Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2006, vol. 33

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    Alcune considerazioni inerenti all'architettura dell'italiano contemporaneo
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Beszterda, Ingeborga
    This article describes certain fundamental issues relates to the current linguistic situation in Italy: the analysis of reciprocal relations between the national language and the Italian dialects (diglossia, bilinguism); the internal variants of Italian language depending on geographical location, social stratification, circumstances of the communication and the communication channels; the patterns of repertory proposed by famous linguists; some crucial problems concerning contemporary linguistic situation in Italy as: the importance of the diatopic variation; the recognition of the tension between Italian standard language derived from literary tradition and a new common form of the standard language; the recognition of the existence of a substandard variant - popular Italian.
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    Eufemismo in italiano: interdizione verbale nel lessico legato alla sessualità femminile
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Szpingier, Beata; Beszterda, Ingeborga
    The objective of this analysis is a description of euphemism in the onomastics referring to a woman through the lexicology of erotica found in everyday circulation. The description is not merely confined to lexemes referring to a women but also contains words describing parts of her body, physiological functions and sexual activity. Sexuality belongs to those domain which constitute a basis for a linguistics ban, indubitably, repression too. Studies of language prove that linguistic denial is inseparably tied with and present in interhuman communication.
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    Pourquoi revient-on à ses moutons ? Un regard croisé sur la valeur sémantique du retour en français et en polonais
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Sikora-Pouivet, Dorota
    French verbs revenir, rentrer, retourner refer to the same kind of location situations as their Polish « doubles » wrócic/wracac. This paper analyzes their meanings through examples presented with their contextual data. Revenir and rentrer are morphologically analysable as complex lexemes derived from the corresponding venir and entrer by adding the prefix RE-. REderivation provides a semantic feature of iterativeness to these complex items. From a synchronic point of view, retourner, in the sense investigated in this article, cannot be considered anymore as RE- derived, but it lexicalizes similar values. Wracac/wrócic share some of them. Some differences in the lexical meaning of all these verbs are explained, especially by showing how they are used as pragmatic indexes inside the relation between the speaker and a reference to a location.
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    L'oralità dans la communication asynchrone via Internet sur les exemples du discours du cyberespace français et italien
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Pirogowska, Ewa
    The aim of the article (based on the ffragments of the doctoral dissertation) was the analysis of the spoken language functioning in the Italian and French cyberspace as a communication system secondary to the oral skills (orality) of the first human groups. The thesis is the following: in the electronic communication the two language uses, the written and the spoken, cannot be treated separately, as a dichotomy, as they coexist and are connected by one common code, "work" language, Computer Mediated Communication. The communication presented is devoted to the conversational analysis of discourse in the asynchronous communication, the dialogue exchange on forums and discussion groups. The notion-keys are as follows: asynchrony of dialogue microspace, inter-subjective space, sequential implicativness, conversational strategy.
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    Alternantele vocalice neregulate din flexiunea verbală românească
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Cychnerski, Tomasz
    This paper, that is part of a bigger research project concerning the morphonology of the standard contemporary Romanian, concentrates on the irregular vocalic alternations in the Romanian verbal inflection. Seventeen of the twenty-four possible alternations are irregular. The context in which the alternant members appear is analysed precisely according to the units that follow and precede them. The analysis shows that six of all the alternations are only morphologically conditioned. The e ~ a alternation acquires the categorial function in the structure of three verbs.
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    La sémantique du prototype et les genres (littéraires)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Wołowski, Witold
    The proposal of this paper, situated at the meeting point of linguistics and poetics, is to discuss the applicabilty of same selected prototypical thesis to the research on litterary genres. It examines the following questions: status and internal structure of generic categorisations (hierarchical levels, gra-duality), J.-M. Adam's sequential theory, origin of prototypicality judgements in literature, archetype-prototype relation, difficulties in prototypical analysis of generic hybridity
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    Comment le témoignage devient une œuvre littéraire : Le cas de Robert Antelme et de Primo Levi
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Teklik, Joanna
    Can a testimony, a text similar to a document, be a literary work? The answer to this question is definitely positive in the case of R. Antelme (L'espèce humaine) and P. Levi (Se questo è un uomo) who relate their experience from a concentration camp. These authors, remaining faithful to the truth, do not neglect aesthetic requirements, using known narrative techniques and skillfully maintaining the tension characteristic of literary texts. They use an innovative form of narration. It is fragmentary and broken, which fully reflects the character of the prisoners' fate. Finally, a new conception of humanity and a deep reflection on human nature (the titles are meaningful themselves) prove the literary character of both texts.
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    Le passif et les converses de relation
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Nkollo, Mikołaj
    Verbs in the passive voice along with their active counterparts have been frequently associated with couples of converse relations. The present paper disclaims, on historical and inflectional grounds, the existence of equivalence between them. Although similar, each of these types of expressions exhibits a significant number of peculiar traits. The main argument put forward states that formal differences between active and passive forms are a main hindrance to treat them analogously to converse relations
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    «Le sentiment de la langue » dans l'œuvre de Richard Millet
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2009) Prosowska, Monika
    A key concept is this work is a term coined by Richard Millet and used in the title of his essay Le sentiment de la langue ("Feeling for language"). It allows for a broad interpretation of the author's fiction, in which language experience is in the center of attention. This language experience is examined on the level of narration techniques, the process of establishing the speaker's voice, on the ethics of social relations as expressed by language, and on the status of the novel itself. Through a binary presentation of these issues, Millet does not strive after solutions, but rather aspires to highlight the dynamism of the phenomena of language and literature.
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    Chat: ¿ "conversación escrita" o "texto escrito oralizado"?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Lisowska, Monika
    The aim of this paper is to show the discursive duality of the online conversation, also known as online chat. Although this kind of communication seems to be similar to face-to-face chat, it cannot be ignored that chatroom discourse is text-based. The author describes the online chat as a mixture of features from spoken and written discourse, wanting to answer whether it is closer to the one or to the other kind of discourse.
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    Análisis de errores en la producción escrita de los aprendices polacos de español: las preposiciones
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Fernández Jódar, Raúl
    The article analyses the prepositional system of Polish learners of Spanish interlanguage at three different levels. The author's intention is to show that in spite of wide prepositional system the errors in the use of prepositions are few. For this reason its teaching in Spanish as a foreign language classes should not create problems.
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    Il mito del paese di Cuccagna e la pubblicità televisiva italiana
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Krnacka, Barbara
    The article compares medieval and Renaissance literary descriptions of the mythic land of eternal bliss and prosperity Cuccagna with pictures and texts of Italian television advertisement of the nineties. The characteristic moments of these descriptions such as, for example, abundance, satisfying sensual needs, celebrating and feasting as well as the evaluation of the described phenomena, in these distant texts of culture, are very similar to each other. Italian television advertisement appears as another contemporary image of the land of bliss Cuccagna.
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    Le bloc-notes en expansion - autre média, autre discours
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Jereczek-Lipinska, Joanna
    This text falls under research of the discursive analysis as in what one qualifies of the blogoscopy to knowing in the analysis still little developed phenomenon of the blogs. These new media are in full expansion in France. We thus propose to analyze this advent of the new media while starting with simple observation of the language which it generates, while passing by its definition, typology and structure and to arrive finally at the influence and the range that it will be able to have on the political and media speech.
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    Le discours aux morts dans « La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu » de Giraudoux
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2005) Fraisse, Luc
    The "Speech to the Dead" delivered by Hector in Jean Giraudoux's play The Trojan War Will Not Take Place (1935) exemplifies a cultural adaptation achieved by moving the relevance of the interwar period into the world of antiquity and the world of Homer. In 1935 Hector's speech expresses the protest of the whole generation against the First World War. But a closer look at this famous scene will demonstrate that Giraudoux actually defines the nature of the theatrical word which enables what is absent from the stage to appear on the stage, and which gets addressed to the unknown, mysterious interlocutors. Therefore the explication of these two tirades unveils a peculiar theory of the theatrical language.
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    Remarques sur la négation connexionnelle en occitan languedocien
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Floricic, Franck
    The aim of this paper is to offer a description of sentence negation in the Languedocian variety of Occitan. After a brief overview of the general properties of negation in Occitan, it will be shown, on the basis of unpublished dialectological data gathered in the 60's and 70's, that in some localities within the Occitan area the negative marker pas has cliticized. However, gapping structures show that in the dialects in which pas has acquired clitic status, it is still possible to use the tonic form, thus pointing to the conclusion that in these dialects sentence negation has two allomorphs. The last part of the paper deals with cliticization as a general phenomenon, and questions Witold Manczak's view according to which there is no basis for a distinction between tonic and atonic forms. The problem of frequency will be discussed, and it will be argued that the cliticization phenomena presented in this paper should not be analyzed as a consequence of this factor.
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    Calcul interprétatif métaphorique à l'exemple de la structure « Le NI est un N2 »
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2006) Domanska-Gruszka, Jolanta
    In the present paper the author tries to analyze the phenomenon of linguistic metaphor not at the level of 'langue' but rather as the result of discursive uses. The basic predicative structure le NI est un N2 in French in metaphorical use is treated not as categorization but as characterization of subject. The author compares pragma-semantic and discursive approach of the metaphorical predication and its interpretation - analogy as included in the system and 'conformity judgment' as a local characterization. The final considerations are about philosophical implications of metaphorical words uses.