Younga- próba krytyki.(Epigram, 2005) Werner, Wiktor