Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2002, tom 14

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    Recenzja książki pod redakcją Anny Kotlarskiej-Michalskiej, pt. Wizerunki kobiet, Poznań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Oliwa-Ciesielska, Monika
    Monika Oliwa-Ciesielska Recenzja książki pod redakcją Anny Kotlarskiej-Michalskiej, pt. Wizerunki kobiet, Poznań 2001, s. 207.
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    J. Goody, The European family: an historico-anthropological essay (recenzja)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Żyromski, Marek
    Recenzja książki: J. Goody, The European family: an historico-anthropological essay, Malden Mass. 2000, s. 209.
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    Życie rodzinne rodziny Morawskich we wspomnieniach Azi z Morawskich Umiastowskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Szafer, Katarzyna
    Jadwiga Morawska-Umiastowska wrote the memoirs in which she showed her landed gentry family life at the turn o f 19lh century. These memoirs are very interesting for a historian and sociologist, because they help to research the functions of family. In the article there are a few of them, but show members of the Morawski family in different roles and perspective.
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    Kwestie doboru małżeńskiego w międzykulturowych małżeństwach mieszanych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Jodłowska-Herudzińska, Małgorzata
    In general, it is considered that the level o f similarities between the spouses, especially the cultural similarities determines a success in the marriage and the marital satisfaction. The heterogamy concerning mostly the characteristics, such as the differences in nationalities, the religious believes and race, it might weight down the marital life and the family life. It is not uncommon that the heterogamy is disapproved by the public view, in contras to endogamy Usually the spouses are the same nationality, live in the same city, have similar level o f education, often belong to the same working group and have similar social background The relationships, which are the object of this article, are only the small part o f all marriages. But the question is: are they destined to fail from the very begging? Following the main idea of Rosset E.(1986): the belief in the beneficial power of endogamy is only a product o f conservative thinking, which, in fact, is a relic of the past. The endogamy, as such, doesn’t solve marital differences in opinions, but on the other hand, the exogamy opens for the spouses the possibility of integration various aspects: the customs, the different traditions, which can make their life more interesting and emotionally fulfilling. Nevertheless, the heterogamy is one of the main factors, which portend difficulties before the actual marriage has even started, might cause a great stress while being married and might lead not only to its disorganization, but also to its disintegration. What kind of people, or more, what the social -demographical characteristics built the multicultural mixed marriages and what an influence of the combination of all the factors in given marriages has on the quality and the maritiai durability, all these are the main, beside more detailed questions on which, an author hopes that the reader will find the answers to in this article.
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    Przemiany postaw polskich rodzin w okresie transformacji wobec religijności oraz planowania rodziny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Wachowiak, Anna
    Transition to democracy in Poland has brought profoumd changes in the life of Polish families, My article analyzes the impact of economic and political transition on the position and role o f women and on women’s perception of gender roles using results of our research conducted in Zielona Góra and its vicinity in 1999. We pay special attention to the change gender roles, share of domestic duties within working married couples and women’s perception of their role and position in the family. Position of men and women at work is perhaps the most powerful indicator of gender equality. This fact is contrasted with the perspective prevalent in Polish tradition that motherhood is the most important part of marital life while interpersonal relationship between husband and wife was not openly discussed or focused on. On the other hand, slow changes in the model of religiousness and the most modem profile of contraception can be a good indicator of deeper evolution of attitudes - also in the domain we have mentioned above. This is the main topic of this article.
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    Konsumpcja i prosumpcja w rodzinach województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Nowak, Waldemar
    The article is the presentation of the results of the research conducted in 1999-2001, in Kujawy and Pomerania Region. The research covered 200 families and their domestic arrangements, varying according to the pace of living, financial income, education, ways of earning the living, age and structure. There were the following methods used: questionnaires, observations, documents analysis and free interview.
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    Więź w rodzinach wielodzietnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Kotlarska-Michalska, Anna
    The analysis of selected indicators of the following bonds in families with many children: social-upbringing, cultural, and marital, based on research conducted by many authors, has shown that the burden of numerous duties connected with bringing up children and running the house does not enable, and in fact makes it harder for women to concentrate on deliberate actions that would help create a stronger upbringing bond between the mother and the children. In such families, not enough attention is paid to care for the bond between the siblings and between the spouses. It is noticeable that the marital bond is in decline under the burden of everyday life. The children, instead of bringing the spouses together, are rather a factor in their going in separate ways emotionally. It may seem worrying that, in families with many children, the fathers take little part in caring for and bringing up the children, and devote little time to talking to children, taking them for a walk, playing with them, and spending time with them in other ways; rather they impose this duty on the mothers. It may be supposed that many fathers are not prepared for fatherhood in general, and for being father to many children in particular. Their role, so important in creating emotional and social bonds, is then limited mainly to procreation and financial status o f the family.
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    Polski dom a rodzina polska. Analiza siedlisk rodzinnych w układzie historycznym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Żyromski, Marek
    The aim of this article is to analyse the development of Polish family house. Undoubtedly, this development reflected changes in both structure and functions of the Polish family itself. These relations had been presented in three period of history of the family in Poland: 1) the Medieval family; 2) the family in modern times; 3) the family in time of partitions of Poland and in the interwar period. The most o f information concernig the Polish family’s house describes the houses and palacies of Polish aristocracy and gentry or the rich towns population (the so-called patriciate). Both in the Middle Ages and in the modern times the development of Polish family houses was virtually the sane (or very similar at least) as in the Western Europy. So, the situation began to change in the time of partitions of Poland.
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    Relacje łączące rodziną z familią w świetle teorii wymiany
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Żurek, Aldona
    Nuclear family is subject to more and more intensive processes of modernization. It changes her part in society, and it rules other assignments in life of individuals. One o f the theories, which permits on explanation this, which one place occupies family among other social structures is theory of exchange. The business of exchange is transacted among family members and also between family and other in society. Theory o f exchange is scientific study of the patterns of interrelationships between the family and nonfamily system. This theory gives possibility of qualification of power of influences different factors, different regarding of one’s own character. Analysis is possible both then, when her object is a social group, as then, when refer of behaviors of single people.
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    Uniwersalność instytucji rodziny i kierunku je j przemian
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Kwak, Anna
    Family is the organization existing universally but differentiated in its forms. Family is both a social group and social institution. Social change and social conditions have a great influence on family. Such factors as culture, religion, political system and level of economic development have an important impact on the speed of change in family structure and organization. However, some general trends have a world-wide character and cause universal transformation in family life.
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    Odrębne elementy środowiska rodzinnego i pozarodzinnego a kształtowanie się różnic psychicznych między rodzeństwem: Potrzeba nowego paradygmatu badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Radochoński, Mieczysław
    The review of recent literature in the field of family science shows a growing interest in the role of nonshared environment in development of children growing up in the same family. The nonshared environmental influences make siblings rather different than similar. At the same time relatively modestprogress has been made in the identification of specific aspects of the familial and extrafamilial environment responsible for differentiated experiences of children. For example, if in the same family parents treat children differently, such differentiation accounts for only a relatively small amount of nonshared environmental influences. Also peer influence and other extrafamilial experiences are important elements o f whole nonshared environment. More empirical researches are needed in order to explain why siblings reared in the same family are often so different. The results of such investigations could possibly prove that most environmental variance affecting the development o f children, both psychologically normal or disordered, is not shared by siblings. Such possible conclusion makes that implementation of a new kind of researches is an important and urgent proposition.
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    Perspektywa postrzegania rodziny pochodzenia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Wrzesień, Witold
    Family of origin outlook is the indicator of the everyday life reality division in the family. In the article we present data about the family of origin outlook in three close generations of The End of Century Generation in Poland. We describe ranking of places treated as a social base, symbolic asylum for the individual and characterise three types of outlook on the family within the youth.
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    Przyczyny, płaszczyzny i przebieg konfliktów w małżeństwach bezdzietnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Przybył, Iwona
    This paper shows results of the author’s study carried out in the Wielkopolska region in 1999 among 140 childless married couples. The author presents the results of the analysis of the communication patterns among childless spouses and the course of marital quarrels. It was established that these couples are rather high-quality relationships in that respect. The main reasons of marital quarrels are: the disbursements, division of spouse’s duties and the form of spending the leisure time. It was established that infertile wives and husbands are not outspokenness in marital communication. The quarrels between partners who don’t cooperate with each other have the disintegrational character.
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    Przemoc wewnątrzrodzinna - problem środowiska miasta przemysłowego?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Mazur, Jadwiga
    The problem of physical abuse in the family during the period of the transformation of the political system and changing the structure of mining industry is the subject of the article. Such phenomena as unemployment, miners’ leaves, early retirement have influenced the relationships within the family. The relation based upon pressure, alcohol addiction, a feeling of occupational unflulfilment and a lack ofprospects for themselves as well as for their offspring; all of these factors are frequent in such a family. Violence within the family is often the result of the patriarchal model of the village family, from which people arriving in Silesia derive. Without their roots, they did not have time to develop their own tradition and a model family meeting the requirements of contemporary times. Furthermore, violence provides an easy outlet for aggression within the family when the difficult situations occur. Family crisis should become a matter of local authorities’ tasks who shall aim at the proper co-ordination of activities for the benefit of the family, as well as the local authorities should propagate the present-day personality and new individualism.
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    Rodzina w sytuacji choroby. Wpływ choroby psychicznej na funkcjonowanie rodziny w wielkim mieście (na przykładzie Chorzowa)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Przywarka, Irena
    The aim of the work was showing the changes that take place in the families in the particularly difficult situation that mental disease /schizophrenia/ of one of their members is. This work is an attempt of better understanding of all the cultural conditions and possibilities of dwelling and functioning of family in a mental disease case. The structure /especially generation stuctures/, the member’s roles and positions and the among - family relations have been analysed. The changes taking place in the field of family’s functions have been described as well as the ralation between the family and the outher environment. Results o f investigations permited on drawing out the conclusion, that the fact of psychiatric disease and resulting from it no social and emotional adaption o f ill person causes changes in range of all functions of family .It is important to point the contrary relationship that means the family influence modyfing the illness lasting period and determining treatment’s success.