Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2007, tom 18

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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Kotlarska-Michalska, Anna
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    Dzieci ulicy i młodzież bezdomna w Kirgistanie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Jyldyz, Omusheva
    This article is about the condition of children from vulnerable groups in Kyrgyzstan. The economic crisis of the transition period made the family system worse, as the majority of families suffer from poverty. This is why negative social tendencies appear - derelict children, teenage crime, child labour, violence against children etc. Most children must work in order to survive. Frequently, a child is the only breadwinner in a family. Children from vulnerable groups in Kyrgyzstan are not covered by educational and medical care systems, their rights are violated practically everywhere. There are some recommendations, which aim to improve the quality of life for children from vulnerable groups, their integration into the society and facilitate their access to the social care system.
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    Społeczno-kulturowe aspekty adopcji w Boliwii
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Ziółkowska-Kuflińska, Magdalena
    The principal aim of this article is to determine the function of the adoption in Bolivia, which usually is the main cultural and social value. I am of the opinion that the adoption in Bolivia cannot be considered in isolation from the cultural, social and historical determination. I also consider that interpretation and analysis of the conditions of adoption should be considered with a lot of relations between the members of this society. Adoption in Bolivia is a lengthy and complex process and the Bolivian judicial and administrative requirements are numerous. Although adoption of children in Bolivia by foreigners remains a sensitive issue, the Bolivian courts are willing to approve such adoptions. Bolivia has two types of adoptions: national and intercountry. However, Bolivia does not allow intercountry adoptions to countries that have not ratified the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, including the United States. In order to be eligible for adoption, a Bolivian child must be "abandoned." Abandonment is a legal finding made by the Bolivian court, and must occur before the child is assigned to prospective adoptive parents. In effect, this prohibits so-called "direct" adoptions, in which the birth parent gives a child directly (or via an intermediary) to specific prospective adoptive parents for adoption. In addition, this effectively bars adoptive parents from searching for and locating a child on their own. Prospective adoptive parents must work with the Vice-Ministry of Gender and Generational Affairs to locate a child that is eligible for adoption. Adoption in Bolivia has a very important value to all members of this country. This problem is fundamental from the society's point of view and it is very important to observe the development and solutions of this question.
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    Determinanty kulturowe zaburzeń odżywiania
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Owsiejczyk, Aurelia
    Eating disorders are complex conditions that arise from a variety of factors, including physical, psychological, cultural and social issues. This article presents a character of cultural factors, the influence of media images, which create its own definitions of beauty and attractiveness. A relative new phenomenon is a wave of pro-anorexic Web sites, where women and girls who indulge in anorexia nervosa attempt to glorify their chosen lifestyle. The author tries to present a cultural foundation of this problem and shows possible social consequences.
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    Rodzinne uwarunkowania zachowań agresywnych u młodzieży
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Liberska, Hanna; Matuszewska, Mirosława
    The main purpose of the study presented in this paper was to recognize the relation between the adolescents' perception of parental attitudes and the level of aggression in the behavior of the girls and boys. The research was carried out on 86 adolescents between the ages of 17 to 18. All subjects were secondary school students from an urban environment. The following methods were used: the Questionnaire on the Perception of Parental Attitudes (by Plopa) and the Questionnaire on the Aggression Level (by Wójcik). The obtained statistic analyses showed that the majority of adolescents who perceive parental attitudes to be incorrect have a higher level of aggressive behavior. But comparative analyses of the data collected for girls and boys indicate that the relation between the perception of parental attitudes and the level of aggression is significant only in the girls.
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    Sieroctwo biologiczne osób nieletnich w Polsce w długookresowej perspektywie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Szukalski, Piotr
    The data presented in this paper perfectly fit a wider discussion on the long-term evolution of the size and the structure of the family. They show that the demographic regime transformations - mainly the influence of the decrease in the death rate in the case of orphanhood - change the context of the family in which one lives and functions. The most relevant aspect of the change in question is the lengthening of the period in which one stays within a given family status, i.e. the increase in the number of years during which one is a wife/husband, a parent, a child, a grandchild, or a greatgrandchild). The change manifests through the lengthening of the period of co-existence between multiple generations of a family, and as a result, the increase in the frequency of the occurrence of multigenerational families.
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    Otwartość doboru terytorialnego małżonków we współczesnej Polsce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Kałuża, Dorota
    The analysis - based solely on the data published in Roczniki Demograficzne - has allowed to present some regularity between the number of new marriages and the territorial matching of the spouses. Cultural, social and economic changes currently taking place in Poland are some of the reasons for the change in marital behaviour that has been observable in the recent years. The Polish pattern of marital behaviour has been increasingly similar to the patterns found in Western Europe.
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    Patriarchalna rodzina rzymska - mit czy rzeczywistość?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Żyromski, Marek
    The institution of the Roman family, in particular the family of Roman citizens, appears to have been one of the fundaments of the stability of longevity of the sociopolitical system of Ancient Rome, together with a well-trained army, effective administration or the desire of receiving Roman citizenship on the part of Rome's provinces' elite. In historiographical works on Rome, there appears a dogmatic concept of the strong patriarchical Roman family, dominated by the despotic head of the family, i.e. the father. However, as shown by comparative studies, the levels of life expectancy and the death rate in the ancient times made it practically impossible for the head of the family to have such a strong position.
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    Małżeństwo i rodzina w etyce religijnej świadków Jehowy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Chojnacka, Gracjana
    The aim of this paper is to present a sociological analysis of roles, social positions and family interactions as imposed by standards and principles used in families of the religious organization called Jehovah's Witnesses. When analyzing religious morality obligatory for Jehovah's Witnesses, we can see numerous connections between family and God. Everything referring to family life should be an expression of love and respect to God. If the principles given by God in the Bible are used for family life, it is possible to enter into close spiritual relations with Him. Jehovah's Witnesses treat the Bible as a source of standards and principles describing the model of marriage, regulating sexual life, deciding about distribution of roles in family hierarchy, giving guidelines as to education of children, as to divorces or legal separation. In the present world that accepts new morality and rejects marriage as being time-worn, Jehovah's Witnesses stick to their set of religious principles defining the form of family life. They are determined not to submit to factors affecting transformation of marriage. They believe that it is possible to create a happy family life even if the contemporary family model is in crisis.
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    Ojciec jako rodziciel
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Gębka, Mikołaj
    The paper discusses a new aspect of the role of the father, the presence of the father during the childbirth. The author's research shows evidence that this role has a positive influence on other roles of the father, and works towards strengthening of the marriage bonds.
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    Kobieta w domu i na rynku pracy. Czy równość praw i obowiązków?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Kwak, Anna
    A woman is traditionally related to family roles. She is a wife, a mother, a housewife. Paid work is her additional role. Does the fact that she works professionally change the scope of her home responsibilities? Does she have a better position on work market because she has family obligations? The paper traces how reconciliation of family and professional duties is perceived and how it is realized in practice.
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    Rodzina pochodzenia a wizja rodziny prokreacji. Raport z badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Jaguś, Inga
    The article presents the results of research conducted among students in Lublin in April and May, 2005. It concerns the model of the student's family background as well as marriage and family plans of the students. According to the research the pattern of the student family is very similar to the students' views on the pattern of family procreation. A married couple with two children is a predominant model in a student family and family preferences. The majority of the students considers marriage an important institution, expressing the willingness to get married in the future. The student parents and family is the main factor affecting the attitudes towards marriage and procreation.
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    Odrzucenie? Ambiwalencja? Afirmacja? Wartość macierzyństwa w świetle diagnozy postaw młodzieży szkól średnich Poznania
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Włodarczyk, Ewa
    The article encourages the reader to reflect on the problem of motherhood seen in the context of manifold conditions of its location in the hierarchies of values and plans for life of contemporary Poles. The results quoted here of the opinion poll which has been conducted among the highest grades students of Poznań secondary schools are an attempt to discover their attitude towards their own as well other people's motherhood.
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    Rodzina jako wartość w świadomości współczesnych Polek
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Frąckowiak, Monika
    This paper aims at an analysis of the meaning of family as a value in the consciousness of contemporary Polish women. Main results of empirical research carried out as a part of a PhD dissertation entitled "Preferences of the normative orders in women's attitudes towards values in Poland at the turn of 20th and 21st century" have been presented. The article consists of five parts, first of which deals with the rank of family declared by the interviewed women. The second part concerns motherhood as the aspect of family life and, as the research revealed, the separate and crucial value for the significant number of women. For many of them being a mother is much more important than any other social role: wife, employee, student, etc. This fact refers to culture patterns and gender identity. The third part of the text is about the relations between family and professional career. The empirical study enabled observation of the main differences in life priorities in consecutive life-stages. The fourth part of the article focuses on the different ways in which women define some notions like "happy family" or "success". The fifth chapter deals with components of life-styles which indicate different systems of values and different models of family life.