Quaestiones Geographicae vol. 30 (1), 2011


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    Changes in textural and geo-chemical features of alluvia in the western part of the Lublin Upland over the past 1000 years
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Zgłobicki, Wojciech; Ryżak, Magdalena; Bieganowski, Andrzej
    In the study the authors analysed the diversity of the textural indices and selected geo-chemical features of sediments that accumulated in the bottoms of valleys in the western part of the Lublin Upland over the past 1000 years. Detailed studies were performed for six profiles with known stratigraphy. The sediments studied varied little in terms of textural features, with a general trend for particle diameters to increase as the depth increased. The characteristics of the sediments indicate a significant role of material supply from the slope systems (mainly gullies) to the bottoms of river valleys. The heavy metal content was characterised by greater vertical variation. In most of the profiles, the youngest deposits were characterised by greater levels of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, with enrichment indexes at an average of 1.5–2.5. The observed diversity of the features of sediments, particularly the geo-chemical features, should be attributed to the effect of human activity in the area studied.
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    Is the coarse-grid Global Climate Model a useful tool for regional paleoclimate reconstruction?
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Szuman, Izabela; Czernecki, Bartosz
    This study considers the climate at the time of the Weichselian ice sheet maximum in Central Europe, especially in Poland, in respect of the NASA Educational version of Global Climate Model (EdGCM). The final results of the EdGCM simulations for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are presented here and these have been analysed to determine whether or not they are useful for regional scale modelling; the problem being that, in a global climate model, both horizontal and vertical grid resolution is very low. Also, an attempt has been made to define the role of the ice megalobe which, in terms of the numerical coarse-grid model,covered the northern parts of Germany and Poland. The broad details of the climate during the Weichselian are defined and our results are compared with previous opinion. The influence of ice megalobe on regional climate is demonstrated and it is also concluded that a coarse-grid global climate model could be a helpful tool in a regional climate recognition. However, whether at a regional or local scale, it is recommended that a specially-configured version of a Regional Climate Model (RCM) based on Global Climate Model (GCM) boundary conditions be used in similar reconstructions.
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    Geomorphological effects of river valleys anthropogenic transformations in the Perznica catchment during the last 200 years (Drawsko Lakeland, Parsęta river basin)
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Szpikowski, Józef
    The studies on geomorphological aspects of environmental changes in the river valleys were part of the work carried out under the diagnosis of anthropogenic transformation of the relief of the Perznica basin (West Pomerania, Drawsko Lakeland). Human interference in the river valleys and anthropogenic changes in the natural hydrological systems in the Perznica catchment influenced the transformation of the relief and the intensity of morphogenetic processes. Numerous anthropogenic landforms were formed, including embankments, dams, dykes along the canals, ditches and canals, reservoirs basins, and peat excavations. The drainage resulted in an intensification of the river erosion, straightening, shortening and increase of the river gradient, as well as the increase of quantity of the suspended matter leaving the catchments. An increase of anthropogenic denudation on agricultural lands, due to the entering of the crops grown on drained depressions and valleys, led to the masking of the original relief with deluvial sediments and the formation and expansion of agricultural terraces on the edge of the fields.
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    The relationship between dissolved solids yield and the presence of snow cover in the periglacial basin of the Obruchev Glacier (Polar Urals) during the ablation season
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Stachnik, Łukasz; Uzarowicz, Łukasz
    Hydrochemical investigations were carried out in the periglacial basin of Obruchev Glacier (Polar Urals, Russia) in order to provide a quantitative and qualitative comparison of dissolved solids yields during the ablation season with and without snow cover taking into account the mineral composition of rocks and deposits occurring in the studied area. The concentration of dissolved solids in the waters of the investigated basin is very low (about 7.0–8.9 μS cm–1). It is most of all due to harsh local climate conditions as well as the presence of minerals resistant to weathering in the parent material. Both factors contribute to the low rate of chemical weathering in the area. Results obtained indicate that a larger dissolved solids yield was transported during the period with snow cover (106 kg km–2 day–1, on average), than at the same time of the year but without snow cover (13 kg km–2 day–1, on average) indicating that melting snow is an important factor influencing the yield of dissolved solids in surface waters.
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    Criteria to distinguish between periglacial, proglacial and paraglacial environments
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Slaymaker, Olav
    Clarification of the differences between the terms periglacial, proglacial and paraglacial is based on consideration of their conventional definitions, and noting that the term “periglacial” is a function of process, “proglacial” is a function of location and “paraglacial” is a function of degree and mode of recovery from the disturbance of continental glaciation . Periglacial and proglacial environments are commonly viewed as being adjusted to contemporary process, though important questions have been raised about relict periglacial landscapes in this regard. Paraglacial environments are explicitly out of adjustment with contemporary process and retain in their configuration a glacial signature. All three concepts are seen to be essential to comprehensive understanding of glaciated environments. It is a nested set of concepts which overlap in the field but none of the terms is redundant. Criteria for differentiation of these cold environment descriptors are proposed.
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    Winter oilseed-rape yield estimates from hyperspectral radiometer measurements
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Piekarczyk, Jan; Sulewska, Hanna; Szymańska, Grażyna
    Spectral reflectance data can be used for estimation of plant biophysical parameters such as seed yield, related to the use of solar energy. A field experiment was conducted to investigate relationships between canopy reflectance and seed yield of winter oilseed rape sown on four different dates. Ground hyperspectral reflectance measurements were made using a hand-held radiometer and multispectral images were taken with a VIS-NIR camera. The different sowing dates generated a wide range of difference in crop spectral response and seed yields. The strongest relationships (R2=0.87) between the yield and spectral data recorded by both sensors occurred at early flowering stages. Later, the presence of flowers caused a decline in the relationship between yield and spectral data especially in the visible (VIS) range. In the full flowering stage the strongest correlation (R2=0.72) with the yield showed vegetation indices of the near-infrared (NIR) bands.
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    Lithological differences in the deposits of closed basins in the upper Parsęta catchment (Western Pomerania)
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Major, Maciej
    Basins without outlets, found in abundance in West Pomerania, display a great lithological diversity. Differences in the lithology in the upper Parsęta catchment result from the processes of areal deglaciation during the Vistulian Glaciation (Karczewski 1989). Intraglacial accumulation, action by fluvioglacial water, and direct glacial accumulation have produced various sedimentary series and their mosaic-like pattern. The youngest sedimentary series have developed during fluvial, aeolian and organogenic accumulation (Kostrzewski et al. 1994a). The lithology of most of the closed basins in the catchment largely features fine diamictic sands which pass into sandy diamicton at 100 cm, then medium diamictic sands which turn into fine sands at depths of 50 and 100 cm, and massive diamictic sands which turn again into sandy diamicton at 100 cm. In the catchment of a closed evapotranspiration basin equipped with measuring instruments, the predominant deposit is sands, especially medium-grained ones. Much less abundant are diamictic sands and sandy diamictons, and silts occur only sporadically. Such a lithological diversity is responsible for different rates of the water cycle recorded in the particular parts of the study area.
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    Natural and man-induced hazards along the Danube, between Rast and Gighera settlements, with a special view on the 2006 flood
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Licurici, Mihaela; Boengiu, Sandu; Ionuş, Oana
    The paper discusses the natural and man-induced hazards in the Rast-Gighera sector of the Danube Floodplain, an area displaying asymmetric character, with the high and steep slopes of the Prebalcanic Tableland dominating the low Romanian floodplain. The subject regards an acute present problem, the necessity to improve the management of dangerous phenomena included among the objectives for this millennium. Moreover, the paper regards a space with an exceptional natural heritage that has been seriously transformed by man, the natural-human opposition becoming the key-element of the region. The complexity of the subject is given by the plurality of causes that lead to the genesis of hazards. Their nature, frequency and intensity, along with other factors of psychological or economic nature imply different answers from the part of the affected population.
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    Dynamics of suspended material carried out from the Flysch Bystrzanka catchment during selected rainfall events in the period of 1997-2008
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Kijowska, Małgorzata; Bochenek, Witold
    Hydrometeorological conditions in Research Station in Szymbark were analysed, and then the influence of these conditions on the water level. The investigations were carried out during the selected high stage in the period 1997–2008. Relations between the precipitation totals, discharge and changes of the amount of material carried away were analysed. Percentage of the suspended matter in complete denudation from the catchment area of the Bystrzanka was also assayed. The results showed that more than 95% of suspended material can be carry out in a single flood. Parameters regarding to the transport of suspended matter in the period 1997–2008 were referenced to the same parameters estimated in the period 1971–1979, and the load of suspended material in the review period was higher by 26%.
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    Ways of presenting environmental elements in old cartographic records and their reliability
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Kaniecki, Alfred
    This article seeks to assess the reliability of the hydrographic type of environmental features depicted in old cartographic records up to the end of the 18th century.
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    Geographic record of human impact conformance to different water relationships along a coastal river (the Łupawa catchment)
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Drwal, Jan; Cieśliński, Roman; Fac-Beneda, Joanna
    The purpose of this paper is to answer the following two questions: Can one infer the type of human impact found in the northern Pomorze region from the current state of the Łupawa basin? Did regional water relationships determine the type of human impact found in the area? A good place to search for an answer to these two questions is the Łupawa River drainage basin. The entire upper section of the river, upstream from the Bukowina, is characterized by a lack of substantial changes in the hydrographic network, resulting from man’s apparent disinterest in the area. The middle section of the river is characterized by human impact in the form of the use of water resources for energy generation purposes (sawmills, gristmills, power plants). The lower section of the Łupawa that includes Lake Gardno is characterized by significant changes in water relationships associated with difficult discharge conditions. Finally, the mouth section of the river, given its location, has been adapted as a port facility.
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    Developing frameworks for studies on sedimentary fluxes and budgets in changing cold environments
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2011) Beylich, Achim A.; Lamoureux, Scott A.; Decaulne, Armelle
    Geomorphic processes that are responsible for the transfer of sediments and landform change are highly dependent on climate and vegetation cover. It is anticipated that climate change will have a major impact on the behaviour of Earth surface systems and that the most profound changes will occur in high-latitude and high-altitude cold environments. Collection, comparison and evaluation of data from a range of different high-latitude and high-altitude cold environments are required to permit greater understanding of sedimentary fluxes in cold environments. The focus of the I.A.G./A.I.G. SEDIBUD (Sediment Budgets in Cold Environments) Programme is the analysis of source-to-sink fluxes and sediment budgets in changing cold environments. Establishing contemporary sediment fluxes in a diversity of cold environments will form a baseline for modelling. At a minimum, baseline information from defined SEDIBUD test sites must consist of measures of mean annual precipitation, stream discharge, suspended load, conductivity/TDS and dominant catchment processes. Reports from ongoing studies on sedimentary fluxes and budgets in three selected study sites in Arctic Canada, sub-Arctic Iceland and sub-Arctic Norway are presented and discussed in the context of effects of climate change on process rates and sediment budgets in sensitive cold environments. Comparable datasets and coordinated data collection and data exchange will be of use for the individual studies at the different study sites. In addition, comparable data sets and data exchange will help to improve our understanding of existing relationships between contemporary climate and sedimentary fluxes and will enable larger-scale integrated investigations on effects of climate change in changing cold environments.