Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2007, nr 1


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    Want to teach secular humanism?: Here’s a course proposal you could use
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Dziamka, Kaz
    Autor artykułu z emocjonalnym zaangażowaniem opisuje koleje swojej kariery w Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute w Nowym Meksyku, niespodziewanie przerwanej otrzymaniem wypowiedzenia, którego przyczyny upatruje w reprezentowanym światopoglądzie, znajdującym wyraz w nauczanym przezeń kursie przedstawiającym świecką tradycję humanizmu. Dając wyraz swojemu bardzo krytycznemu stosunkowi do atmosfery intelektualnej panującej w USA, które nie są jego zdaniem państwem demokracji, swobody ani pokoju prezentuje program kursu, który ponownie prowadzi po wygraniu prawnej batalii o bezprawne zwolnienie.
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    Кто и за какую интеграцию? (Отношение населения стран ЕС и СНГ к интеграции)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) ФУРМАН, Екатерина
    Integration processes in the European Union and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are an element of a global tendency to form suprastate associations. Although such associations assume that supranational systems of authorities are created they are hardly antidemocratic. Nevertheless, each such integration process, although formally identical or highly similar, may have a co mpletely different political or social significance which can be observed when their social support is compared. The European Union is practically unprecedented, and such a mod el of integration is beingcreated for the first time in response to the requirements and needs of modern European society; it also has no determined borders. It mainly finds support among the young and educated social strata, who are interested in the benefits generated by such integration and who do not fear potential instability and indeterminacy that accompany such processes. The Post-Soviet countries do have recent experience of integration having followed a model of a state with a highly integrated social and political life. The experience of the Soviet Union in many respects determines the directions of integration of these states although the USSR collapsed and the historic circumstances that affected its foundation are radically different. The nature of such integration efforts is reflected by their social support. The main advocates of the integration processes in CIS are older and less educated people for whom the revival of Soviet reality seems more attractive whereas the present brings risk and threat. Thus being oriented to the past or to the future is among the main factors that differentiate the nature, efficiency and future prospects of these two integration processes.
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    Электоральные революции как фактор политической модернизации : опыт Чехии и Словакии
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) БАШМАКОВ, Димитрий С.
    This paper discusses the transformation process of political systems in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia following the velvet revolution; the significance of civic society in the selfformation of political orientations and institutions via electoral revolutions is also considered.
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    „Ona nie była jedną z nas”. Wokół „feminizmu” Hannah Arendt
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Barańska, Edyta
    Feminists have a problem as they create themselves that which they fight against. On the one hand they demand that they are perceived through the perspective of femininity and they want to emphasize this femininity. On the other hand, though, they fight against a stereotypical feminine image. Arendt is different – she does not distin- guish women because of their gender. In this sense Arendt is neither a feminist nor an ant-feminist. She does not touch upon the issue of gender at all. She does not claim that a woman lives at home whereas a man lives in the world, in the public space. Yet she does claim that the space of the household is the realm of necessity while the public space – that of freedom. In Arendt’s opinion in the public space are operating people rather than men or women. Mary Dietz is therefore right in saying that gender loses significance at the operational level. This concerns both genders. In Arendt’s theory there exists a single category – that of a citizen. A citizen has no gender at all. He or she can be a man or woman at home, and not in public. Therefore Arendt cannot be said to be a feminist or an anti-feminist. She falls beyond these categories as what counts for her is participation in politics, not gender.
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    Odrodzenie obywatela w Polsce i NRD szesnaście lat po rozpoczęciu transformacji systemowej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Patkowski, Krzysztof
    In the Author’s opinion, if the development of civic society is to be measured in terms of participation in political life and involvement in non-government organizations East Germans seem to have adapted to the new reality better than Poles. However, if we take into consideration the potential of both nations Poles still stand a chance to build an efficient, and, first of all, their own, modern society. The advantage of having retained their own country, although so often criticized by Poles, may turn out to be fundamental. East Germans could not enjoy this privilege.
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    Cele i zasady funkcjonowania Wspólnoty Niepodległych Państw
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Michur-Ziemba, Maria
    The agreement on the foundation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and other documents signed by the members states to determine the scope of collaboration, their common objectives and principles, were an exclusive legal foundation of CIS until the CIS Statute was signed. The Statute does not determine the range of CIS’s competence and it only stipulates the scope of joint operations of member states. CIS institutions, composed of high ranking officials from member states, only have coordinating competence. However, they are a forum for making common decisions concerning CIS functioning. CIS coordinating organs do not have the authority over member states either, and they can only make recommendations. The Commonwealth of Independent States is relatively young in comparison to other international structures. It is extremely difficult and usually time-consuming to create any form of integration, especially in the realm of politics. It is particularly complicated with respect to CIS as a coherent attitude of all, highly diversified, members is required to work out permanent principles of functioning.
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    Presja środowiska jako determinanta konsumpcji mediów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Bulak, Piotr
    The Author analyzes the issues related to the consumption of the media, that is to satisfying a range of human needs by means of media reception. The consequence of this analysis may be expressed in the following way: marketing makes people actually work harder than they should in order to earn more money than they need so that they can buy the products they do not really need for money they do not actually have in order to make an impression on their neighbors they do not even like and who are mainly preoccupied with how to impress them most.
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    Dlaczego Francuzi odrzucili Europejski Traktat Konstytucyjny?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Karbowska, Monika
    The Author presents the main elements of the Euroconstitution that have caused the greatest protest of French society and resulted in its rejection in the referendum of May 2005. These include: the ultra-liberal economic system of the EU, poor protection of human rights and the rights of employees, poor security of democratic functioning of the EU structures, subjecting of the EU defense policy to NATO, failure to provide for a secular character of states and insufficient guarantees of women’s rights. The second part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the activity of French civic society in the constitutional campaign and to the Author’s participation in this campaign.
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    Unia Europejska – Ukraina : Czy wszystko zmieszało się na zawsze
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Krenz, Milena
    Ukraine, which has been a sovereign state since 1991, is facing a dilemma whether it should direct its foreign policy towards Western Europe or intensify the collaboration within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Since the Ukraine has perceived itself as a geographical, cultural and historical part of Europe al- most from the first days of independence she has undertaken to become permanently rooted in the family of European states. It was a consequence of the policy directed to- wards Western Europe and the United States that Kiev declared its readiness to become a rightful member of the European Union and NATO. Ukraine has combined her efforts to integrate with both these bodies, which is illustrated in the activity of Kiev that treats both these directions as the complementary elements of a singl e strategy anorientation towards the West.
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    Korupcja w III RP – obszary szczególnego występowania
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Borowiec, Piotr
    This analysis of the phenomenon of corruption draws the Author to a conclusion that efficient struggle against corruption is futile unless good law is originated and exacted appropriately. This law should be created by competent individuals and on the basis of substantive and credible information eliminating ‘pathological lobbying’. At the same time, politicians who create Polish law need to realize that they are themselves also obliged to observe this law and admit that corruption to a large degree concerns them personally.
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    Obraz wroga w antyunijnym dyskursie na łamach czasopisma „Szczerbiec” Piotr BULAK
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Forecki, Piotr
    The Author analyzes the contents of the Szczerbiec periodical. It is an extremist right-wing, or even neo-Fascist, periodical rightfully present on the Polish editorial market next to other press titles. Its circulation is not high which may signify that the number of its readers tends to be limited and the bond between the sender and recipient is marginal. Although the periodical aims at a determined and devoted group of readers, it is available from common sales outlets. Therefore it is not an incriminated periodical that would provide its readers with the impression of tasting a forbidden fruit.
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    Głos kobiet : jaka ma być nowa Europa?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Jakubowska, Teresa; Barański, Jan
    The author states that formally Poland is not a religious state; however, the country evidently shows signs of a religious state. To support this argument the author points out many examples: the influence of the church on the legal system, education – this is the reason why women are discriminated (anti-abortion law), the favourable treatment of the clergy by the courts, religious instructions at public schools and kindergartens, the absence of school lessons on the human body and it’s pro-creation purposes, situation in the media, the growing influence of the clergy on the army, the funding of the church from the state budget.
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    Środki społecznego przekazu w pontyfikacie Jana Pawła II
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Narożna, Dominika
    Mass media are the field of research interest of Pope John Paul II (the years of pontificate 1978–2005). The Bishop of Rome doesn’t deny the existence of them. He notices both the positive and dangers coming from their functioning. A lot of media institutions from the press to the Internet websites work for his good use. The author of the academic article emphasizes that the Pope – the Pole makes good use of the media for popularization of the Roman Catholic Church thought. Being a great authority with unique personality the Pope enjoys popularity from the media which are not responsible to him. The media present both his virtues such as: oratorical art., the ability to use symbolism, and weaknesses like his physical disability in the last years of his life. However, Karol Wojty³a’s reflections on the media should serve the creation of proper usage of theses tools in order to realize the common good.
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    W sprawie projektu Preambuły do Konstytucji Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Paradowski, Ryszard
    We, the citizens of Europe, having grievously suffered from wars, despotic regimes, alliances of throne and altar, religious repressions, and genocidal totalitarian dictatorships, knowing the high price of the democratic political orders and being determined to defend them from authoritarian movements and organizations, declaring our connection to the democratic European tradition and democratic values, such as the natural right of every human being to participate in public debate and to codefine the public good, to constitute, control and recall the political representatives of every level and to define their competence, and other democratic values contained in the great constitutions, such as Magna Carta, The Declaration of The Rights of Man and Citizen, T he General Declaration of Human Rights, The European Convention of The Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom, The European Social Cart.
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    Jan Paweł II a demokracja
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Ossowski, Szymon
    The Author observes a certain paradox: on the one hand John Paul II sharply criticized modern liberal democracy, but on the other such words were uttered by the man who took credit for an immense, if not decisive, contribution to the collapse of Communism and the birth of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. This contradiction, however, is only apparent since John Paul II, and the Catholic Church, perceived and defined democracy in a particular way. Their way is in many aspects contradictory to the principles of a modern model of democracy, that is liberal democracy, prevailing in Europe and elsewhere.
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    Wolność wypowiedzi a ochrona dóbr osobistych osób pełniących funkcje publiczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2007) Sobczak, Jacek
    A thorough analysis of mutual relations between freedom of speech and the protection of non-material values of individuals who perform public duties draws the author to the conclusion that a person performing public duties can easily become a subject of a more or less justified criticism of the public media; he or she can easily suffer damage to his or her honor or privacy. Each person holding a public post is practically helpless with regard to journalists who are not always willing to bear in mind the noble principles of conduct.