Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, 2020, Tom 9, Nr 1


Recent Submissions

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    Edukacja jako zadanie otwarte. Edukacja do samodzielności. Warsztaty z dociekań filozoficznych. Teoria i metodyka Aldony Pobojewskiej wsparciem metodycznym w kryzysie edukacji
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2021-09-06) Skrzypczak, Alicja
    The publication of Aldona Pobojewska Edukacja do samodzielności. Warsztaty z dociekań filozoficznych. Teoria i metodyka is an important work, supporting educator’s theoretical workshop and practice, that offers an original method of “workshop in philosophical inquiry” (WDF) embedded in Matthew Lipman’s philosophy and in his project Philosophy for Children. The method targets education to specific current problems of the social world, including the ethical world, and indicates the need for the development of social competencies via discussion and for the shaping of autonomy attitude, both moral and intellectual. Interdisciplinary character of WDF method allows the reader and the person leading the
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    Educating epistemological principles, virtues and research skills. Review on Marina Klimenko’s textbook “Research Methods in the Social Sciences”
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2021-08-17) Nowak, Ewa
    Improving university students’ research skills, research integ-rity and best standards for scientific excellence is crucial for all disciplines. Marina Klimenko, a senior lecturer at the Universi-ty of Florida, developed an innovative digital textbook entitled Research Methods in the Social Sciences (2020) with the focus on investigative psychology. The edition was powered by the e-learn-ing portal and published by Sentia Publishing. The author’s own epistemological and research expertise is combined here with her competence in higher education didactics. Klimenko’s textbook seems to be perfectly tailored for prospective researchers – and useful for various disciplines representing the social sciences and humanities.
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    Spis treści
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2021-12-27)
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    A review of involution and its psychological interpretation
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2021-10-04) Lei, Kang; Yeyao, Jin
    In recent years, the concept of involution has been widely spread, and more and more articles begin to use the concept with its extended meanings to discuss social problems in China. However, there is little discussion on the evolving meanings of involution, which makes the use of the concept quite arbitrary. In the early stage of the development of involution, it was a concept based on economic theory and the tendency of the generalization of the concept calls for more systemic discussion across academic disciplines. In order to take a new perspective to understand employee performance, especially some deviant or withdrawal behaviors, this paper analyzes the specific meaning of the concept and the possible psychological factors behind it. After the theoretical discussion of the concept, this paper also tries to seek solutions to effective motivation at workplace.
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    Some remarks on applications of analogy within intercultural dialogue
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2021-06-04) Dudek, Agnieszka Helena
    In this article I present some applications of analogy with reference to intercultural dialogue, firstly as a process in which the familiar structure of a direct experience in one situation improves awareness of an expected experience within another structure. Secondly, I follow the Enrique Dussel’s approach accord-ing to which where analogy is the key element of a true dialogue. In the paper conceptions of Ryszard Kapuściński, Martin Buber, Józef Tischner are presented in the context of intercultural dia-logue and are applied to Yuko Abe’s analysis of students exchange experiences.
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    Rousseau i Tocqueville: przeciwstawne wizje republikańskiego wychowania
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2021-04-29) Mirocha, Łukasz
    It is legitimate to speak about two philosophies of education as presented by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The first of the philosophies was elucidated in Emil, or on Education and its aim was to provide principles governing the process of upbringing of the man. Philosophical grounds for the second one were comprised in The Social Contract, however description of the education itself is delivered by Considerations on the Government of Poland. This concept refers to the civic education, education of the political community member. Alexis de Tocqueville depicts vision of education that varies fundamentally from the both grounded in Rousseau’s writing. Tocqueville’s vision stays at odds with the philosophy given in Emil, because it concerns civic aspects of the education. It is also not compliant with the concept stemming from Considerations, due to the fact that it stresses the role of other than state subjects in the education. The article comments on all three concepts of education outlined above and finally relates them to the concept of positive and negative liberty provided by Isaiah Berlin.