Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2000, tom 12

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    Rodzina - wybór zawodu - szkoła
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Pielka, Henryk
    Family is a social group having a great influence on the choice of aims, values and creating the lite and professional ambitions of their children. In this environment a child’s attitude towards work is also adopted. The appropriate professional development gets its meaning in the new circumstances of a man’s life. Its course is determined by family factors supported by school conditons. A teacher is an organiser of school and family cooperation.
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    Wybrane aspekty kształtowania się tożsamości człowieka w rodzinie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Sokal, Urszula
    Shaping a child’s identity is a developmental task, in which participate its parents. Together with them, in a modern family, TV plays an important role, which is often a basic source of information and patterns to follow. Contents of TV programs influence one’s identity. That is why parents should know what their children watch. Only then can they strengthen TV’s positive influences and counteract negative ones.
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    Postawy małżonków bezdzietnych wobec rodzicielstwa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Przybył, Iwona
    This paper shows the results of author’s study carried out in Wielkopolska region in 1999 among 140 childless married couples in various types of local community. The aim of this study was to analyse the attitudes towards the parenthood of temporarily-, voluntary- and involuntary childless couples. Temporarily childless couples delay parenthood because of four main reasons: the economical factors, the amenities of life, the career and continuation of education. The attitudes of temporarily childless couples towards the child can be called neutral or anti-child. The important reasons of decision of voluntary childless couples not to have children is having more time for each other as a couple and enjoying travel and leisure time. These couples tend to be well educated, to earn high incomes and to be unbelieving. It was found that most of infertielity wifes don’t consider that the child is the greatest happiness, but nearly all of them were or still are under treatment. Near 40% of the couples are under social pressure because of their childlessness.
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    Zachowania modzieży miasta pogranicza polskoniemieckiego wobec rodziców
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Goldyka, Leszek; Lisowski, Krzysztof
    The paper presents the results of a panel study carried out in 1993 and 1997 in Słubice. The study covered 190 young inhabitants of the city, who in 1993 were 15-16 years old. The objective was to show the behaviour of the youth towards the parents; the key issue being what kinds of behaviour there are, whether they are of a recurrent nature or whether they are subject to changes, how distinct the changes are and what their direction is. The results lead to the following conclusions. (1) The structure of behaviour of young people inhabiting the Polish-German border town towards the parents is complex and complicated. The behaviour which favours establishing proper relations with the parents are accompanied by behaviour which impedes enhancement of such relations. (2) The behaviour of the youth being examined towards the parents is of a principally recurrent (stable) character. The shifts noticed in the examinations consist in a relatively imperceptible strengthening of the sign related to a given behaviour.
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    Normatywne ujęcia antyprokreacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Tokarczyk, Roman
    From the dawn of history, different ways of preventing human birth have belonged tomajor normative problems. From the normative viewpoint, this prevention is usually called birth control that embraces all the relevant biological, medical, chemical and other methods. From the medical standpoint, birth control is based mainly on three methods: contraception, contra-gestation and abortion. Already primitive peoples practiced their own methods of preventing pregnancy: avoidance of intercourse at certain periods and various means of prevention: magic, medical, chemical, mechanical and surgical. One of the most controversial problems of anti-procreation is abortion. The practice of abortion is presumaably as old as human history. Three solutions compete in the normative regulations an abortion: ban, admissibility under strictly defined circumstances, and full admissibility. In legal regulations concerning abortion three models can be distinguished: either giving preference to the protecition of the pregnant woman’s interests, or the interests of the foetus, or seeking compromise between those two adverse interests. The Polish law leans towards the third model. Sterilization occupies a separate position in the vast issues of anti-procreation. The moral evalution of and regulations concerning sterilization vary depending on its voluntary or compulsory character, applied to men or women. Speaking in most general terms, anti-procreation in all its manifestations, essentially striving for infertility, is subject to highly diversified assessment and regulations that cannot claim to be universal.
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    Relacje międzypokoleniowe a rodzina
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Wrzesień, Witold
    The process of formation of new generations, the creation of generation identity and the generation change, are the phenomena widely analysed in social sciences. This analysis is undertaken both an the global scale and from the perspective of acting inividual. Relations between generations are the resultantof the civilisation changes, which include different spheres of social life: the political system, the economic system, the customs and the moral system of the society. The presented article is an attempt at systematisation of the conceptual model, used to the analysis of the reflections of the global specifics of the generation relations in the family life. We examine such terms and notions as: family, generation, generation change, family socialisation and the generation change, tensions between generations, creation of innovations in the context of generation change, course of the family life and the course of the life of a generation.
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    Wartości w procesie wychowania rodzinnego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Skrzypniak, Ryszard
    The theoretical-empirical article presents: • Firstly - theoretical, interdisciplinary considerations of system of values, it is concentrated the meaning of educational values in the process of upbringing. • Secondly - it analyses the results of researches on values of family in the course of transmission among generations, showing their relativism or constancy.
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    Małżeństwa wiejskie w Polsce lat osiemdziesiątych. Szkic historyczny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Nowak,Waldemar
    In the article I present the structure of rural marriage in Poland of the 80-ies. I analyse basic factors of marriage mating, especially the reasons for getting married. Among the most important reasons are: love, material reasons, friendship, prestige, social position, sex. The article includes also the results of the research on marriage durability (stability), and also on factors influencing the marriage success or failure.
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    Makro- i mikrostrukturalne uwarunkowania sytuacji ziemiańslwa wielkopolskiego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Szafer, Katarzyna
    The land aristocracy was elite of Polish society in Wielkopolska between 1871 to 1914. But just a part of this class was active in social, political and economical life. It were about twenty families. Their members were parliamentarians, leaders of many social and economic organisations. Those organisations a very important role in the life of Polish society because they helped Polish agricultures, industries, culture and education to survive. The land aristocracy covered the cost of activities of these organisations. Men and women from land aristocracy a very important role in families. Family was the most important group which formed every part of social life of Polish society. The family educated children in Polish language and history. Many of the families had old traditions in Polish uprising and remember of this was a life. Children grew up in a patriotic atmosphere and learnt how to work for the whole Polish society.
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    Stan przygotowania młodych małżonków do pełnienia funkcji socjalizacyjno- wychowawczej w rodzinie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Bieszczad, Bogusław
    The conclusions reached during the performance of research and analysis allow to state that the condition of young spouses preparation to perform the social and educational role in the family, as far as the inter-family social environment is concerned, is favourable due to axiological cohesion of declarationsand actual value determined behaviour of young parents. The other favourable factors are intergeneration continuity with regard to preferences pertaining to basic moral and pro-family values, a high level of marriage quality of young spouses, a high level of implementing tasks connected with ensuring material and economic security of the family. The negative aspects concerning the predicted pedagogical condition of young parents, are as follows: a low level of parents' pedagogical conscience, limiting actions associated with implementing the service and consumptive function and the productive function in young families. The same goes for the passivity of young parents with regard to methods of realising the task linked with the cultural and recreation-social function.
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    Stan rodziny współczesnej a wewnątrzrodzinna socjalizacja dzieci
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Tyszka, Zbigniew
    The processes occurring within the family are stimulated not only by interactions occurring within it, but are also influenced by the external social world outside of the family - by the microstructure, mezzostructure, macrostructure and the global society. The state of modern industrial and post-industrial societes gives a certain kind of inner family socialization of children, a disintegration of intra-family socialization occurs, which is also influence by social atomisation, the loosening of community bonds, as well as the diminishing of the authority of the parents and grandparents, an increase in the dissolution of families and in the number of pathological phenomena in the family and society, which pathologise people. The conditions of intra and outer-family socialization leave more and more to be desired. Parents do not cope in the new complicated situations.
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    Dziewiętnastowieczna rodzina polska
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Żyromski, Marek
    There was no independent Polish state during the 19th century. Because of the question of partition the social and economic development was presented separately in case of each three parts of Poland. The 19th century can be regarded as the period of rapid demographical development. The Polish society was in transition from feudal to capitalist economic system. The institution of Polish family and its development reflected this transition. For instance, women gained chances of professional work and simultaneously could achieve more independent status within the family.
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    Wpływ rodziny i innych grup małych na poczucie zadowolenia i bezpieczeństwa jednostki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Żurek, Aldona
    Man can accept different strategies o f functions on the plane o f social microstructures. They are connected with the realization of individual aims or with individual obligations towards membership groups. In both cases small groups give their members support (as for example, material, time, or normative ones). Thanks to them they can intensify or weaken in different characters o f their activities. Stabilization o f family life together with participation in other small groups influences the quality o f life o f an individual, creates the standards o f participations on the institutional plane o f social life. It also decides about the creation o f the safe vision and o f friendly world.
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    Starość w aspekcie socjologicznym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Kotlarska-Michalska, Anna
    Sociologists making researches of various aspects of old age concentrate on: 1. Characteristic features of the old generation, 2. The position of the elderly in the society, 3. The position of the elderly in the family, 4. The situation of the elderly in the job-market, 5. Social needs of the elderly, 6. Loneliness and seclusion, 7. The process of retiring from social roles, 8. Values accepted and preferred by the elderly, 9. Roles played by the elderly, 10. Ways of living in social service institutions. From a sociological point of view the elderly are analysed as a social group and a generation. In sociological research old age is treated as a social problem, a social process and a way of living a life of an old-age pensioner. In the article a review of the current outcome of social research is made in order to construct the image of the elderly.
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    Family factors in the development o f obsessive-compulsive disorders in youth
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Radochoński, Mieczysław; Radochońska, Anna; Perenc, Lidia
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    Tendencje rozwojowe rodziny niemieckiej w latach dziewięćdziesiątych - wobec pluralistycznych wzorów życia społeczeństwa postindustrialnego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Wachowiak, Anna
    Socioeconomic changes have modified the shape of family. The Present article gives a picturie of the most important trends and circumstances touching structural feature of families and different types of household in Germany. At the same time the author tries to show an important difference between manners of life arrangement of young adult sin the east and west part of Germany. This contrast is still less and less sharp but still quality peculiarities are visible. Nowadays - the most characteristic of them - are as following: - the growth of age of first new marriage - the growth of divorce indicator - extended number of singles, never married, especially in west Germany - growing number of married couples of foreign nationality and mixed nationality - the growth of couples, especially in the east part of Germany, having children and not being married couples.
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    Youth in Germany: their orientation in life
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Bartsch, Silke; Methfessel, Barbara