Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2006, nr 2


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    Влияние зарубежных СМИ на информационное пространство Кыргызстана
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2006) АЛИШЕР, Саипов
    The Author discusses selected issues concerning the altered functions of mass media in the course of political transformation in Kirghizia.
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    Europejski Fundusz Społeczny jako instrument aktywizacji zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych w Polsce w latach 2004-2006
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2006) Barabasz, Adam
    The European Social Fund is one of the instruments used to prevent the unemployment of people with disabilities in Poland. The Author of the paper assesses the degree to which in 2004–2006 Poland made use of the ESF financial resources under ‘Measure 1.4’ of the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development. It is EFS funds and other EU resources that may, at least partially, prevent numerous problems. This may be achieved by the organization of vocational training and psychology workshops for people with disabilities and for those who collaborate with them.
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    Rynek jako czynnik ograniczający wolność słowa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2006) Gołata, Krzysztof
    The author attempts to consider the relationship between freedom of speech and the principles of the free market in three aspects. Firstly, economic recession reduces the market offer and restricts access to newspapers and magazines. Secondly, the concentration of capital in the media and dropping of prices results in a limited number of titles circulating, thus restricting the amount of opinions and news releases reaching the readers. Thirdly, the dependence of editors on the advertisers makes „the one who pays dictate the terms, i.e. select the information and opinion and present himself in good light”. The opinion is frequently encountered that „freedom of speech is the freedom of the editor as opposed to that of a journalist”, which is mainly voiced by the former.
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    Radiowa manipulacja słuchaczem za pomocą materiału muzycznego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2006) Massaka, Iwona
    The analysis of the material broadcast by radio stations leads the Author to conclude that at present radio aspires to become one of the main providers of entertainment. The advertising slogans, statements of radio anchorpersons, news, songs or jingles make radio broadcasts something like a musical. This musical content remarkably contributes to the atmosphere of lightheartedness and optimism. Music is fragmented to the same degree as the news or announcements, and the listener is usually forced to listen to only a fragment of a speech or song. The recordings are not run to the very last sounds as when one approaches its ending the beginning of another one overlaps it immediately. Mixes of different songs are also played, including several bars of each, which is reminiscent of a video-clip for the ears.
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    Ewolucja zawartości prasy lokalnej w Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2006) Kowalczyk, Ryszard
    The Author explains that the research into local press is mainly concerned with the departure from political, economic or manufacturing matters which are superseded by the problems of ordinary people. It is usually emphasized that the general outlook of local press is predominantly affected by three types of problems: social, cultural and sporting, with a particular stress on the historical aspect. The private commercial press is becoming dominated by issues concerning crime and scandals, sports and entertainment, and advertising and announcements as evidenced by an increasing proportion of these topics in the total volume of publications under consideration. However, in magazines which are produced by local governments the main topics concern the initiatives, importance and functions of local governments which makes these publications resemble popular notice bulletins.
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    Konsekwencje zmian polityczno-ekonomicznych w Rosji po upadku komunizmu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2006) Stankiewicz, Wojciech
    On the basis of analysis of the transformations occurring in Russia following the collapse of Communism, the Author proposes a research hypothesis in terms of three statements. Firstly, Russia is creating the foundations for the development of a market economy, yet this process is hardly dynamic and has not involved all the branches of the economy. Secondly, there are no symptoms to demonstrate that a civic society is emerging in Russia, with tradition playing a significant role in how the relations between the elements and social institutions are perceived. Thirdly, the Kremlin’s foreign policy is not clearly formulated, and no transparent strategy or clear objectives have been worked out.
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    W sprawie „dekalogu” etyki politycznej liberalnej demokracji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2006) Paradowska, Wiera; Paradowski, Ryszard
    The issue of morality in politics has been bothering political scientists since time immemorial. Throughout all this time attempts have been made to create a system of political ethics. These attempts have mainly been characterized by the tendency to make this ethical system universal (in conformity with a controversial assumption that it is possible – and indispensable – to offer a single, commonly observed ethical system) on the one hand, and by failing to consistently distinguish political norms of ethics from those of other kinds on the other. The proposal of a system of ethical norms presented below is based on the Judaic- Christian Decalogue. What is significant though, is that it only concerns the form – in particular the first ‘commandment’ is an unsurpassable (yet not the only one feasible) formula to combine the actually antinomic fundamental values; in terms of the content the ethics of liberal democracy (including political ethics) is a contradiction of the Decalogue. It should be pointed out that the fact that the liberal-democratic ‘decalogue’ is written in the first person singular is by no means a coincidence; and this is so because unlike in authoritarian ethics, where the system of norms comes from the giver who is not actually subjected to them, liberal-democratic ethics (both the political and ethical aspects) does not distinguish between the givers of the norms and the remaining subjects obligated to observe the norms they did not make themselves. Also, the list of norms presented may be considered incomplete, and this is actually the case. The same concerns the Judaic-Christian Decalogue also, in fact it is only the first commandment that is not accidental, the one that provides a key to the interpretation of the entire ethical system; in the ‘old’ decalogue the key is the principle of rules and obedience, in the present one – the principle of mutual acknowledgement of both parties’ equal status.