Comparative Legilinguistics, 2010, vol. 04


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    A Psycholinguistic Approach to Inmate Argot in Romanian Prisons
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Nădrag, Lavinia; Stroescu, Manuela
    The lexis and structure of prison argot reflect the personalities of inmates who employ them, as well as the conflicts and tensions inherent in prison settings. It is shown in this article that the distinctiveness of prison argot is largely a product of the character of penal context. Its extent of use varies with the extent of penal discipline. Appreciation of this complex relationship might facilitate improved communication between prisoners and custodial authorities. In addition, knowledge of prison argot meanings has a potential to improve the management of prison-based programs and thus appears helpful in the complex process of prisoners' rehabilitation and social reintegration.
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    Computer Assisted Interpreter Training for Students Who Are Not Foreign Language Majors
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Cheng, Sheng-jie
    The aim of the existing case study was to investigate the implications of applying computers to teaching interpreting to students who were not foreign language majors. Some researchers argued that interpreting courses are very difficult, so they should be offered to qualified post-graduate students instead of undergraduate students. However, most undergraduate programs in Taiwan offer interpretation courses. In addition, in China two-semester interpreter training courses have even been offered to most undergraduate students who were not foreign language majors. Furthermore, computers have been widely used in interpreter training, but no research has been available that investigated how to apply computer assisted interpreter training (CAIT) to teaching interpreting to students who are not foreign language majors. Qualitative research methods have been used to collect and analyze the data to complete the report in this study. Participants consisted of the author and the 18 students, who were not foreign language majors, taking a computer assisted interpreter training course that the author offered in a university in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2009. The results of the study indicated that CAIT may be developed into IM (the interpretation method) of foreign language teaching to teach students who are not foreign language majors.
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    Features of English Legal Discourse
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) El-Farahaty, Hanem
    This paper discusses the common lexical and grammatical features of legal discourse in English and Arabic. The rationale behind this analysis is to compare and contrast the discourse of both languages, list the similarities and differences between them and come up with the most problematic areas in legal translation. It is worth mentioning that features of Arabic legal discourse have not been researched before, thus, I have taken the features of legal English as headlights according to which I will analyze the corpus of Arabic legal documents. These features, however, are not specific to one particular type of written language of the law. By type of language is meant the different types of legal texts such as legislations, contracts, official documents, court proceedings, etc. For this purpose, authentic samples of different English and Arabic legal documents have been consulted. These texts, obtained from law professionals, include private legal documents such as tenancy agreements, employment contracts, correspondences between solicitors and clients, reports to the court, birth certificates, and marriage certificates. Other documents include selected legislative and international documents. To this effect, the United Nations (UN) website, other translation books such as Mansoor (1965), Hatim, Shunnaq and Buckley (1995) are consulted.
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    The Roots of Japanese Legal Terminology
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Horie, Yuki
    During the Meiji era, Japan began its modernization and the Western culture was introduced to Japan. Japan had to construct a modern society, fusing complicatedly with a model of the Japanese tradition. In the legislation field, beginning with the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, the establishment of the first unified nationwide law was attempted in this period. In particular concerning the civil code, The French Code (later German Code) was considered as the most comprehensive code, and its translation was made and edited as a Japanese Civil Code. However, translating the original concepts which had not existed in Japan was a very difficult task. They coined words preserving the original sequence of elements and as a result there is a gap between the European legal terms and the Japanese ones especially in translation. The current legal terminology was made based on such a historical background, in consequence it has become less familiar to Japanese people. I would like to consider theses problems on some examples.
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    Грамматика и стилистика юридических текстов (на основе уголовного кодекса)
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Korniecka, Diana
    Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение трудностей в переводе российского и польского уголовных кодексов в плане сопоставительного анализа грамматики текста. Технические аспекты структуры текстового материала регулирует законодательная техника обеих стран. В работе рассматриваются определенные случаи расхождения элементов макро- и микрокомпозиции УК Польской Республики и УК Российской Федерации. Автором указываются возможные ошибки в процессе перевода уголовных кодексов. Статья обращает внимание на то, что именно изучение принципов законодательной техники языка перевода в большой степени позволяет обеспечить требования жанра правовых текстов.
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    Споры о сущности права в дискурсе правопорядка
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Tokaryev, Vasily
    В статье анализируется проблематика онтологической структуры права. Рассматриваются различные подходы к ее осмыслению, противоречия между которыми снимаются в дискурсе правопорядка. Он позволяет выявить социальные основания права – правовые ситуации, разрешаемые легитимной инстанцией. Дискурс правопорядка формируется в контексте политических и правовых учений философов эпохи Просвещения, поставивших вопрос об универсальном характере правовой структуры и предложивших принципиально новую методологию ее познания. Впоследствии этот дискурс будет оригинально интерпретирован автором «либертарной» теории понимания права акад. В.С. Нерсесянцем. Однако уже в начале XX века становятся очевидными и слабые стороны дискурса правопорядка, что приводит к кризису правосознания. Ответом на него была концепция «политической теологии» К. Шмитта, направленная на установление логического соотношения между нормой и фактом в структуре права. В то же время соперничество точек зрения в рамках единого научного дискурса обнаруживало такой его существенный компонент как свободная дискуссия. Тем не менее, пространство дискуссии о сущности права остается искусственно суженным за счет значительного влияния на юридическое поле политического поля, не ставящего вопрос о суверенитете на всеобщее обсуждение.
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    Legal Linguistics No Longer Neglected: review of Legal Linguistics by Marcus Galdia
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Matulewska, Aleksandra
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    Procedural Misfires of Cross-Cultural Legal Communication in the Perspective of J. Austin and J. Langshaw Austin
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Korolev, Sergey
    The article is meant to serve both theory and practice in the cross-roads area where legal theory meets linguistic philosophy. The legal perspective is represented by the famous command theory of John Austin, who is often regarded as the founding father of anglo-american branch of legal positivism. The linguistic perspective is represented by the speech acts theory elaborated by John Langshaw Austin. It is argued that the command theory is only of marginal use for any process of crosscultural legal communication. The reason behind this argument is that the command theory is grossly reductionist in its nature ("colonel – lieutenant") and cannot therefore embrace a trilateral reality of cross-cultural legal communication (speech originator – interpreter – audience). But the imperative theory may be useful if applied to "misfires" of the whole process of legal oral translation. By transforming the said trilateral reality to any dichotomy in the sense of the command theory, i.e. by bracketing together any two of the said agents and by insulating the third one- we inevitably arrive at some sort of "misfire" or even collapse of the whole procedure. Further the common view is challenged that the only source of such "misfires" lies in poor quality of interpretation. It is argued that both the speech originator and even somehow inadequate audience may share the final failure. The eventual outcome of the article may be described as an attempted synthesis of the speech acts theory of John Langshaw Austin and sociology of law as elaborated by German professor Werner Krawietz. The interdisciplinary approach to discussed "misfires" of cross-cultural legal communication resulted in formulating a series of bilateral rules, which are obligatory both for the speech originator and the interpreter if the most unacceptable "misfires" of legal oral translation are to be avoided.
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    Translation of the European Arrest Warrant in the Light of Intercultural Communication
    (Instytut Językoznawstwa Wydział Neofilologii, UAM, 2010) Bednarek, Grażyna
    The aim of this paper is to examine translation of the European arrest warrant in the light of intercultural communication. The paper consists of three parts. The first part addresses major aspects of judicial cooperation in criminal matters within the territory of the European Union (EU) and introduces the European arrest warrant (EAW) as one of the major legal instruments of such cooperation. The second part focuses on the notion of legal translation as an act of intercultural communication. The third part illustrates, via translation of the European arrest warrant, how certain differences between the two most important legal families of the world, the Common Law and the Civil Law, influence the process of intercultural communication.