Glottodidactica, Vol. 32 (2006)

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    Transferring ELT Knowledge to the Classroom – Results of a Study
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) KĘBŁOWSKA, MAGDALENA
    The author has been struggling with problems, the most worrying of which ahs always been the students’ inability to transfer the knowledge and skills they should have acquired during the course to the English language classroom. In an attempt to find out the possible reasons for such a situation the author made a small-scale survey, the results of which are presented below.
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    „Ein Bild sagt mehr als Tausend Worte” – auch beim Vokabellernen?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) STORK, ANTJE
    The vocabulary learning strategy „Image word’s meaning“ is often recommended in applied linguistics. The aim of the article is to find out if this supposition is true. Therefore, the underlying theories (levels of processes by Craik/Lockhart 1972 and the theory of dual coding by Paivio 1971/1985) are scrutinized. An empirical study of the author (Stork 2003) examines four vocabulary learning strategies with participants learning four sets of 20 word pairs: “Verbal repetition”, “Image word’s meaning”, “Keyword method”, “Use physical action when learning a word”. Tests were conducted (a) immediately after the sessions, (b) one week later, (c) two weeks later. The experiment demonstrates that the visualisation of foreign words is not better than rote rehearsal and that the proverb “A picture says more than a thousand words” is not true for the learning of foreign words. Consequences for the research and the teaching of vocabulary learning strategies are shown.
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    Pedagogical Implications of Linguistic Acculturation in the Process of Acquisition of the 2nd Language. From Theory to Practice
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) POLOK, KRZYSZTOF
    At present there are many different forms and techniques of teaching and learning a language whose aim is to aid all the teacher’s activities s/he has planned while attempting to bring the language lessons as close to the authentic core of the language as possible that any teacher who really cares for the quality of his lessons can do whatever he only wants to incorporate the forces of authentic language contact to the classroom language behaviour of his/her pupils.
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    Teaching Grammar for the TOEIC Test: Is Test Preparation Instruction effective?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) NISHITANI, ATSUKO
    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of test preparation instruction on TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) scores, especially on the grammar section. Data were gathered in two intact classes, a TOEIC preparation class and a communicative grammar class, at a Japanese university during two semesters (Spring 2004 and Spring 2005). A pretest and a posttest were administered on the first day and the last day of class respectively, and the means were compared. The results showed that the students in the TOEIC preparation classes demonstrated statistically significant score gains. The findings of this study suggest that test preparation instruction is effective in improving scores of the grammar section of the TOEIC test.
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    Stereotype und Affektivität im interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) PIEKLARZ, MAGDALENA
    The following article discusses the relation between cultural stereotyping and affective processes in education leading to intercultural communication in modern languages studies. This work is both an attempt to explain this phenomenon theoretically and to research the previously mentioned relation in the light of postulates of intercultural education. A part of this work is also an analysis aiming at determining the factors influencing a stereotype category.
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    Learning Anxiety in the Language Classroom
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) ZYBERT, JERZY
    It has generally been acknowledged that anxiety is an affective factor that plays a significant role in any learning. A highly specific type of anxiety, foreign language classroom learning anxiety, has been distinguished and recognised as quite common among foreign language learners (Horwitz et al. 1991). The article provides some theoretical considerations related to the issue and presents findings from research on it conducted among Polish secondary school students of English. Conclusions include some practical suggestions for language teachers.
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    Lehr- und Lernziele im postgymnasialen Fremdsprachenunterricht in Polen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Ciepielewska, Luiza
    Today’s language politics assumes that every citizen should habe a good command of a least two foreign languages. There are three main teaching goals connected with learning foreign languages: pargmatic, cognitive and affective. In the present paper all of three goals haev been in the context of over-secondary school education in Poland.
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    Übersetzungsäquivalente substantivierter Adjektivwörter vom Typ das Neue, das Schöne (neutrale Abstrakta) im Polnischen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) KUBASZCZYK, JOANNA
    The article discusses the translation problem of adjectives converted into nouns such as das Neue, das Moderne. There are presented results of research based on the corpus of more than 400 entities and their translations from German into Polish. The analysis used tools of Cognitive Linguistics to catch most important semantic differences between equivalents. Five types of equivalents are the most frequently chosen but only 20 per cent solutions in Polish are adjectives converted into nouns. Therefore the supposition is that these formations can be the source of difficulties for translators.
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    Zum Status eines mentalen Lexikons bei einem bilingualen Sprecher
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) LEGUTKO-MARSZAŁEK, IWONA
    On status of mental lexicon of bilingual people. Bilingual people have learnt the second language in a directed way, in institutionalised conditions, achieving linguistic and communicative competence close to competences of the first language, in reception as well as production. Do these people haev a common mental lexicon or two different ones? The author’s research have shown that students posses two separate mental lexicons.
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    Strategien einer Übersetzungsdidaktik
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) KADRIC, MIRA
    The present article is devoted to discussing and carrying out translation methodology classes on German, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. The author assumes that not only the classes but also their planning itself should be perceived as a process.
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    Wortbildung mit exogenen Einheiten
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Feine, Angelika
    Productive word formation of present-day German lexemes with exogenous elements, particularly confixes, has increased notably over the last few years. Consequentially these formations containing foreign elements have also attracted a great deal of attention among word formation researchers. Working towards an encyclopedic compilation of exogenous elements in German word formation it is demanded to crucially analyze these foreign elements in terms of etymological, structural, semantico-functional and textlinguistico-pragmatic criteria. This article provides insight into these aspects of analysis by examples of word-formation using exogenous elements such as -itis, -manie, -phob, and -aholic.
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    Sprache im Spannungsfeld zwischen Linguistik und Sprachlernforschung
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) KELZ, HEINRICH
    Against a common question about the influence of linguistics on theories of foreign language teaching and learning in this article a contrary question concerining a reverse relation is asked: what is the influence of theory of foreign language teaching and learning on linguistics? It concerns esepcially contrastive analysis and factors determining the development of students’ interlanguage.