Studia Edukacyjne, 2016, nr 40


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    ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, Obcy u naszych drzwi, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2016, ss. 128
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Dąbrowska, Anna
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    The Implementation of the Educational Consultation Method in Arab Schools in Israel from the Perspective of Teachers
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Ramadan, S. Izabel; Hadas, Routh
    The role of the educational counsellor in schools has undergone modification in response to recent changes in social, familial and pupil characteristics. The traditional, one-on-one approach has gradually been replaced with collaborative methods that are more in keeping with the times, more comprehensive and more proactive. One method of collaborative teaming that has increasingly found its way into schools is consultation. This is an indirect intervention process based on interaction between counsellors (“consultants”) and teachers (“consultees”) where the former provide professional advice, within their fields of specialization, for dealing with specific problems encountered by teachers in their day-to-day work. It is meant to support teachers in dealing with the demanding school environment by primarily working directly with them rather than with pupils and by providing important professional resources and problem-solving skills. My research examined this method from the perspective of teachers in Israeli schools in Nazareth, where the student population and the teachers are Arab. Data were collected using in-depth interviews. Among other things, the results indicated a willingness on the part of teachers to adjust to new methods but pointed to systemic obstacles to effective implementation.
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    Project Based Learning (PBL) as a Promising Challenge of Teaching Mathematics
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Hilai, Miri
    Mathematics has always presented a challenge, both for teachers and for pupils, all around the world. Teachers of mathematics of all time periods are interested in having their pupils master the mathematical skills and love math. They deliberate on ways of teaching-learning, because of the tremendous gaps in their pupils’ cognitive abilities and their non-uniform abilities to pay attention and to concentrate. It appears that the main solution in the frontal mathematics lessons is offered to the average pupils, but the main goal is to provide a solution for the entire classroom population. Over the years I have searched for different ways beyond frontal and individualized teaching, so that I could provide a solution for populations with different needs in the mathematics lessons. My search for alternative ways derived also from the need to promote the achievements and to boost the motivation, interest, curiosity, and enjoyment in the learning of mathematics. Contemporary research indicates that there is practical innovative learning which is active and involving; it is called project-based learning (PBL). PBL provides a solution for the improvement of the performances in mathematics, for the motivation of the pupils, and for the inspiration of interest and curiosity in and enjoyment from this field of knowledge. From my experience as a teacher in the past and from the reports of my students in the Gordon Academic College for Education in the PBL course, in such teaching a solution is provided for the different populations in the class. The pupils are engaged in learning in practical and realistic projects that are relevant to their lives. They are more active and autonomous, work cooperatively, and develop patterns of behaviour of independence in learning, self-orientation, and self-regulation. These skills and patterns of behaviour are important to their lives as adults and cultivate the six functions of the learner that are derived from the curriculum in Israel: sensory-motor, self-direction in learning and in its management, intrapersonal and interpersonal, cognitive and meta-cognitive.
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    Multicultural Aspects in Educational Counseling in Israel
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Liviatan, Sarit Albaldes
    Many waves of migration have shaped the multicultural structure of contemporary society in many countries, including Israel. Israeli society is multifaceted from almost every possible perspective. This diversity, with its implications, is expressed in all areas of life, including education. The multicultural approach opens a space of respect for all cultures, assuming that as the person as an individual and society as a whole will absorb components from different cultures in it there will be cultural richness. The educational system constitutes a main mechanism through which Israeli society is dealing with this issue. Many counsellors are required to address issues of intercultural encounter during their work. The counsellor’s involvement in this context in the school is expressed in different dimensions: knowledge in the school program and in the degree to which it fits the multiculturalism of the school population, relationship with the school staff about coping with the daily challenges of the intercultural topic, and parent involvement. Counselling in the school has a wide range of actions, including individualized work, group work and community work. The counsellors face many challenges in activity in the multicultural aspect. The school based on active and healthy pedagogical and counselling principles may cause significant community changes outside of its walls.
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    Cultural Diversity and its Implication on Parents’ Attitudes Toward their Child Learning Disability – An Outline of a Research Study
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Gonen-Avital, Shiri
    Background: Israel is a land of immigration – a multicultural society with a mosaic of different cul-tures. There are four maim ethnic groups in Israel: "Sabre" (born in Israel), Arabs, Russian, and Ethiopian. The main aim of this article is to present the connection between two main issues: Culture Diversity and the Attitudes of Israeli parents to children with Learning Disability (LD). This article stems from a deep and extensive dissertation research on parents' attitudes toward their child Learning Disability in Israel and it is an outline of the research study. Family: The resilience and strength of the family depend on the social, cultural and personality of the family in general, and parents in particular. The parents play a crucial role in facilitating and maintaining wellness in children with developmental disorders. Learning Disability: Today, in the modern world, in the information era, when processing information skills are necessary in everyday life, Learning Disability turn into a widespread phenomenon. Learning disability is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested in the acquisition and operation of attention, speaking, reading, writing, or mathematical abilities. Within the Hebrew students in Israel (years 2013-2014), 10.10% are diagnosed with learning disability. In summary, due to the fact that Israel is an immigration country, it is vital to research the implication of parents' attitudes toward their child Learning Disability for the wellbeing of the family and the society.
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    The Labeling of Students in Educational Institutions in Israel According to their Economic Affiliation
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Franco, Sali Manor
    This paper shows that it is possible to note a number of points in the development of the educational system in Israel from the establishment of the State: the framework of uniform education from the end of 1948 until the conclusions of the Fromkin Committee in 1950 and the integration from 1968. The changes of policy reflect the historical changes that occurred in the social economic discourse and that shaped the development of the state of Israel. The system began its path as controlled by the center and as supporting social equality. After failed attempts to correct the difference that reigned between groups of students, reforms in the system, such as the implementation of the integration program, led to the presentation of a new policy, such as affirmative action. Following another failure, reforms were presented, and an attempt was made to return to the idea of equality through the presentation of analysis and evaluation related to the quality outputs of the system. Israel faces many challenges to improve its educational system, and it has the duty to persevere with the reforms it has initiated in the subject of education. Education is one of the most important investments that the State can make to improve its future.
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    What is the Relationship Between Theory of Mind and Social Attachment and What can we do About it?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Eden, Chen
    The aim of this article is to examine whether the attitude towards the deficiency of people with the Autistic Spectrum Disorder relies on the Theory of Mind concept and the symbolic interaction approach. Autism is a deficiency hampering the ability to receive messages from others and develop appropriate mutual relations. The deficiencies are apparent in three areas of development – social functioning, communication and behaviour. The study population are high functioning people with autism – ASD. TOM is a concept of consciousness, the ability to understand and interpret human behaviour in interactions and social contexts, including the ability to identify mental states such as: emotions, thoughts, intentions and desires of the individual and those around him. There are three components within this interaction: cognitive (thoughts, beliefs), emotional (exhibiting and understanding emotions, empathy), and the behavioural component (the actual interaction). Symbolic interactionism is a sociological paradigm claiming that social reality is based on the interactions between individuals in society, based on symbols and interpretations. When we examine the interaction of people with ASD, in order to understand their social thinking, emotions and behaviours we want to have a framework focusing on the interaction within a group. One of important and meaningful groups is the peer group, which has an important general and specific role in youth and young adults. The peer group has a significant role in integrating personal identity, establishing a different status within the family, and acquiring greater autonomy in the world outside the family. Work within the peer group enables familiarization with the deficiency and different parts of the “self”, thus constructing a solid identity and closer relations with the environment. Group work will include aspects such as projection, giving and receiving feedback, learning about emotional mirroring, and defending oneself.
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    A Comparative Look on the Dropping out of Adolescents in Situations of Risk from the Bedouin Educational System in the Negev
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Abu Ajaj, Ibraheem
    The phenomenon of dropping out of students from the educational system in Israel has been stead-ily increasing in recent years. Many research studies that addressed the phenomenon of dropping out indicated an increase in the percentage of students dropping out from the Bedouin educational system in the Negev. The present research study examines the tendency to drop out of adolescents in situations of risk in the recognized Bedouin communities in comparison to adolescents in situations of risk in the unrecognized Bedouin communities with regard to different demographic variables and the involvement of the parents. These adolescents are daily exposed to emotional and social difficulties and do not receive adequate research attention. The issue of the dropping out of adolescents is an acute problem with considerable significance in the Arab sector in general and in the Bedouin communities in particular. The research study examines the situation today, the situation of the adolescents who are dropping out, their problems, and the reasons that led them to dropping out, in a comparison between the two types of Bedouin communities. The research findings will indicate possible ways for the reduction of the multidimensional phenomenon of dropping out. In light of the large gaps that exist between the educational system in Jewish society and the educational system in Bedouin society, the research study emphasizes that there is a direct impact on the Bedouin educational system, which directly influences the dropping out of students from the educational system in general and the dropping out of students in situations of risk. The sample consisted of 90 adolescents in situations of risk, 45 adolescents from recognized communities and 45 adolescents from unrecognized communities from different schools. In light of the examination of the research findings, it appears that the involvement of the parents influences the drooping out significantly. This finding indicates the importance of parental involvement in the school and its importance for the future of the children. In other words, a Bedouin child with an involved family will likely remain in the educational framework, while a Bedouin child whose parents are disconnected from his studies has increased chances to drop out of the educational system.
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    Attitudes of Adolescents to the Involvement of their Parents in the School: the Relations Between Parents and Teachers
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Biber, Zohar
    Since the concept of the ‘school’ has existed, the triangle of parents, teachers, and students, in all that relates to the parental involvement in the school, has constituted a significant factor that saw ‘ups and downs’ over the years. Some supported the separation between the student’s home and the school, while others saw the connection and cooperation between them to be essential. This article examines students’ attitudes towards their parents’ involvement in school. This article will present the difficulties adolescents have with their parents’ authority and treatments for the era in which we live. Some research studies have found a correlation between parental involvement and its impact on children. The research study diagnoses the students’ positions according to quantitative questionnaires that were built and used. After analyzing quantitative questionnaires, the research attempted to draw conclusions about the tension that exists between the theories and studies showing the benefits of parental involvement regarding the results of the quantitative questionnaires.
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    Kwestionariusz Reakcji Przystosowawczych (KRP) – polska adaptacja Reactions to Impairment and Disability Inventory – RIDI H. Livneha i R.F. Antonaka
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Byra, Stanisława; Kirenko, Janusz
    The paper presents Polish adaptation of Reactions to Impairment and Disability Inventory (RIDI), measurement scale developed by H. Livneh and R. F. Antonak, in Polish referred to as Kwestionariusz Reakcji Przystosowawczych (KRP) [Adaptive Responses Inventory Questionnaire]. It describes the conceptual grounds for the tool, stages of the adaptation process and psychometric properties of the scale. Based on the analysis of results of a study conducted on a group of 940 individuals with acquired disabilities (after spinal cord injury, lower extremity amputation or multiple sclerosis) and chronic illnesses (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis), reliability, stability and accuracy of the questionnaire were verified. Results of the factor analysis provided grounds for selection of 8 factors – categories of adaptive responses, in accordance with the original scale. Conducted adaptation works have confirmed satisfactory psychometric properties of the questionnaire which may be used in Poland to diagnose various categories of non-adaptive and adaptive responses after suffering a deterioration of ability or development of a chronic illness.
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    Postawy wrażliwości społecznej versus postawy pragmatyczne i ich osobowościowe uwarunkowania
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Czerniawska, Mirosława
    The main aim of this research is investigation of social sensitivity attitudes and pragmatic attitudes. It was assumed that these attitudes depend on personality traits, like empathy and Machiavellian guilt. The study group consisted of 325 students. The Empathic Understanding of Others Questionnaire (Węgliński) and Mach V Scale (Christie and Geis) were used. The attitudes were diagnosed on the basis of the set of views (two pairs of statements from the publication edited by Reykowski). The study results show that social sensitivity attitudes were accepted by students having high empathy indices. Students having high Machiavellianism show a pragmatic attitude toward life.
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    Sytuacja edukacyjna małoletnich matek, wychowanek placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych. Perspektywa biograficzna
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Skowrońska-Pućka, Agnieszka
    One of the most severe consequences resulting from premature motherhood is the inability or shortening of the education period. Author’s empirical verification indicate that the majority of researched girls (underage mothers, educational care facilities foster-children) quickly leave school and interrupt education once their child is born. The narration analysis indicated that its main cause was the difficulty in combining the role of a mother and a student, together with the lack of support from the closest. Only few girls managed to continue education, unfortunately they chose private, evening schools which are known for low quality education. The presented fragmentary empirical verifications indicate that early parenthood reduces the education period. Educational-care facilities foster-children, coming from low-educated families and professional qualifications find it particularly hard or impossible to achieve secondary or even lower-secondary education. Lack of education and professional qualifications has lead them to take up low-income jobs, that do not require any qualifications or to obtain money illegally. Recognizing various consequences of premature motherhood, both individual and social, there is no doubt that teenage mothers, especially foster children of educational-care facilities, should be taken care of. There is only one legal record concerning the education of pregnant student or underage mothers, however, it is not precise, which means that schools have to interpret it by themselves and introduce their own procedures. The subject of the present article is prevention, support and help given to underage pregnant students or underage mothers by the teachers, educators, or peers, who are potential beneficiaries of help, i.e. underage mothers fulfilling the education duty.
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    Rodzinne i partnerskie uwarunkowania dobrostanu studentów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Jankowiak, Barbara
    Subjective well-being constitutes and important area for positive psychology research. Building own feeling of happiness and satisfaction strongly depends on relations with other people. The aim of this thesis in the analysis of the relations between well-being and family relations or partnership relations of students. The results obtained showed that the retrospective positive evaluation of a relation between parents in the childhood period and own relations with the father were connected to the higher indicators of personal well-being. What has been obtained is also statistically important relation between secure attachment style and higher personal well-being as well as between the styles: evasion and anxiety-ambivalent and lower personal well-being. The prediction analysis proved that both non-secure styles decrease the well-being indicators, however, it did not prove that the secure style is the condition of well-being. With regards to intimate relations, the obtained results point that the form itself of the relations which is formed does not relate to the feeling of happiness but its quality definitely does. The obtained data also show that the people being in the relationships are more satisfied with life that singles.
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    Ryzyko, kryzys, trauma jako przedmiot oddziaływań reprezentantów profesji pomocowych – wybrane konteksty społeczne i psychologiczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Bielska, Ewa; Czerkawski, Andrzej
    The analysis covers chosen social (structural, systemic) and psychological determinants of the risk, crisis and trauma. Analysis emphasizes the factors essential from the perspective of activities realized by the representatives of social aid professions. It indicates the main risk factors of crisis and trauma, protective factors and chosen preventive and aid-related strategies realized in the crisis and trauma contexts (related to the different levels of their potential incidence).
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    Uczeń gimnazjum: wykreowana tożsamość „pomiędzy”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Cuprjak, Magdalena
    This article presents a part of a study conducted in the middle school in a small town in the Region of Kujawsko-Pomorskie, interviews and drawing projections of students in one class. Analyses concern two categories: perceptions of the middle school as reported by the students and the new quality of the so-called “in-between” identity. This is an identity created by the specific context that simulated adulthood – a school “suspended” between the two worlds of childhood and adulthood.
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    Kultura współpracy w szkole w percepcji nauczycieli szkół gimnazjalnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Tłuściak-Deliowska, Aleksandra; Dernowska, Urszula
    School culture, more than any other single factor, determines the ultimate success or failure of any school. Undoubtedly, it is one of the indicators of school quality as well as a multifaceted concept composed of many factors. The article presents the results of the pilot study which was aimed to determine the perception of collaborative school culture by the teachers. The research was administered to middle schools’ teachers in the regions of Podkarpacie and Mazovia. The quantitative research perspective was used to obtain data to validate factors such as: unity of purpose, collaborative leadership, professional development, teacher collaboration, collegial support, and learning partnership. The Polish version of the School Culture Survey inventory (S. Gruenert, J. Valentine, 1998) was used. The results implied that teachers and school principals generally value and contribute to creating a collaborative school culture, but still do not pay as much attention as necessary to create learning partnership with parents.
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    Poziom kompetencji matematycznych dzieci kończących edukację przedszkolną w systemie Montessori. Perspektywa badawcza
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kaiser, Izabela
    The presented article discusses the issue of mathematical education in kindergartens that follow the Montessori education method. The basic assumptions of the educational system developed by M. Montessori have been discussed, with a special focus on mathematical education. The article presents the results of empirical research proving that children who complete their pre-school education in the Montessori system demonstrate a high level of mathematical competencies as indicated in the Core Curriculum for Pre-school Education. The best results obtained by the examined children related to such competencies as counting objects, discriminating between correct and faulty counting, determining if two sets are equal in number, using ordinal numerals and spatial orientation tasks, including telling left from right, determining directions and the position of objects. The tasks that proved the most difficult for all the examined children were those related to temporal orientation. The diagnosed high level of mathematical competencies of children completing their pre-school education leads to the optimistic conclusion that mathematical education based on the principles of the Montessori system ensures educational effectiveness.