Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2011, nr 1

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    Výpravy do země jiných vad. Český (ne)romantizmus očima polských publicistů
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Pešina, Jan
    One of so called “proprietes of a national characte“, which in Poland is sometimes stereotypically attributed to the Czechs, is a realistic or even pragmatic outlook on life, opposite to a Polish national romantic philosophy. This essay is devoted to the problem of the above mentioned romantism and realism as the way of thinking/mental state. On the base of Polish books published in the previous decade, dedicated to the modern Czech history, society and the wide understood culture, we have tried to answer the question, if and how Polish authors address the above mentioned stereotypical perception of the southern neighbour. It was displayed, that the most of the investigated authors, by choosing unique, romantic subjects and ideas, try to suppress the Polish stereotypical images of the Czechs.
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    Imagi/nacija. Neoromantičarski koncepti imaginacije u tekstovima hrvatskog narodnog preporoda i u pjesništvu Domovinskog rata
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Žužul, Ivana
    The paper attempts to shed light on the concept of imagination and its formative role in imagining collective identities such as gender, religion or nation in literary, journalistic and programmatical texts written by Croatian revivers, as well as in the poetry of the Croatian War of Independence. Here, the concept of imagination is conceived as a field criss-crossed by contradictions selectively used by the revivers and contemporary Croatian poets in the 1990's, in order to achieve certain political goals. According to need, they use it to reconcile resemblances with differences, general with particular or else for the purpose of generating hegemonistic symbols or organic unity of culture/nation, they erase divisions, ignoring and abolishing othernesses.
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    Teološki nomadizam. Po/etika i politika zazorne sublimnostiu pjesništvu Delimira Rešickog
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Vuković, Tvrtko
    The poetry written by the Croatian poet Delimir Rešicki is associated with some of the more influential concepts of the Romantic poets. The paper analyzes the method by which Rešicki develops Christlike motives as a model of shaping the authorial concept and comprehending the poetic identity associated with the idea of a (divine) Genius. The focus is therefore placed on two textual strategies: stylizing the lyrical subject as an urban model and representing the idea of nomadism as the predominant existential form. The phrase “theological nomadism” is hereby used to relate the convergence of Rešicki’s lyrical poetry and Romanticism to some of the recent ethical and political debates in the field of theory.
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    Ortografia elitarna czy egalitarna? Romantyczne dylematy
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Stęplewski, Artur
    Spelling is not just a problem for students, it is also a serious political issue. This especially concerns the time when the standard literary languages are formed. The problem of spelling also appears when there are important social changes, revolutions, wars, and a change of political system. One introduces spelling democratization for all members of the community or, conversely, spelling becomes an elite, intended for a narrow audience. The article presents the problem of spelling in Poland and Czech (Bohemia) in the 19th century and nowadays.
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    Máchowskie fascynacje i inspiracje Jana Čepa
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Seidel-Mączyńska, Aleksandra
    Among various Čep’s literary fascinations, Karel Hynek Mácha retains an important place. The Romantic writer (Mácha) and the 20th century Catholic novelist (Čep) are connected mainly by the same conception of a man in his relationship with the world and God. They share the same approach towards the passing of time, which in turn seems to be the key to being and understanding existence. The fascination dedicated to Mácha’s writing seems to conceal the vision of poets and source of creation shared by both the authors. Art and artists take on a specific role, which results from the particular spiritual predispositions of the author and from his metaphysical anxiety, which has its roots in the perception of mystery surrounding humankind and the world.
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    The Romantic poets and Post-War Serbian poetry
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Šeatović-Dimitrijević, Svetlana
    The pathetic or melancholy tone of Serbian Romanticism was quite unacceptable for modern poets who preferred irony, oxymoron, contrast, and a disharmonic world image. In the poetry of Stevan Raičković and Desanka Maksimović, connected by certain poetic affinities, we find a distinct lyrical overtone and an orientation towards a simple, mythopoeic world image, inspired by the heritage of Serbian Romanticism. In Serbian Romanticism, poetry had a populist role and that sort of function did not quite correspond to the functions of post-war poetry. After the war, poetry was marked by a struggle for poetic freedom or cautious efforts on the social and political level in poetry of Vasko Popa, Ivan V. Lalic and Ljubomir Simovic. Contemporary poetry did not relinquish that task, but its poetic language is more nuanced, more delicate, freed from the vocabulary and the rhetoric of oral poetry, as well as from its pathetic-melancholy tone.
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    Śladem romantycznej kreacji bohatera w chorwackiej poezji końca XX wieku. Od wampira do konsumenta
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Pieniążek-Marković, Krystyna
    One of the distinctive traits of Romantic literature was its frenetic feverishness and frightening otherness, the embodiment of which was, among many other beings, the vampire. This character in neo-Romantic contexts was sometimes invoked by the representatives of Croatian poetry of the late twentieth century. However, in its different currents it performed a different task. War and martyrdom poetry collected in the anthology U ovom strašnom času used the specter for the creation of a portrait of the enemy, while using the familiar clichés of Renaissance variant of Croatian romanticism. Branko Maleš’ vampiric themes merge into an indivisible whole with references to contemporary consumerism and co-create an ironic self-portrait of a postmodern neo-Romanticist. Maleš reaches for the themes of romantic strangeness and deconstructs them in a ludic manner.
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    Frenezja sadyczna po czesku: Křesadlo, Zykmund, Urban
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Pająk, Patrycjusz
    In Czech literature of the second half of 20th century a sadistic frenzy is present in several few novels by Jan Křesadlo, Václav Zygmunt and Miloš Urban. Although Czech writers do not copy the work of Marquise de Sade, they do use the motif of sadism to diagnosis the human condition in modern times, just as he did. In his novels Gravelarks and The Lord of Castle Křesadlo comes back to the times of Czechoslovakian Stalinism. In the novel Graduates’ Jubilee Zykmund criticizes the middle-class mentality, while Urban, in his novel Michaela, depicts a world between fiction and reality. Czech authors present the sadistic frenzy as a synthesis of exclusivity and primitiveness. In this way they express the more general subject, that is the relationship between culture and nature in modern times. A more or less perceptible deformation of nature is a side-effect of human aspirations to rule over nature. The sadistic frenzy shows a extreme variant of this phenomenon.
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    Romantyzm w historii literatury chorwackiej
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Meić, Perina
    The paper researches the way romanticism is reconstructed and interpretated in three books on the history of Croatian literature (Ježić, Frangeš Jelčić). In the analysis of selected histories of Croatian literature, three very important methodological questions that are extracted, namely the question of periodization, the question of the evaluation of Croatian literature of romanticism, and the question of considering the Croatian literature of romanticism in the broader context of the literary world trends.
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    Zrození autobiografického subjektu. Máchův intimní deník a moderní básnické deníky ve vztahu k romantické ideji subjektivismu
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Marciniak, Hanna
    My text is an attempt to apply Charles Taylor’s theory, dealing with the origins of the modern self, to Czech autobiographical literature originating in Romanticism. Taking a cue from Jean Starobinski and Philippe Lejeune’s concepts of modern autobiography, I analyse Karel Hynek Mácha’s personal diary from 1835 and try to find and emphasize its narrative and compositional aspects, which anticipate the poetics of modern poetic diaries.
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    Obecność romantyzmu: co i jak czyta Danny Smiřický?
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Kowalska, Urszula
    The main purpose of the article is to identify and recognize ways of reinterpretating romantic heritage throughout a wide historical and literary context. The thesis concentrates on a novel written by Josef Škvorecký, entitled Příběh inženýra lidských duší , which deals with the themes of the history of emigration, totalitarianism and literature, which can be helpful in elucidating unexplained experiences. It is necessary to consider dependent relationships and connections between history and older literature. The main character of Škvoreský’s story, Danny Smiřický, is a Czech emigrant working as a lecturer at a Canadian university. The experience of reading proves to him just how universal and significant literature can be. The literary works of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne become the way of “translating” Czech experience with communism for Canadian students. An hour of literature range into an hour of history.
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    Ikony serbskiego romantyzmu jako bohaterowie współczesnej literatury popularnej
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1); Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM (nr 2), 2011) Koch, Magdalena
    The paper discusses the presence of two icons of Serbian romanticism in contemporary culture. The male icon, Petar Petrovic Njegos (1813–1851), and the female one, Milica Stojadinovic Srpkinja (1828–1878), are presented. The main claim of the paper is that after the demise of socialist Yugoslavia in the 1990s, when a new national identity reemerged, few women writers introduced the central figures of romanticism as main characters in their prose works in order to take part in feminist and national discourse. This tendency is illustrated with Milica Micic Dimovska’s novel Last Fascinations of MSS (1996) and Ljubica Arsic’s short story The Other One Who Waits in the Dark Night (1998). However, in the first decade of 21st century, these icons of romanticism also became heroes of popular literature. The case of Isidora Bjelica and her two prose works Secret Life of P. P. Njegos (2007) and The Serbian Woman (2009) illustrates this point.
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    The Romantic tradition and the fantastic short story in Macedonian literature
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Kapusevska-Drakulevska, Lidija
    The fantastic short story in Macedonian literature has developed along lines typical for fantastic literature in general; through the folklore collections made by Marko Cepenkov, it leads to modern artistic literature, thus accomplishing a synthesis of tradition and innovation of its own. There are numerous authors in Macedonian literature who are admirers of the fantastic short story as a form of literary narration within the frameworks of fiction. Some typical forms of traditional romantic fantastic short stories could be found in the literary work of Macedonian writers: Slavko Janevski, Vlada Urošević, Mitko Madzunkov, Krste Čačanski, Dimitrie Duracovski, Dragi Mihajlovski, Aleksandar Prokopiev, Venko Andonovski, etc. The popularity of fantastic short stories in Macedonian literature has not diminished over time; on the contrary, it has gained intensity. The fantastic short story tries to retain the polymorphism of eyes’ and souls’ visions. In the very name of Romanticism, therefore, we can say that: “Romanticism is not dead!”.
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    Romantyzm jako etykietka pseudohistorycznoliteracka (In margine czeskich międzywojennych dyskusji i polemik literackich)
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Gwóźdź-Szewczenko, Ilona
    The article deals with the specific presence of the term romanticism in the interwar period (1918–1939) in Czechoslovakia. In the introduction, the author stresses the lack of a precise definition of the term as well as two ways of understanding it. On the one hand, the term romanticism refers to the complex historical and literary movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century. On the other hand, however, it is associated with something trivial, which does not deserve much attention. The author attempts to analyse the way the term is used in literary discussions and polemics in the interwar period in Czechoslovakia. The author comes to the conclusion that the term 'romanticism' was a sort of historical and literary label stuck to adversaries in order to belittle them and their ideas.
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    Późny romantyk w świecie duchów. Gotycyzm w powieści Jana Bittnera "Dziennik kustosza"
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Gawarecka, Anna
    Romanticism, one of the most important philosophical and artistic periods in modern European culture, was never the mainstream tradition in Czech literature. Nor did the Gothic novel influence this literature in a significant way. In his Deník kastelána (Custodian’s Diary), Jan Bittner tries to use the formulas of traditional literary horror. The main aim of this renovation seems to be to search for a narrative form which is appropriate to show the problems and priorities of the modern self. The hero of the novel, who runs away from Prague and decides to live far from the postmodern civilization with its relativity of values and lack of metaphysical horizons, finds in the haunted baroque village castle a place where he can once again define the sense of life.
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    Mácha w awangardowym teatrze E. F. Buriana
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Firlej, Agata
    This essay is devoted to the Czech avant-garde stage-adapter from the 1930's and 1940's, Emil František Burian and his theatre D34 (also called “Dečko”). Burian adapted the output of the romantic poet, Karel Hynek Mácha, for the stage, using it to explore and express his conception of avant-garde theatre. In the words of Burian, Mácha was the “Czech Shakespeare”, far from any realism, so the meaning of his output, staged in the traditional, realistic theatre, was distorted. Trying to find the right way of staging Mácha, Burian finds his own idea of the new theatre, inspired by the conceptions of the Russian stageadapters Vakhtangov and Tairov. The most important categories in the Burian’s theatre were: motion, light and music. Burian was looking for a way to translate the language of unrealistic, romantic literature into the modern language of theatre. In cooperation with M. Kouřil and J. Lehovec he created what was known as Theatergraph, which began the era of “multimedia” performances. Burian’s modern conceptions of actor’s play also inspired others.
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    Kontury máchovského mýtu
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1); Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM (nr 2), 2011) Faktorová, Veronika
    In 2010, Czech culture celebrates the 200-year anniversary of the birth of Karel Hynek Mácha, the Czech romantic poet. The early reactions to Mácha´s works were for the most part rejections: national culture did not want to admit themes that would not serve the immediate goal of developing Czech patriotic culture. In despite of this, from the 1860´s, Mácha´s legacy gradually advanced into the focus of Czech culture. Nevertheless, Mácha can be seen as indisputable part of the Czech cultural canon from the late nineteenth century. The ways in which Mácha became the greatest inspiration appearing in Czech literature, music, visual ATS, films or theatre were different, although they all created the mythological interpretations of poet.
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    Zjawy, upiory, sobowtóry... „Romantyczne” transgresje w powieści "Podobojí" Danieli Hodrovej
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1); Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM (nr 2), 2011) Balcerzak, Małgorzata
    This article concentrates on the problem of transgression in the novel Podobojí by Daniela Hodrová. This problem is tracked from the perspective of romantic and post-romantic references to the literary and historical tradition (e.g. the Czech National Revival). One of the key concepts here is death and the metaphor of doubling, which makes the characters in the novel ontologically ambiguous entities. Death is treated in a confrontation with romantic themes, such as the ghost, ghoul, and the double.
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    Romantičarski kodovi u romanima Miodraga Bulatovića
    (Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1); Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM (nr 2), 2011) Bečanović, Tatjana
    The paper identifies the romantic codes that are activated in the organization of the novels of Miodrag Bulatovic, relying on the theoretical assumptions of Aleksandar Flaker about the stylistic formation of romanticism, whose postulates occur even outside the periods, mainly as peripheral poetic codes within different systems. The disintegrative energy of this period and its preference for the destruction of the canon came to full expression in the narrative process of Miodrag Bulatovic. Romanticism as a supra-historical and anthropological category is generally based on the maximal postulates that involve the destruction of the existing world, as well as an aggressive attitude towards reality, which is built into the writer’s universe and reaches its climax in his last novel, entitled Gullo Gullo and his eschatological mythemes. The irrational and fantastic images in the narrative process have been equated with real events co-existing as a narrative element completely equal to reality, and what is fantastic, unnatural and unusual reveals itself as very ordinary and realistic, erasing the boundaries between reality and fiction, belonging to one and the same, a diabolical universe, which substantially regulates romantic codes.