Journal of Gender and Power, No.1, Vol.3, 2015


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    Romani Women in the 21st Century and the Role of their Position for Children’s Upbringing
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Farkašová, Monika
    This paper deals thematically with the emancipation of Romani women in the Slovak Republic, their position in the society, as well as delimitation of their social status and role. Emphasis is put on differences in culture, cultural patterns and behavioral models, differences in the upbringing of children and the position of the Romani woman in the Romani family, compared to the society’s majority. Obstacles to the formation of an independent and emancipated Romani woman are described, for whom the concepts of emancipation and equality of rights are unknown and nearly inconceivable. Emancipation and equality of Romani women is particularly relevant in terms of opportunities for education, employment, position in the society and awareness of one’s rights. The objective is to present educated, successful, independent, and equal Romani women, enlightenment amongst the Romani population, engagement of Romani women in public and social life, and support them through various projects, etc.
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    Gender and power: Women’s leadership in the prevention and management of conflicts in Africa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Diallo, Boubacar Sidi
    This paper describes the role and the place of the woman in African society, with particular focus on the issues of leadership, peace and security. Although women in Africa are more numerous than men, their position is not an enviable one. Thus this work will attempt to describe the causes which prevent the female kind from coming to the fore and being truly equal to men. In order to achieve that aim, one should consider the place of the woman, not only in the traditional society but also in what one sees as the contemporary realities of Africa. The author demonstrates that in most African countries, women had long been excluded from enjoying political rights, and that they have gained such entitlement only recently. Among the reasons which would account for this absence of women in the realm of leadership, one should draw attention to the patriarchal model of authority one acquires as a child and the burden of ancestral tradition which hinges upon the primacy of the male. There are also the additional burdens imposed over time by religions, which had always relegated the woman to the background.The woman has always been associated with the weaker sex, while being the one who gave life. The scope of this paper is limited to the presence of women in the public sphere, that is to say to their leadership in the affairs of peace and security, where women have or may have a certain influence. Certain difficulties encountered by African women with respect to leadership are also experienced by women in other parts of the world. With a few exceptions, all societies have been and continue to be governed by the same principles of exclusion. In Africa, just as everywhere else, there is no need for profound studies to conclude that feminist literature is not particularly abundant. This paper represents an exploration of a subject of no minor importance, namely the leadership of women in preventing and management of conflicts in Africa. Nevertheless, it is limited to a general view and does not analyse specific cases in each of the African countries.
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    A comparison of children’s perspectives: Analyzing cultural and gender issues for preservice teachers around the world
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Pierson, Melinda R.; Schultheis, Klaudia; Myck-Wayne, Janice
    For the past 7 years, preservice teachers in multiple countries around the world have been involved in an international internet project designed to increase their cultural competence, improve their language and technology skills, and enhance their collaboration skills for working with diverse populations. Preservice teachers' reflections are analyzed by gender, years of experience, and outcomes related to the project that will influence their experiences in the education field. Barriers to collaboration and solutions on how to overcome these barriers are presented in this article.
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    Is gender neutrality a post-human phenomenon? The concept of ‘gender neutral’ in Swedish education
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Odrowąż-Coates, Anna
    Inspired by the feminist thoughts of Rosi Braidotti and Donna Haraway, the author of this article endeavours to depict the emerging concept of gender neutrality that has developed in Sweden in recent years. The author uses an interpretative paradigm with a variety of qualitative field research tools, to gain a deeper understanding of how gender neutrality works in practice at school and nursery level in Sweden. The study took place in Stockholm in September 2014 with the author living in situ. The case study involved the use of: field notes and observations, interviews with university scholars, heads of schools and nurseries and openended questionnaires with teachers, carers and students. The analysis of written resources included the school and nursery national curriculum, press discourse and scientific publications on the subject matter. The author of the article argues that gender neutrality may be perceived as a concept originating from post-humanism, therefore it should be examined within the post-human socio-pedagogical reflection and embedded in norm critical discourse.
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    Gender as a category entangled in the matrix of power and gender resistance potential
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Bielska, Ewa
    The subject of presented analysis is gender treated as a social category entangled in power relations. There are presented main social matrices of the gender-based power practices and it’s institutional and extrainstitutional, structural and individual expressions and consequences. The attention is focused at the classical conceptions of power and the perspectives of using it’s elements in the analysis of gender-based discipline practices in modern and postmodern society. There are also indicated―connected with queer culture―resistance strategies realized by using gender symbols and stereotypically perceived roles.
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    Women “beyond control”? —androcentric discourses in Victorian painting (towards reconstructing meanings)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Gromkowska-Melosik, Agnieszka
    From the perspective of feminist analysis, the painting is considered to be androcentric. It is believed that artworks were created by men, for men and from their point of view. One can even say that, men spoker through the bodies and identities of heroine images in the painting. From this point of view, painting has been accused not only of the lack of women as authors of works of art, but also of the lack of representations of the female experience. Logically, from this perspective, images of women on the canvas are often not simple reflection of reality, but they crystallize dreams, anxieties and feelings of their male artists. There is no doubt that theye are also imbued with ideologies concerning gender. Three images that will be examined in this paper were created in the Victorian era (the dates of their creation are: 1887, 1890, 1896). They all reflect anxieties about womanhood in the late nineteenth century, primarily manifested in the creation of a new image of a woman―the femme fatale. On the other hand the women as objects of the painting are treated as a sexual object for male creator and viewer. Every woman in the paintings could be described as "being out of control.” There is a paradox here: the woman is simultanesly out of control and controlled by men. There is a worth to add that every painting has extremely sugestive impact on the viewer and amazing articstic value.
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    Art in a World of Change: A Vision for Global Aesthetics
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Shapiro, Sherry B.
    This article focuses on art, the aesthetic, and the body as a medium for self and social change in developing some thoughts on this issue of globalization and dance. The article explores how art, and specifically dance, can be a vehicle for aesthetic activism that emphasizes the importance of social justice and compassionate community. Drawing on critical and feminist pedagogies the author links pedagogy and aesthetic activism to social integration and cohesion, a sense of belonging and interdependence, and a sense of shared consciousness. The choreographic process described centers on the body as a site for self and social awareness and a critical understanding of the context of women’s lives. The aesthetic here is understood as that domain in which dominant meanings are disclosed and possibilities for social change can be imagined and realized. The author describes a community dance process in Cape Town South Africa in which notions of embodied knowledge and critical understanding come together to create a dance performance. This pedagogy suggests ways in which meaning and purpose within a changing global context can be grounded in an ethics of social justice, human rights and inclusive community.
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    Right to Freedom of Religion: A Gendered Difference
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Stuart, Alison
    This article critically analyses European jurisprudence to ascertain the extent to which the right to freedom of religion has been interpreted as a right of religion to internal autonomy. It asserts that women are being denied an effective right to freedom of religion insofar as they are unable to directly influence the content or structure of their religion. It argues that to fulfil women’s equal right to freedom of religion, women’s power and position within religion must be equivalent to men’s. It therefore asserts that an intrinsic part of States’ obligation to secure the right to freedom of religion is the facilitation of gender equality within religion. The article culminates by proposing proportionate and appropriate methods to facilitate gender equality within religion.
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    The Birth as a Rite of Passage from Man to Father
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Wulf, Christoph
    The article shows that the birth of a child is not just a physical, but also a social and cultural event. It might be considered as a rite of passage that turns women into mothers and men into fathers, and both into parents. For men, the birth of a child is a significant change in life that is commonly taken for granted. As a result, life for most men changes fundamentally with the birth of a child. In addition, many fathers see the pregnancy, birth and the months thereafter as an extremely important time in their lives, during which they turn from a man into a father. Simultaneously, many of them embrace the fact of what an enrichment the children are for their own personal development. In these months the fathers are undergoing consequent transformation processes which demand certain efforts and are sometimes painful. In the process, they train new practices of fatherhood in the familiar living together.