Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, 2014, Tom 3 Nr 2


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    Moral Elements in the Ethical Code of Buddhism
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Romesh, Khangembam
    The article attempts to illuminate the ethical perspectives of Buddhism (dividing into four sections) by exploring the true nature of moral elements, which form the foundation of Buddhist philosophy. The ethical concerns of Buddhism give more emphasis on renunciation and a selfless attitude towards constructive and spiritual moral development. All its concerns are related with the problem of human suffering. Only human being’s sincere effort can remove human suffering and can attain to a life totally free from all miserable conditions. Human being is enough to become master of all. To understand our action and conduct in every phase of our life is the core element of Buddhist moral principles. Buddhism is a system found wholly characterized by the ethical principle seeking the meaning of life in life itself. It is mainly based on the ethical way of living and prescribes rigorous codes to promote the living of a virtuous life.
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    The Cultivation of Global Citizen with High Quality: A Time Mission of Chinese Higher Education
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Yang, Shaogang
    Nowadays with China’s gradual entering into the globalized time, the goals and functions of the Chinese higher education should be innovated correspondingly. To cultivate the global citizen with internationalized perspective should become the fundamental dynamics of the present innovation in Chinese higher education. The international world of academy has different understanding to the concept of global citizen, but it also has some consistent opinions. For instance, the global citizen should have a world vision and perspective, and should not only concern the affairs of the local area and one’s own nation, but also turn the vision of concentration to the whole globe; should form core values that could be recognized internationally and used in the management of the global affairs; and should also take an active stance in order to change the reality of the world so that the environment of the globe could become better gradually. To cultivate the global citizen with high quality, the following requirements should be paid attention to: (1) the consciousness of global citizen and globalization as well as the competencies of cross-cultural communication should be cultivated in higher education with teachers’ cultivation one step ahead; (2) the country should have legislation to strengthen the educational goals of cultivating global citizen in higher education in order to cultivate the students to become the real global citizen with high quality who could make their contributions to the country and the world and who could also offer the intelligence and capacity as a tribute; (3) the core values with global significance in Chinese traditional culture should be refined, and the world populated core values should be analyzed scientifically so that the corevalues in globalized epoch could be formed and established gradually with the communication between the cultures of East and West; (4) the Chinese universities’ ‘going global’ should be greatly pushed so as to make the world understand China and to make China understand the world better and better.
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    Intersubiektywne uznanie, czyli personalizacja podmiotu
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Byczyński, Marcin
    The aim of this article is to clarify the meaning of the concept of recognition in Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition. The main object of interest will be the differences between, what Honneth calls the basic form of recognition and recognition which he describes as a relation. Presented considerations will become premises for such an interpretation of theory of recognition, which differentiates at least between two meanings of the term recognition: first, as a subjective attitude, second, as a relation (which is more adequate interpretation). The indicated differences might be important for in-depth analyses of the theory of recognition, especially considering Honneth’s point of view – more formal approach presented in The Struggle for Recognition, to his analyses of democratic ethical life in his latest book Das Recht Der Freicheit.
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    Prawa człowieka. Zagadnienia podstawowe
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Wojciechowski, Bartosz
    The paper refers to the genesis of legally binding human rights and discusses their claim to universal validity against the backdrop of the Western culture and philosophical debates (Kant, Bentham). It also presents the most current charges raised against human rights’ universal commitment, presented by such prominent thinkers as Amartya Sen. Invoking the concept of human dignity, author of the article argues in favour of universal validity of human rights.
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    Etyka urzędników czy etyka administracji publicznej? Uwagi na tle książki Tomasza Barankiewicza „W poszukiwaniu modelu standardów etycznych administracji publicznej w Polsce”
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Skuczyński, Paweł
    The article reviews a book of Tomasz Barankiewicz „W poszukiwaniu modelu standardów etycznych administracji publicznej w Polsce” published by Wydawnictwo Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego in 2013. The book concerns some important problems in the field of ethics of public administration and the article recommends it to anyone who has interest in professional ethics and public management. The article emphasises the role of ethics in public administration and the pursuit of building a model of public administration ethics. It summarises the content of the book and discusses some theoretical problems connected to the models proposed by author of the book. In particular the relation between moral responsibility and reflexive institutions is being discussed and the dependence of theory of public administration and some political theories as well.
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    Przemoc wobec kobiet i kobieca agresja w kontekście ról płciowych i mylnego uznania („misrecognition”)
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Dutka, Joanna
    This article seeks to examine basic patterns of violence against women, myths surrounding those mechanisms as well as situations, in which women are perpetrators of the violence. The purpose is to draw attention to the fact, that violence affects women’s lives in social, economical and political areas, regardless if said violence happens in the public sphere or private sphere as well as how omission and lack of acknowledgement and deformation of female experience with violence affects women’s social standing.
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    Rozum w służbie polityki, czyli demokracja i oświata w myśli markiza de Condorcet
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Sochański, Tomasz
    This study aims to highlight the role of education in a democratic society in the political philosophy of Nicolas de Condorcet. Condorcet refuted legitimising political power on the idea of general will and postulated to replace it with the notion of reason and probability of truth. This assumption tightly linked the wellbeing of democracy with a public education system which, on the one hand, was to prepare citizens to take an active role in the public sphere, and on the other, allow them to improve the political system in which they function in accordance with the progress of the human spirit.
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    Ograniczenie autonomii jednostki, a może ochrona konstytucyjnych praw i wolności człowieka? Normatywne aspekty stosowania „przymusu bezpośredniego” w psychiatrii
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Lisowska, Anna
    The publication is concentrated on the use of direct coercion in psychiatry. I tried to answer on the question whether using direct coercion always leads to the limitation of individual autonomy, whether provides the protection of constitutional law and human freedom. Unraveling above background would be impossible without refer to the human rights which is a source of basic laws and freedom. The reference to limitation of individual autonomy was based on Bioethical Convention. Situation and requirements became closer which explain and can create a foundation for using a direct coercion. In this article, circumstances were intorduced in which in compliance with law, using direct coercion is acceptable as well as rules and the course. The relationship was noticed between its application and required agreement of individual to grand the health care.
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    Edukacja domowa – kilka uwag w kontekście dyskursu o edukacji demokratycznej
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Helios, Joanna
    The article presents home teaching in the context of the discourse on democratic education. The author discusses two problems: first, the role of home schooling in the context of compulsory schooling and the right to education; secondly, the legal aspects of home schooling.
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    Pojęcie „dysocjacji” – zagadnienia podstawowe
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Jedlecka, Wioletta
    In this article I present the notion the dissociation. The dissociation is connected with personality disorders and with the trauma. Experience a strong trauma is nature of dissociative disorders. The dissociation can have different manifestations, e.g. the amnesia, the confusion or the exchange of the personality. Dissociative disorders are not only the domain of the so-called pediatric pathology. Dissociation is also a mechanism activated during invasive medical procedures that the experience can touch every family.
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    On the Intrinsic Correlation Between Public Legitimation of Democratic Law and Discursive Competencies of Citizens
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Cern, Karolina M.
    The article discusses inter-correlations between conditions of democratic legitimation of modern law and discursive competencies of citizens as also individuals. The basic premises, on which the claim to the democratic legitimation of modern law is erected, are synthetically elaborated. On this basis discursive competencies are listed in short and their significance articulated with regard to so called weak – and strong public spheres. Crucially, the most fundamental change of basic premises on which democratic legitimation of modern law is contemporary thought of is clearly indicated.
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    Orzecznictwo sądów amerykańskich w sprawach niewolnictwa – pomiędzy formalizmem a subwersją
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Zajadło, Jerzy
    Article discusses a dilemma of judge facing a possibility (or necessity) of applying judicial disobedience. From the philosophical as well as theoretical point of view, the most intriguing would be an instance of judicial disobedience when applied to a state of democracy and the rule of law. In order to (re-)construct such an instance, the article traces the reader back to the middle of the 19th Century, when the moral conscience of (at least) some of American judges drove them to searching for the sound justification of judicial disobedience when faced with problem of slavery.
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    Learning Global Citizenship Skills in a Democratic Setting: An Analysis of the Efficacy of a Moral Development Method Applied in China
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014) Lei, Kang; Rubienska, Anne; Shaogang, Yang; Tie, Zheng; Ying, Qiu
    To reduce the limitations of current measures of morality, and to focus on an effective approach to moral development among university students, the researchers adopted the Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion, to probe whether this type of method can also be applied among Chinese students, regarding the development of moral competence. ‘Moral Competence’, also known as ‘moral-democratic’ competence, is a concept developed by German psychologist, Professor Georg Lind. It is built upon the theories of Kohlberg, yet focuses on moral judgment and democratic decision-making competence. Lind designed a scale based on his dual-aspect theory, and suggested a follow-up method for building up moral competence. KMDD has been used in Germany and other countries for many years and has achieved positive results when applied. The initial application of this type of method in China started in 2012. After more than two years’ of planning and research, we used this method with different groups of Chineseuniversity students and tested its efficacy. Participants were set as the control and experiment groups. After analysing the preand- post-test data from all the participants, the result shows that the intervention effect with experiment groups was very significant with a noticeable Absolute Effect Size of C-score, while the competence score of control group regressed sharply due to reasons to be identified. Data from the experiment were analysed and intervention results were compared, to examine the efficacy of the method and to evaluate further application and research of KMDD in China.
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    Redakcja / Rada Naukowa / Strona tytułowa / Editors & Editorial Board / Title page
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014)
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    Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, Tom 3 (2014) Nr 2 – Spis treści / Contents
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014)
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    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2014)