Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2004, nr 1


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    Историк права Ф. В. Тарановский
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Michalczenko, Sergiej
    The paper is devoted to the life and activities of an outstanding historian of law and state, F. W. Taranowski (1875–1936), a disciple of F. I. Leontiev. F. W. Taranowski graduated form the Warsaw University to become recognized as a researcher of Germanand French law of 18th century. He wrote numerous books on the theory and encyclopedia of law, including the famous handbook published in 1917 and reprinted in 1923. After the revolution of 1917 Taranowski emigrated to Yugoslavia. He lectured at the Belgrade University and he wrote several books and papers on the history of law of Southern Slavs.
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    W co wierzą młodzi? Badania socjologiczne nad religijnością młodzieży studiującej w Warszawie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Tarnowska, Julia
    The paper attempts to address a number of queries on religiousness of the Polish students, who are likely to constitute the new middle class soon. The author tries to present how their faith is related to other attitudes, beliefs, politics and morality. Is it still predominated by a traditional Catholic ritual, automatically inherited after older generations without any reflection, as it was before 1989? Is this Catholic faith still identified with being Polish and approached as a „political faith”? Or maybe some turbulent changes have taken place, enforced by new economic, political and social freedom or mass culture? The findings and conclusions presented in the paper are based on a survey conducted by the author in January 2001 among the students of the Warsaw University and the Warsaw School of Information Technology. They prove that mentality of the youth, who live in a large city and study, has already undergone a series of various transformations, some highly interesting, yet it is rather difficult to identify some radical changes or a religious and moral „revolution”. A common attempt at a compromise is also symptomatic here, the desire to harmonize the tradition, which is still live ly and significant, with new experience provided by liberal democracy, mass cu lture or the spiritualism of New Age.
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    La politique de soutien au cinema en France
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Tudek, Jadwiga
    The policy to support cinematography in France, which is the first film producer in Europe, has had long tradition. The film „industry” in its present form began after WWII, on the basis of an extensive financing system provided by three laws on supporting movies passed in 1948, 1953 and 1959. In 1946 the development of cinematography was vested with a special state administration body – National Center for Cinematography, supervised by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, which is still in control of this sector. The system of instruments comprised by the French cultural policy aiming both to protect and to promote this means of communication is extremely extensive. On the one hand television market plays a decisive role in the financial system of French cinematography as individual entities are obligated to transfer a part of its revenue for film making, and they are restricted with respect to the type and origin of the programs they broadcast, which indirectly are to increase interest in cinematography. On the other hand, French cinematography takes advantage of an extensive system of aid funds and guarantees, tax exemptions and subsidies at national, regional and EU level.
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    Problem uchodźców i migracji w optyce Deklaracji Haskiej z 2002 r
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Sobczak, Jacek
    The problem of fugitives, migrants and internally displaced persons constitutes one of the more important issues in internal politics of individual states as well as in international relations. An attempt to establish the principles and set directions for such a policy is expressed in the Hague Declaration, adopted in 2002 as motioned for by the Dutch local chapter of the Society for International Development (SID). The paper presents and reviews the contents of the Declaration, which emphasizes the responsibility of states for the situation of refugees and migrants and the need to establish the principles of such a policy. It also refers to the problems of regulated and non-regulated migration, the issue of assimilation, integration, the law of migrants to return and the duties of state institutions, local governments, religious organizations and social institutions in the reception countries. The Declaration addresses political and economic reasons for migration and it emphasizes that the work of fugitives and migrants does not only bring benefits to them, but also to the reception countries and families in the homeland. The Declaration pays particular attention to children and female refugees and to the need for specific regulations in this respect. It refers to human rights while observing the inertia and lack of concepts of specialized international agencies.
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    Rynek jako narzędzie wolności i jako pole walki o panowanie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Ząbkowicz, Anna
    The paper outlines the fundamental division among the theorists who professionally deal with market economy, over the issue whether market economy promotes an individual’s freedom. The discrepancy starts with the very notion of freedom, next there is no consent whether there is a relation between freedom and economic liberty, etc. Since these philosophical issues cannot be solved by the most prominent minds in this field, the author of the paper is not to be expected to offer the ultimate answer, either. However, it can be agreed that the beginning of capitalism was accompanied by progress towards freedom, towards individuals rejecting the influence of the Church, the guild and secular authority. Although the new economy, which was coordinated by market forces, marked a significant progress towards liberty, the words of a philosopher who saw its birth remain valid: „Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau).
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    Конфронтация „режима нормализации” и оппозиции в Чехословакии в конце 1980-х годов XX века
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Zadorożniuk, Ella
    The paper refers to Russian and foreign archival documents, which became the basis for the analysis of relationships between the „party-and state authorities” and opposition in the Czech Republic in the late 80s of 20 th century. State authorities with conservative bias demanded that the „normalization” regime be stricter whereas „pragmatists” were contemplating a dialogue with the opposition. After the events of November 17 for a very long time also the followers of „non-political politics” in the opposition considered a dialogue with the pragmatic faction of the state authorities whereas the radical wing representatives were calling for immediate free elections and establishment of democratic institutions of power. However, it was the upward movement, beginning with the student demonstration of November 17, 1989 and ending with mass demonstrations which gathered as many as 700,000 people in Prague in the end of November, that gave momentum to historic transformation in the Czech Republic as it came up with its own hierarchy of historical priorities different from that of numerous government and opposition circles. These activists who were able to adjust their former standpoint to social expectations enjoyed public support.
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    Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność – brak marketingu politycznego i medialnego jako jedna z przyczyn upadku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Madera, Andrzej J.
    Although the Solidarity Election Action (AWS) had been the first impressive attempt to unite right-wing groupings after 1989 which was effected in practice, it failed to develop a united, coherent image for the purpose of contacts with the media throughout the whole period it was in power. Reality showed that right-wing politi- cians failed to take advantage of the assets of the new grouping. Incompetence of its leaders and absence of a coherent policy quickly overshadowed the success of the Soli- darity Election Action. As a consequence, Solidarity Election Action has wasted an enormous chance and failed to become a united group of the Polish right wing. Leaders of individual organizations composing the AWS did not give up their leaders’ ambitions, which became particularly significant towards the end of the AWS-UW (Solidarity Election Action – Liberty Union) coalition, when the right-wing block was eroding rapidly.
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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