Studia Prawa Publicznego, 2014, Nr 1 (5)
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Item Sprawozdania i informacje - Sprawozdanie z II Wydziałowej Konferencji Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego „Województwo – region – regionalizacja. 15 lat po reformie terytorialnej i administracyjnej”, Wrocław, 21–22 listopada 2013 r.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Cendrowicz, DominikaItem Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa - John Vervaele, The Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR) and Its «Ne bis in idem» Principle in the Member States of the EU (Stosowanie Karty Praw Podstawowych UE i wyrażonej w niej zasady ne bis in idem w państwach członkowskich UE), “Review of European Administrative Law” vol. 6, 2013, no. 1, s. 113–134.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Narożniak, AgnieszkaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Rémi Pellet, L’enseignement des fi nances publiques à l’Université. Bilan et propositions de réformes au Conseil national du Droit (Nauczanie fi nansów publicznych na uniwersytecie. Ocena i propozycje reform Krajowej Rady Prawa), “Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l’étranger” 2013, N° 4, Juillet – Août, s. 957–995.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Staniszewska, LucynaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Timothy K. Kuhner, The Democracy to Which We are Entitled: Human Rights and the Problem of Money in Politics (Demokracja, do jakiej mamy prawo: prawa człowieka i problem pieniędzy w polityce), “Harvard Human Rights Journal” vol. 26, 2013, no. 1, s. 39–90.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Narożniak, AgnieszkaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Charles Froger, La sanction fi scale dans les jurisprudences constitutionnelle et européenne (Sankcje podatkowe w orzecznictwie konstytucyjnym oraz w orzecznictwie europejskim) “Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l’étranger” 2013, N° 4, Juillet – Août, s. 929–956.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Staniszewska, LucynaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - R. Richard Geddes, Benjamin L. Wagner, Why do U.S. States Adopt Public-private Partnership Enabling Legislation? (Dlaczego poszczególne stany USA wprowadzają legislacje umożliwiające realizację inwestycji w formule PPP?), „Journal of Urban Economics” 2013, vol. 78, November, s. 30–41.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kotowska-Lewińska, MonikaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Victor Bucheli, Adriana Díaz, Juan Pablo Calderón, Pablo Lemoine, Juan Alejandro Valdivia, José Luis Villaveces, Roberto Zarama, Growth of Scientifi c Production in Colombian Universities: An Intellectual Capital-based Approach (Wzrost produkcji naukowej w kolumbijskich szkołach wyższych: podejście bazujące na kapitale intelektualnym), „Scientometrics” 2012, vol. 91, no. 2, s. 369–382.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kotowska-Lewińska, MonikaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Jenny S. Martinez, The Slave Trade and the Origins of International Human Rights Law (Handel niewolnikami a początki międzynarodowego prawa praw człowieka), Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012, ss. 263, ISBN 978-0-19-539162-6.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Wojtczak, PrzemysławItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Justyn Piskorski, Legitymizacja prawa karnego Unii Europejskiej, Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań 2013, ss. 447, ISBN 978-83-63795-23-8.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Trela, AnnaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Przegląd polskich opracowań naukowych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Trela, AnnaItem Z orzecznictwa -Glosa do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 4 listopada 2013 r., sygn. II GSK 990/13 (glosa krytyczna)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Gajewski, SebastianItem Zasada pewności prawa w działaniu administracji Unii Europejskiej oraz jako zasada ogólna prawa Unii Europejskiej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kluczewska-Rupka, Aleksandra“Certainty of law” is an expression often present in the justifi cations of decisions of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice. Philosophers consider certainty of law as a major value that law should adhere to. The right to bear the qualifi cation of “certain” is to encourage the need for safety which, according to psychologists, is one of the basic human needs. The principle of legal certainty derives from a broadly defi ned set of principles protecting citizens’ confi dence in the state, the predictability of law, confi dence in the law and the reliability of a legally established order, and is refl ected in the decision delivered by the European Court of Justice of the European Union. Under the rule of law a citizen must be ascertained protection of his predictions or expectations based on the existing legal norms, upon which his confi dence in the state regime is based. Legal certainty is achieved once stability of law is guaranteed and its abolition, or even modifi cations, as some claim, if at all admissible, should be precisely determined by statute. This paper is divided in two parts. The fi rst relates to the compliance with the principle of legal certainty by EU bodies, in which access to information as well as the compliance of the EU administration operations in practice with the principle of legal certainty are analysed. The second part of this paper touches upon the problem of legal certainty – as a general rule, which is frequently referred to in justifi cations of judgments delivered by the Court of Justice of the EU and addressed to Member States. The purpose of this paper is to present adherence to the principle of legal certainty as an intrinsic value which provides citizens with a sense of certainty, stability and predictability. Without a guarantee of these values , the principle of legal certainty remains only a theory.Item Zasady weryfikacji i zatwierdzania taryf za zbiorowe zaopatrzenie w wodę i zbiorowe odprowadzanie ścieków – zarys problematyki(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Ciszewski, ŁukaszThe necessity of guaranteed water supply and quality service underlay a legislative decision made to ensure an administrative supervision of that activity. One of the basic instrument s of the control is a procedure of handling a tariff of water and sewage rates and charges. Pursuant to the Act of 7 June 2001 on water supply and sewerage treatment service, the revision and approval of tariffs has been vested in individual municipalities, and the regulations governing their activity have practically remained intact since the implementation of the Act, notwithstanding the many problems and doubts that have been arising as to the functioning of public administration organs, administrative courts, or the operations of companies. The paper presents issues related to the revision and approval of tariffs. The key issues that have been analysed include the defi nition of a tariff and a tariff application, establishing the legal nature of such documents, and the identifi cation of the principles as well as limits of tariff revision performed by a municipality executive body in the process of tariff approval. It also contains de lege ferenda conclusions which point to the need to replace municipality bodies involved in the process with specialised central or regional organs, to ensure participation of a professional and independent regulator, free from the pressures of local politics (maintaining, of course, the ex ante supervision).Item Prawo do nauki (art. 2 Protokołu nr 1 do Konwencji) a numerus clausus w szkolnictwie wyższym – uwagi na tle wyroku Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka z 2 kwietnia 2013 r. w sprawie Tarantino i inni przeciwko Włochom(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jakubowski, AleksanderThe right to education which is guaranteed in Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is deemed to be fundamental, and provides grounds for formulating the rights of an individual and, corresponding to them, duties of a public government. The right to education includes 3 elements: the right to access the existing institutions and learning programs, the right to receive real and effective education, and the right to have the education completed within the existing recognised educational systems. These three rights also refer to higher education, including the private one, at all levels: bachelor studies, master studies and doctoral studies. As can be noticed in the ECHR decisions, access to education can never be limited on the grounds that are illegal, arbitral, irrational or simply discriminatory. This access must be framed and realised in a manner respecting the principle of equality, which follows from the conviction that everyone is entitled to have not only access to education but also to have this access provided on the same terms as it is provided to all individuals in an analogical situation. The similarity in this context is measured i.a. by comparing the levels of candidates’ capabilities and qualifi cations, which constitute a justifi ed and objective set of criteria. These directives were taken into consideration in the judgment of the ECHR of 2 of April 2013 in the case of Tarantino and others v. Italy. The Tribunal has ruled that the Italian regulation introducing the limit of admissions (numerus clausus) in higher education is in accordance with the right to education stated in the Convention. It was recognised that making the admission to the higher education conditional on the intellectual capabilities of a candidate is justifi ed and consistent with the essence of the right to education. The Tribunal’s ruling has a substantial importance for Polish regulations which are similar to those in the analysed case under consideration. The remarks made by the ECHR exceed the issue of numerous clauses and address the whole substance of the right to education, including the right to gain benefi ts of education or the influence of the conditions of the access to education on the nature of the right stated in the Article 2.Item Ustawowe determinanty działalności gospodarczej w świetle orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Grzymisławska-Cybulska, MariaThe defi nition of “economic activity” formulated pursuant to the provisions of the Act on freedom of economic activity has been a subject of research and deliberations presented in literature. Thus it seems justifi ed to analyse the same against relevant judicial decisions. In this paper rulings of the Supreme Administrative Court and region al administrative courts given after 1 January 2004 have been analysed. In some cases, it was deemed reasonable to include opinions delivered by the Supreme Administrative Court in Warszawa and its branches before the reform of administrative judiciary. The basic deliberations are focused on the practical understanding of individual determinants of economic activity. The research was conducted with a view of establishing whether the understanding of particular characteristics of actual economic activity is clear, or whether their interpretation has posed or poses certain diffi culties or doubts. The existence of some common features has justifi ed the references to judicial decisions that were made pursuant to two statutory acts currently no longer binding, i.e. the Act of 23 December 1988 on economic activity and the Act of 19 November 1999: Law on economic activity. Hence, the inclusion in the analysis of judgments delivered by administrative courts in cases that had actually occurred prior to the entry into force of the currently binding Act on freedom of economic activity. Further, an account has been made for the fact that there are several defi - nitions of economic activity. Consequently, possible interpretations of the term that may emerge either in the scope of the statutory act itself, or in other branches of law where the same term ‘economic activity’ is used, have been analysed. The main goal of the research was to determine the manner in which current practice verifi es earlier views and to establish whether it is at all justifi ed to refer to the judgments delivered on the basis of previously applicable legal acts. Questions may also be asked about a possible change in the practical approach to defi ning and assessing individual features of economic activity.Item Prawne determinanty procesu kształcenia w szkołach wyższych w latach 1920–1990 (Część II)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Wojtczak, KrystynaDuring the period under analysis, neither the doctrine, nor the available legal sources provided any help that would enable to differentiate between the concept of educating and teaching at schools of higher education. When referring to teaching, the legislator used the term with respect to the education provided to students, while when referring to the term education, the legislator would only adopt solutions conducive to the teaching. Apart from providing education and/or teaching, schools of higher education were also responsible for the upbringing of their students. This paper’s focus is on the meaning and extent of the triad of concepts: “educating-teaching-upbringing” based on the opinions presented in the doctrine and the legal regulations in force in Poland in the years 1920–1990. Understanding of each of these concepts constituted a starting point for further research and interpretation of the legal solutions adopted in order to identify the fundamental elements of the education process. Over the period 1920–1990, the legal status of schools of higher education was not uniform (there were state and non-state (private) ones, vocational or purely academic). The regime and management of those schools as well as the rights and duties of their staff and students also differed depending on the type of school. The academic staff was required to demonstrate high academic qualifi cations and exemplary morale, while students were expected to be creative and capable of understanding the content taught. Although it was the teachers and the students together who constituted the pillar of the education process, in order to achieve the didactic goals schools of higher had to satisfy certain conditions specifi ed by law, such as: properly selected faculty members, specifi ed rules of recruitment and enrolment, organisation of the teaching and development of relevant courses and syllabi for each year of study, and ascertainment of adequate conditions for their realisation (teaching infrastructure, fi nancing etc.) These requirements had to be met by both type of school: public and private likewise. Each reform in higher education (carried out in 1920, 1933, 1947, 1951, 1958 and 1982) brought about subsequent modifi cations of those requirements and obligations, which were implemented accordingly. Since schools of higher education were not immune to political and socio-economic changes, the reforms in education which they subsequently underwent included alternately centralistic and de-centralistic solutions.Item Human rights in Italy in the rulings of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and Supranational Courts (Part II)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Mezzetti, LucaZgodnie z wielowarstwowym systemem ochrony praw człowieka włoski porządek konstytucyjny wyznacza zasady odnoszące się do ochrony praw i podstawowych wolności. Cała pierwsza części Konstytucji, ujęta w cztery rozdziały, poświęcona została uznaniu fundamentalnych zasad i zapewnieniu gwarancji praw politycznych, gospodarczych, społecznych i kulturalnych. System uznania praw i wolności został dodatkowo uzupełniony przez indywidualizację obowiązków obywateli, a także pozostałych członków społeczeństwa. Na mocy postanowień zawartych w tytule V części II Konstytucji regionalne i lokalne organy samorządowe zostały wyposażone w funkcje i kompetencje związane z ochroną praw człowieka. Nie bez znaczenia w zakresie ochrony tych praw pozostaje jurysprudencja Trybunału Konstytucyjnego i Sądu Najwyższego. W drodze stałego dialogu z Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej oraz z Europejskim Trybunałem Praw Człowieka linia orzecznicza tych instytucji przyczyniła się znacząco do integracji i rozwoju praw pierwotnie uznanych w tekście Konstytucji. Czyniąc użytek z postanowień, które umożliwiają wprowadzenie do wewnątrzkrajowego porządku prawnego praw i wolności wyznaczonych w instrumentach międzynarodowych (art. 2 i 117 ust. 1 Konstytucji), Trybunał Konstytucyjny i Sąd Najwyższy przyczyniły się do poszerzenia katalogu praw konstytucyjnych we Włoszech. Innymi słowy, sądy te skutecznie wykorzystały potencjał zawarty w oryginalnych postanowieniach Konstytucji, by na podstawie wolności zagwarantowanych przez społeczność międzynarodową na gruncie prawa pozytywnego i orzecznictwa sądów ponadnarodowych inkorporować nowe prawa do włoskiego porządku konstytucyjnego.Item Studia Prawa Publicznego 2014, Nr 5, - spis treści(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014)