Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2014, nr 6


Recent Submissions

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    О литературе как феномене эстетики
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Наривская, Валентина
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    Czy warto dziś być niezadowolonym?
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Gawarecka, Anna
    Recenzja nr 2 (2010) czasopisma „Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacja. Praktyka”
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    „Anafora”, czyli o celowości działań
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Rękas, Joanna
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    Upiorne oblicze systemu
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Lis-Wielgosz, Izabela
    Recenzja książki Božidara Jezernika pt. "Naga wyspa. Gułag Tity".
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    Diskursi feminizma i modernizma u esejima Julke Chlapec Đorđević i Jele Spiridonović-Savić
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Đurić, Dubravka
    I start from the definition of Serbian Yugoslav bourgeois culture as a semi-peripheral and having this in mind, I tend to analyze the essays by Julka Chlapec Đorđević and Jela Spiridonović-Savić, from the perspective of the world systemic theories applied to literature.
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    Muzeum niepokorności
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014)
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    Transformations of the Dissident Behaviour. Politics in Post-1989 Bulgarian Literature
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Licheva, Amelia
    The essay follows the changes in the literary works of the Bulgarian dissidents immediately after 1989. It tries to take into account the disillusionment and the distorted perceptions, but also the satisfaction of freedom, which it discusses as subject matters in the poetry of two dissident authors, who were also active politically – Blaga Dimitrova and Edvin Sugarev. The second major line of thought in the essay is a rereading of socialism in the writings of the younger generations. Against the backdrop of a major absence from Bulgarian literature during the socialist regime, it is interesting to observe how the new generations compensate the gaps, and what they stress on, including in those cases when they try to render socialism into a convertible currency.
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    Kilka słów o początkach kina bułgarskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Jóźwiak, Wojciech
    Recenzja książki Aleksandra Grozewa "Киното в България" obejmującej okres rozwoju kina bułgarskiego od 1897 do 1956 roku.
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    В „утробата на кита”, или „тихият вик” на българските поети през 60-те и 70-те години на ХХ век
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Кръстева, Гергина
    This article entitled unassumingly aims at reminding – just in a cursory way, but with a substantial degree of certainty, too, in their literary and historical justification – of a specific list of names of Bulgarian poets, whose „discontent” and/or „disappointment” with the totalitarian regime in Bulgaria create the history of the dissent, which found its expression in the alternative lyrical thinking and writing in the period of socialist realism during the decades of the sixties and the seventies of the twentieth century.
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    Václav Havel: niepolityczny polityk
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Bankowicz, Marek
    The article presents the political and intellectual silhouette of Václav Havel (1936–2011) – the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first one of the Czech Republic. Havel, the next to the Pole Lech Wałęsa, is the world renown symbol of the political turning point of 1989 that ended the world communist system. Before 1989, during the communist age, Havel was a dramatist, essayist and leader of Czechoslovak anticommunist and democratic dissident movement. He was strongly persecuted by the ruling communists, and while living under a permanent supervision of the security services and he was many times arrested. In 1989 Havel became a president of democratic Czechoslovakia and after dissolving of this state, in 1993, he was elected as a the first president of the new Czech Republic, holding the office by 10 following years. Havel was very untypical politician and president. He has played rather the role of an intellectual for whom politics is a matter of changing reality not by political decisions, but as a result of impact the on world by ideas and views. To follow Thomas Garrigue Masaryk example, the founder and first head of Czechoslovak state, clearly admired by Havel, he has tried to conduct of non-political politics. In this model politics becomes a practical applying of ethics and most important within it is not a power or state procedures and mechanisms, but men’s good and faithfulness to the truth. Václav Havel went down in the history as one of the greatest political figures of the second half of the last century.
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    Rojaliści i Krasnoludki wychodzą na ulicę. Kultura kontestacji w działaniach ruchu České děti i Pomarańczowej Alternatywy
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Balcerzak, Małgorzata
    This article is an attempt to compare two contestation models, that occurred in the activities of new social movements formed in the 80s of the twentieth century in Czechoslovakia and Poland (Czech Children and Orange Alternative). Both movements are the examples of the changes taking place in the process to form of political and social opposition to the communist regime. The article describes the relationship between political commitment and understanding of the aesthetic function (influence of surrealism) in the culture of opposition.
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    Чешская доля: иллюзии и реальности (полемика Милана Кундеры и Вацлава Гавела)
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Задорожнюк, Элла Григорьевна
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the M. Kundera and V. Havel polemics over the fate and fortunes of the Czech ethnical identity, Czechoslovakian nationhood and ways of Czechoslovakian society development after the August, 1968. This polemic, together with the Prague Spring reflection, caused broad resonance, and some of its statements are still timely. The acceptability of the paradox of Havel being a spokesman of „the Czech lot” while at the same time being its critic in the polemic was proven.
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    „Unutrašnji emigrant”: političke ideje Milovana Đilasa 1954–1989
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Stanić, Veljko
    The aim of this article is to examine the political ideas of Milovan Djilas (1911–1995) developed in his dissident period (1954–1989). Once a highly ranked communist and revolutionary of Tito’s antifascist partisan army in the Second World War Yugoslavia, Milovan Djilas (1911–1995) became widely known as one of the most important dissident figures in Eastern Europe. A noted reformist since Tito-Stalin split in 1948 and political prisoner (1956–1961, 1962–1966), Djilas was deprived from all public activity in his country until the end of communist rule. Author of more than twenty books translated and published abroad, ranging from political analysis and memoirs to novels and shorts stories, Djilas never truly gave up the ideals of the young talented writer he was in the early 1930s when he joined the communists. Declaring himself a democratic socialist, it was in his dissident period that he formulated a specific form of political philosophy which included his criticism of communist ideology and Titoist authoritarian rule in Yugoslavia, but also wider thoughts on human condition, literature and philosophy in the 20th century.
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    Zwrot polityczny w literaturze rosyjskiej, czyli „Lewy Front Sztuki” według Zachara Prilepina
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Roman, Katarzyna Urszula
    The paper concerns Russian contemporary politically engaged literature and takes into consideration the writings of an acclaimed Russian prose-writer, radical anti-Kremlin opposition activist – Zakhar Prilepin. A political turn in Russian contemporary literature is a way of raising an objection to the political authorities, who bring an incessant pressure on the society to reproduce the offi cial public discourse. It is also the act of uniting particularities of aesthetics, existence and politics, as well as breaking with the vision of literature distanced from the public issues. The common ground for Russian writers’ political commitment is a resistance to the postmodernism paradigm connected with an attempt to define the conditions and mechanisms of new ideology (in the „new realism” current). Deeply political writings of Prilepin seem to be an anti-liberal and anti-individualistic rebellion, as well as a thorough critical study of Russian contemporary society. The revolutionary prose-writer is against the doctrine of cultural pluralism, the activities of neo-liberal ruling elite, the growing political authority of Russian middle class and the dominant vision of collective memory.
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    Poezie Pavla Zajíčka po jeho návratu z exilu
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Pilař, Martin
    Pavel Zajíček was a leading personality of Czech rock and literary underground in the 1970s. His imprisonment in 1976 was an important impuls for creation of Charta 77. Communist establishment wanted to get rid of him and therefore (though he was a dissident) he was given his passport and allowed to leave Czechoslovakia for Sweden. In exile he continued in writing and in 1995 he returned to Prague. The present study deals with both invariable and variable qualities of his poetry created after his return. The detailed analysis of his collection of poems called Zvuky sirén a zvonů (The Sounds of Sirens and Bells, 2001) proves that the latest texts of Pavel Zajíček rank among the most original examples of Czech alternative poetry, independent on praised literary tradition.
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    „Nije na pjesniku da se klanja kralju”. Pozicija disidenta u hrvatskoj teatrologiji – slučaj Ivšić
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Petranović, Martina
    The paper discusses the position of Croatian playwright Radovan Ivšić in Croatian theatre historiography, before and after the independence of Croatia in the nineties. The research results point to three major phases in Ivšić’s reception in Croatian theatre historiography – the rejection, acceptance and canonization.
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    „Ispisati istinu umjesto povijesti” (otpor ideološkom u izboru hrvatskih drama iz druge polovice XX. st.)
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Peričić, Helena
    In this paper the authoress refers to examples from the period between the 60s and the beginning of the 90s of the 20 th century in Croatia which best illustrate not only the playwriting but also the lethalness of the act through mostly political drama typical of the period in question. At the time, the theatre was more often than not „the only space in which people were allowed to think and talk politically” (B. Senker). The paper discusses the following dramas: Perković’s Closed Afternoon(1966), Šoljan’s Diocletian’s Palace(1969), Kušan’s The End of Freedom(1971), Marović’s Antigona, the Queen of Thebes, and Themistocles (both from the early 1980s), and Brešan’s Julius Caesar (1994; publ. 1997). Dramatic literature and the theatre of these decades did not only reflect the happenings in Croatia within the former Yugoslav state; many of the above and other authors paid for their courage to write these texts with being passed over in silence, and with intellectual, political and existential harassment.
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    Два сюжета из иcтории русского отщепенства: позиции и технологии литературного противостояния
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Луцевич, Людмила
    In the Russian social thinking, the notion „dissident movement” has appeared twice. For the first time, as a historical and theoretical term in the essay The Dissident (1866) by Nikolay Sokolov, and then, a century later in the autobiographical The Confession of a Dissident (1990) by Alexander Zinoviev. Zinoviev considered „the dissident movement” to be social practices, which allow for social generalization. The first part of the article represents the thinking on the initial stage of dissident movement understanding. The Russian essay writers of the 60s of 19 th century analyzed this phenomenon based on the European experience, and connected it with the revolutionary struggle against the government and society to build socialist future for the mankind. In the second part of the article, the „dissident movement” is seen as a trial of a philosopher and sociologist who lived in socialism and communist period, in order to describe the merciless technologies to eliminate an individual from the Soviet intelligent society, in the 60s and 70s of 20 th century.
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    Глазами „другого” (заметки о прозе Е.Г. Эткинда)
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Кривонос, Владислав
    In the article E.G. Etkind’s prose is discussed from the point of view of its place and role in the dissident movement in the Soviet Russia. The particular attention is paid of Etkind’s ideological differences with the political regime and of the Jewish theme which was very important to his selfconsciousness. The article shows how Etkind’s position defined the angle of the narrative in his prose, and especially his view of the events.
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    „Byl to život na sopce, život pod závalem, život v tekoucí lavině”. O „dysydenckim getcie” według Pavla Kohouta
    (Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2014) Kowalska, Urszula
    The main intention of the presented article was to find and indicate thoughts connected to the dissident tradition of Czech 20 th century history. The generational experience regarding the „drunken festival” of Prague Spring and brutal intervention of „fraternal help” have influenced a non-official side of Czech modern culture. Literary works, as well as publicist activities in the period 1968– –1989 prove that the political opposition has become a very important subject for many writers. In the article, I am referring to above indicated novel written by Pavel Kohout. In his text, the writer, known as one of the most important founding members and architects of the informal civic initiative called Charter 77, has managed to describe an atmosphere of Czech „normalization” and nonofficial ways of rebelling, fighting against the communistic ideology in Czechoslovakia before the Velvet Revolution in November 1989.