Przegląd Politologiczny, 2012, nr 4

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    Proces prywatyzacji Stoczni Szczecińskiej Nowa Sp. z o.o. w latach 2004–2009
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Kamola-Cieślik, Małgorzata
    Between 2004 and 2009, Stocznia Szczeciñska Nowa Sp. z o.o. (SSN) was one of the largest state-owned Polish companies in the shipyard sector. The privatization of the shipyard was a pivotal element of the economic plans put forward by the Governments of Marek Belka, Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, Jaros³aw Kaczyñski and Donald Tusk. However, this postulate was not implemented by their respective Cabinets. The difficulties in privatizing the shipyard were due to a change in the policy towards the shipbuilding industry, delays in preparing economic plans which followed from the fact that the European Commission (EC) did not accept the restructuring plans made by the companies interested in taking over the property and the assets of the shipyard, and also because the authorities responsible for finding investors were incompetent in doing so. Marek Belka’s government plan to consolidate the shipbuilding industry, aimed at selling all the property and assets of SSN within the framework of the Corporation of Polish Shipyards, was rejected by the government of Marcinkiewicz. The guidelines for privatizing the shipbuilding industry promised by the Marcinkiewicz government were never formulated or defined for the sector. The program was later accepted by the Kaczyñski Government, which despite earlier promises failed to privatize the shipyard. Donald Tusk’s Cabinet was not able to live up to the challenges connected with the shipyard industry crisis. Negotiations between the Polish Government and Amber Sp. z o.o. over the privatization plan for the shipyard failed. The shipyard’s restructuring plan produced by Mostostal Chojnice SA was not accepted by the EC. The Tusk government failed to find an investor in the public tenders announced for the property and assets of the shipyard – a Qatar company withdrew its initial proposal to buy the shipyard and there were no other investors willing to take it over. This was the main reason for the ensuing bankruptcy of the Szczecin shipyard.
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    Cenzura względem „Polski Ludowej” – wielkopolskiego pisma Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego (1945–1947)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Swacha, Piotr
    Polska Ludowa, published since April 1, 1945 in Poznañ, was among the most important periodicals of the Polish People’s Party (PSL), presided over by Stanis³aw Miko³ajczyk. The periodical consistently tried to present an image of reality that diverged from the model followed by the press coverage of other political parties, therefore it suffered from large scale censorship. The Regional Authority for the Control of Press, Publications and Performances did not permit the publication of news that could disturb the image of political life created by government propaganda. Therefore, articles prepared in the periodical from Wielkopolska were systematically purged of any references to the high social support enjoyed by the PSL or the party being discriminated against by state institutions. All releases describing cases of political terrorism were also blocked. All mentions of the Polish Workers’ Party (PPR) and its representatives in state authorities were particularly investigated. Censors would delete expressions that evidenced the privileged status of this party or its methods of political competition that defied the principles of democracy. This is indicated by the numerous steps censors took in the periods running up to parliamentary elections. Censors made frequent interventions in articles on social and economic topics as well. Significant restrictions also concerned articles discussing living conditions, security and economic crimes and abuses. The issues of international relations were touched on by Polska Ludowa to a smaller extent, which made censors pay particular attention to articles concerning the Soviet Union.
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    Społeczny wymiar skutków prawnych zasiedzenia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Szuber-Bednarz, Ewa Tamara
    Acquisitive prescription is one of those constructions of civil law that are supposed to stabilize socio-economic turnover as well as govern legal transactions. To comprehensively define the issue of the consequences of acquisitive prescription it is necessary to refer to the institution of praescriptio, a legal construction characteristic of classic Roman law which is increasingly more often found in national laws. Legal constructions that are of significant importance for the members of state communities are characterized by their universality. Universality is about specific features that can be found in classical Roman law, civil law and, frequently surprisingly, in international law.
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    Analiza i ocena pakietu legislacyjnego Komisji Europejskiej oraz stanowiska polskiego Ministerstwa Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi dotyczących kształtu Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej Unii Europejskiej po 2013 roku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Walkowski, Maciej
    The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union plays a particular role in the process of European integration and the implementation of numerous community goals that go beyond the traditional functions of agriculture, associated with the production of food, and concern the multifunctional development of rural territories. The CAP played the main role in enlarging the EU, by incorporating the twelve new states from Central and Eastern Europe by means of ensuring their smooth integration into the common market and facilitating the accelerated adaptation, modernization and restructurization of the agricultural and food sectors, as well as the non-agricultural fields of the socio-economic and cultural activation of rural populations. The EU’s agricultural and rural policy continues to undergo evolutionary transformation, and its shape in the new 2014–202 financial perspective is of vital and justified interest for Poland. The paper presents the latest proposals of the European Commission in this respect, presented on October 12, 2011, the Polish official negotiating position and the author’s assessments, opinions and predictions.
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    Głosy nieważne w elekcjach samorządowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Ptak, Arkadiusz
    Invalid votes in local government elections in Poland, in particular at the regional level, are among the most pressing problems of the electoral process. The number of invalid votes is so large that it serves political conflict in which accusations of election fraud are formulated. These are scarcely justified, though, since over 70% of invalid votes in local parliament elections lack an “x” next to the name of any candidate (rather than the addition of another “x” on the ballot). The analysis of this issue indicates that the reason for such a high percentage of invalid votes can be found in some elements of the electoral system. Large constituencies, sometimes of up to a dozen districts, mean political parties marginalize the smallest units (i.e. rural and urban-rural communities) when drawing up electoral lists and running election campaigns. The candidates on electoral lists for local parliaments very rarely come from rural regions, which does not stimulate the interest of their citizens in elections at this level. Consequently, it is the rural and urban-rural communities that have the largest proportion of invalid votes, accounting for 17.13% and 14.50% respectively. The number of invalid votes in the units which submit the largest number of candidates, that is in urban communities, amounts to 7.19% (such a low percentage results from the fact that no elections are run for county councils in towns with county status as city councils operate at this level of authority). These elements of the electoral system are not the only reasons for the phenomenon of invalid votes. It is also encouraged by Poles’ low civic consciousness and their ignorance of fundamental democratic mechanisms, including the principles of electoral law.
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    Przyczynek do dyskusji nad pojęciem systemu rządów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Michalczuk-Wlizło, Marta; Żmigrodzki, Radosław
    The considerations presented in this paper are focused on the issue of governmental systems. The authors try to outline the main problems and dilemmas as concerns its definitions. They point to the normative elements of governmental systems and discuss the issue of efficiency, because every governmental system is defined by formal (established in legal regulations) as well as the actual, or real, relationship between the legislative and executive power. While the interdependence of legislative and executive power is the main focus here, judicial power is also referred to. In order to comprehensively present and characterize a given governmental system it is advisable to account for the legal and constitutional aspects, as well as practical ones. The concept of a political regime or a political system in relation to governmental systems is also discussed, and criteria for the analysis of the interdependence of individual powers in the state are indicated.
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    System Zarządzania Wiedzą dla Zarządzania Kryzysowego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Zięba, Aleksandra; Wróblewska, Anna
    The paper describes the application of semantic technologies and knowledge management systems in the area of crisis management by the Polish public administration. A brief analysis of crisis management is presented. An architecture for a knowledge management system with interfaces that use a controlled natural language is proposed. The paper demonstrates the usefulness of semantic knowledge management and automated reasoning in the field of public administration.
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    Autoryzacja w praktyce nowych mediów w dobie kryzysu systemu prawa prasowego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Skrzypczak, Jędrzej
    Assuming that a crisis infers the collapse of old values while the new ones to replace them have not developed yet, one can ponder whether we are witnessing a crisis of press law in Po- land or not. Taking into consideration the gravity and scope of criticism of the current press law act and the repeated attempts to alter the existing legal status quo, it could be said that we are facing a permanent crisis in the press law system in Poland, and, consequently, of the whole media policy. The paper tries to verify this hypothesis on the example of one of the ele- ments of the press law, namely that of authorization.
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    Lobbing jako instrument partycypacji społeczeństwa w realizacji zasad państwa demokratycznego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Barańska, Marzena
    The purpose of this paper is to indicate the role and importance of lobbying as a form of ac- tive participation in the decision-making process of entities interested in a given outcome of this process. Lobbying involves business circles, political deputies and potential addressees of the solutions to be enacted, therefore this form of civic activity has attracted increasing inter- est. Parties involved frequently establish certain organizational structures in order to initiate the activity of authorized entities and involve them in the decision-making process by ex- pressing their approval or disapproval for legislative initiatives. The methods and instruments applied to exert influence are supposed to persuade the decision makers of the necessity to maintain the current solutions, or to inspire changes, but they primarily increase civic con- sciousness as regards the opportunity for active protection of one’s particular interests.
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    Uwarunkowania epistemologiczne obrazowania rzeczywistości politycznej w mediach
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Kowalczyk, Ryszard
    The author reflects on the issue of epistemological limitations in the process of media imaginings of political reality. Using reference theory and description theory the author tries to answer the question of what makes up the image of political reality as verbalized in media coverage. His conclusion is that attempts to reflect the factual image in the media presentation of politics produce a specific politico-journalistic construction of this reality, the apparent re- ality. Therefore, the category of truth in media communications concerning the field of poli- tics usually fails. One should thus expect that this traditional realism, which is expressed on the one hand by the factual nature of the media, and on the other by the morality of the media, will constitute a pillar that supports the image of political reality that is presented, interpreted and commented on in the media. In principle, this should not be a naïve realism, giving prior- ity to individual cognitive spontaneity rather than to reflection, analysis and experience, or a spiritual realism seeking the truth about reality through human spirituality.
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    Polityka informacyjna i dostęp do dokumentów w instytucjach Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Jurga-Wosik, Ewa
    The issue of access to information and documents concerning the functioning of European Union institutions is extensive and complex. It encompasses all activities to promote or pro- vide citizens with information on the operation of European Union institutions, and in particu- lar the access to European Union materials, which is regulated by numerous separate provisions. The most important ones involve the principles behind the publishing of EU mate- rials and legal regulations on access to documents that have not been published and those sent to the archives. Consequently, there are separate regulations on information policy and the right to access documents. The author counterpoints the legal foundations for access to EU documents with the practical execution of this right and fulfillment of the provisions of EU in- formation policy.
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    Problem ubóstwa w Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Babiak, Jerzy
    The issues of poverty, famine and malnutrition mainly concern underdeveloped regions. Yet in recent years the proportion of the population threatened with poverty and social exclu- sion has been growing not only in these regions but also in developed areas, including the EU. The issue of poverty is additionally related to demography. In this context, the aging popula- tion of West European countries is worrisome, as the elderly are one of the groups particularly threatened by poverty, and their number continues to grow. Appreciating the gravity of this is- sue, the European Commission considers the fight against poverty to be one of the basic five directions established in the Europe 2020 strategic document.
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    Ewolucja amerykańskiego modelu rynku pracy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Hajder, Krzysztof
    The model of labor market policy is closely related to the form and structure of the socio-economic model operating in a given country at a given time. It has undergone numer- ous transformations in the course of the development of capitalism. Its doctrine mainly origi- nated from the trends of classical, and then neo-classical economics. In the 20th century, the US market economy was frequently influenced by interventionist concepts, though. Owing to the New Deal and Keynesian policy, the US model of a labor mar- ket has become more redistributive, less flexible and subject to various forms of state influ- ence. Interventionist policies implemented during World War II and over the following twenty years led to ‘full employment’ accompanied by the curbing of income disparities in so- ciety. The worsened situation of the labor market during the period of stagflation of the 1970s re- sulted in the victory of a fiscal neo-conservatist concept, represented by the Republicans with Ronald Reagan. The years of the Reagan administration marked the restoration of liberal solutions in labor market policy. Reaganomics limited workers’ rights, improving the situation of employers and significantly reducing labor costs. These changes stabilized the situation in terms of the balance between the supply and demand for labor, simultaneously strongly increasing the in- come polarization of US society and negatively affecting employment standards.
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    Globalne uwarunkowania wzrostu konkurencyjności Unii Europejskiej w XXI wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Puślecki, Zdzisław W.
    The paper aims to present the global determinants of the increased competitiveness of the European Union in the 21st century. Its detailed purpose was to determine the position of the European Union vis-à-vis the USA and Japan, to indicate the role of innovation and employ- ment in the increased competitiveness of the EU, the position of the Common Agricultural Policy under the circumstances of increased competition, the increased importance of ser- vices, the position of the European Union as compared to the competitiveness of BRIC, and how the EU functions within WTO principles. The analysis of these research issues indicates that the European Union is facing a number of significant challenges in the early 21st century. Those related to the prices of goods and resources are particularly worth pointing out. They are closely, mutually related and concern political issues in the field of financial markets, de- velopment, trade, industry and external relations.
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    Geopolityczny status Królestwa Danii – mit państwa unitarnego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Brańka, Tomasz
    Pursuant to the Constitution of 1953, the Kingdom of Denmark is a unitary state. How- ever, the status of the Faroe Islands and Greenland actually defies the uniform character of this state. In its broader aspect, this situation undermines the widespread myth of Nordic unity. The official standpoint, explaining the Danish policy of aiding the Faroe Islands and Green- land, points to the long-standing tradition that links Denmark with her overseas territories and the common values that bind them. The Danish responsibility for the development of these territories is also emphasized and financial aid is treated as an expression of the solidarity pol- icy. The paper analyzes the benefits and costs related to maintaining the insular possessions of Denmark.
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    Struktura i uwarunkowania afektywnego komponentu postaw politycznych studentów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Churska-Nowak, Karolina; Jankowiak, Barbara
    It is indisputable that emotions predominate in shaping political attitudes. This is corrobo- rated by the development of political marketing, whose techniques and means are mainly di- rected at voters’ emotions. The paper presents the results of research into the affective component in the political attitudes of university students. To a large extent the analysis con- firms the hypothesis that religious organizations have a significant impact on developing a positive emotional attitude towards right-wing politicians and parties, whereas the media strongly influence the emergence of similar attitudes towards liberal political entities. Advo- cates of the right wing declare their commitment to national values and patriotism, while dem- onstrating a relatively passive attitude to politics. The respondents whose opinions indicate liberal sympathies emphasize their satisfaction with life and intention to be active in the field of politics. The important conclusion to be drawn from this research is that the family contin- ues to have a significant impact on the emotional political attachments of the young, whereas the influence of school in this regard is definitely limited.
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    Trzy skandale, trzy raporty. Redakcje i ombudsmani prasowi w sytuacjach kryzysowych na przykładach „The Washington Post”, „The New York Times” i „Los Angeles Times”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Adamczyk, Wojciech
    The paper deals with the issue of the supervision of the media that frequently exceed the standards observed by journalistic circles and their social environments. The direct victims of breaches of deontological principles in the profession and work of journalists primarily in- volve the recipients, journalistic circles and the reputation of a given medium. There are also indirect consequences, such as a loss of confidence that translates into lower sales or reduced advertising. In the cases that are commonly termed media scandals a crisis situation emerges. The analysis of the problem and the recovery of a tarnished reputation and lost confidence of recipients are usually performed by teams of experienced journalists, appointed ad hoc by edi-torial boards or by press ombudsmen working in the media, which is much less frequent. This paper discusses both scenarios. Three famous scandals have been selected from among many examples. One involves the 1980 case of the journalist Janet Cooke from The Washington Post whose Pulitzer Prize was withdrawn after she admitted that her award-winning story was a fabrication. Another case is the equally high-profile case of The Los Angeles Times from 1999, which marked a conflict of interest, following the publication of a special issue devoted to the sports arena that was being erected in the city at that time. The third scandal occurred in The New York Times in 2003, and concerned mass plagiarism and fabrication of press materi- als by that daily’s reporter, Jason Blair. The attempts to regain reader trust involved, among other things, the publication of reports drawn up by specially appointed teams of press om- budsmen.