Przegląd Antropologiczny, 1992, vol. 55

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    Badanie zawartości ołowiu, kadmu, miedzi i cynku w stałych zębach mieszkańców Polski południowej
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Szostek, Krzysztof
    Lead, cadmium, copper and zinc concenrations in permanent teeth in the population of southern Poland were analysed by AAS technique. There was a statistically significant correlation between the quantities of heavy metals and the age of subjects. Also determined there were the sex differences and the relationship between the environmental conditions and the level of the accumulated heavy metals.
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    Barwa oczu i włosów oraz kształt włosów rodzeństw studiujących na Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Oniszczuk, Stefania; Sulima, Danuta
    The eyes and hair colour and the shape of hair of siblings - students of medicine in Białystok was examined in the unisexual and bisexual pairs of siblings at the age of 18- 24. The examined traits were compared within the pairs. The major differences of examined traits in bisexual pairs, stronger genetic determination of the eyes colour than the hair one and the major consistace as for the hair colour in male pairs, was proved.
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    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992)
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    Drogi awansu chłopów polskich w świetle wskaźników antropologicznych
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Welon, Zygmunt
    The hypothesis that the rise was achieved mainly owing to the leaving the farming or by moving to towns, was proved. Military conscripts (20,085) were divided into 10 appropriate social groups. Social status was measured by use of stature, educational level and health cathegory of conscripts.
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    Zmienność somatyczna a sprawność mechanizmów termoregulacyjnych
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Gołąb, Stanisław; Tyka, Aleksander
    Somatic variability and the efficiency of thermoregulating mechanisms was examined on the samples of Thais, Poles and Finns. The intergroup differences indicate the connection with the climatic zones. Thermoregulating efficiency seems to correlate with body built.
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    Mumia Aleksandra Fredry z Kaplicy Fredrowskiej kościoła parafialnego w Rudkach koło Lwowa
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Promińska, Elżbieta
    The mummy of Aleksander Fredro from the Fredro chapel in the parish church in Rudki near Lwow was examined in 1988 by the committee established by the Ministry of Culture.
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    Zróżnicowanie umieralności mężczyzn i kobiet w wieku produkcyjnym (20-64) w zależności od wykształcenia i stanu cywilnego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Brajczewski, Czesław; Rogucka, Elżbieta
    The data were compiled during the December 1988 Census of Population. It revealed the existence o f a clear cut social gradient in mortality. The further down the scale of educational status - the higher the rate of mortality at all ages between 20-64 years. Marital status of the deceased also influenced the level of mortality.
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    Biologiczna kondycja starszych mężczyzn (65-84 lat)
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Welon, Zygmunt
    The biological condition of the elderly men (65-84) was evaluated on the sample of 604 persons. The morphological and physiological traits were examined. The measure of the biological condition was proposed. The measure referred the distribution of the trait in theelderly to the distribution of the same trait in the young men.
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    Badania szczątków kostnych wybitnych osobistości historycznych - Jan Heweliusz
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Gładykowska-Rzeczycka, Judyta Julia; Sokół, Anna
    The astronomer died in 1687 and was buried in St Katharina Church in Gdansk. The contents of his vault was examined. The skeleton was described. All the pathological changes were taken into consideration.
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    Próba określenia wpływu czynnika wieku matki na rozwój cech somatycznych płodu
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Cieślik, Krystyna; Waszak, Małgorzata
    The attempt at stating the influence of mother’s age on the development of the somatic traits of a fetus was made on the material composed of 1800 fetuses in the age of 20-40 weeks. By means of the variance analysis the correlation between 7 somatic traits o f a fetus and the age of a mother, was examined.
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    Zmienność masy ciała podczas rozwoju prenatalnego i okołoporodowego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Bożiłow, Władimir; Sawicki, Konstanty; Poradnik, Elżbieta; Kurlej, Wiesław; Gworys, Bohdan
    Variability of weight in the prenatal and perinatal stages of development was examined on a sample of 5904 newborns and 354 fetuses in the age of 4 -7 months. All the sexual differences as well as some mothers’ traits and the circumstances of childbirth were taken into consideration.
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    Pojawienie się rodziny Hominidae
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Sikorski, Marek
    The appearance of the hominidae family is still very controversial, which is caused by great diversity and incompleteness of hominoid fossils. This problem refers to both taxonomic and phylogenetic interpretation of paleontological data, and also dating methods. The article widely discusses various attitudes, presented in literature.
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    Noworodek - stan rozwoju fizycznego i trendy rozwojowe urodzeniowej masy ciała
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Kaliszewska-Drozdowska, Maria Danuta
    Having continued the research carried out in 1960 and 1970, the sample of 1620 newborns (762 girls and 858 boys) bom in 1986 in Poznan were examined. Measurments of: body mass (1), si length (2), head circumference(3) and chest circumference (4) as well as the values of indices (1/2,3/4) were shown in the tables and on the graphs.
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    Gęstość listewek skórnych w polach międzypalcowych dłoni
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Buchwald, Wiesław
    The density of dermal ridges in the interdigital fields of palm was examined on the sample of 200 adult men and 200 adult women. Bilateral and sexual differences were taken into consideration. On stating 3 cathegories of the density of dermal ridges for every sex, the correlation between the density and the total ridge count in the subdigital area of palm was examined.
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    Żyły powierzchowne przedniej okolicy łokciowej u dzieci wiejskich
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Gościcka, Danuta; Flisiński, Piotr
    Venous configurations of the anterior cubital region were examined on the sample of 203 country children. The occurence of vessel connections of Y -type was found in 91,9%. The variant had 10 modificatins (a-j). Modification of j-type which was observed in boys was the most ramified one. The relation between the kind of the work and the kind of the vessel configuration has been suggested.
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    Cechy dermatoglificzne człowieka. Przegląd koncepcji i metod badań
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Budnik, Alicja
    The review was made from the point of view of genetic transmission, source of variability, morphogenesis and functional significance of these traits in men. While pointing the reasons of hitherto failures in solving the primary problems, the difficulties in defining the traits were stressed. The critical review on some dermatoglyphic opinions and new trends of researches in Poland and in the world were presented.
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    Możliwości odtwarzania długości kości ramiennej i udowej w oparciu o pomiary elementów stawu barkowego i biodrowego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1992) Kozłowski, Wiesław
    The regression equation was given to help to reconstruct the length of the bone taken from the fragmented sekeleton.
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