Glottodidactica, Vol. 20 (1990)

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    Didactique littéraire
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) Diaz, Olga
    Language and literature have always shown a fundamental unity in what we could call the art of writing. Formally, the establishment of any literary praxis should therefore lead towards an improvement in the construction of language. In fact, we cannot separate linguistic valorisation from the cultural process in reading and writing which are characterised by cognition and creativity. And that is why we are talking at the same time about the study of texts and the study of writing.
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    Didaktisierung von textlinguistischen Mitteln zur Entwicklung des Verstehenden Lesens von Fachtexten
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) VAPORDSHIEV, Vesselin
    The author’s starting point is the communicative concept of text. The communicative and pragmatic aspects of text and its specific features are taken into account. By means of textual analysis a high degree of coherence and marked relation among the parts of scientific texts has been revealed, as well as their logico-semantic consistency. A number of methods have been proposed for utilizing these specificities.
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    Zum Hör-Seh-Verstehen von Video- und Fernsehsprach- programmen
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) LÖSCHMANN, Marianne
    The potential of sound films for foreign language learning and teaching can be fully realised only through modern technological developments. It is assume that the reception of video and TV foreign language programmes is a purposeful and mediating activity. The paper discusses the effect of various picture and sound forms, as «ell as the impact of the combinations of those forms that are relevant to the development of foreign language aural and visual comprehension. A theoretical model for the development of receptive skills has been developed in order to help overcome learning difficulties.
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    Zur Sprachkreativitätsförderung mittels neuartiger Bildkonventionen
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) KORZENIEWSKI, Jan
    The ability to use language creatively constitutes one of the goals of foreign language teaching. The classroom setting, however, makes for artificial functioning of both learners and teachers. Audiovisual materials, then, will be of especially great importance at this juncture. The author contends^that from the psychological viewpoint comicality and humour tend to promote linguistic activity. Finally, the article presents a new theory of the functioning of visual representation in foreign language teaching.
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    Welche Aufgaben und Übungen bei literarischen Texten?
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) LÖSCHMANN, Martin
    Starting with a number of views on the use of literary texts, the author presents tasks and exercises for meaningful teaching from them. This presupposes instruction that is based on communication, creativity, Landeskunde and on the use of technical equipment. Special attention is paid to the problem of how reality is reflected in literature, and to the discrepancy between saying and meaning on the one hand and reception on the other. Two texts serve as an illustration of exercises for text reception, text reproduction and text production.
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    Der Text im Mittelpunkt des Fremdsprachenunterrichts
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) KOZŁOWSKI, Aleksander
    The paper presents an analysis of the importance and function of text in foreign language teaching. Two types of texts are distinguished: primary (original) and secondary (contrived) ones. The use of text in teaching is recommended mainly for two reasons: communicative-linguistic and psycholinguistic-pedagogical. In teaching texts can be used to establish a basis for the development of receptive competence (e.g. reading), or, to provide direct impulse for creating verbal statement (e.g. interpretation). Both functions are dealt with in detail. A text can stimulate language progress at many levels of which the most important ones are linguistic and communicative, as well as knowledge of the country and its people. In conclusion it is contended that nowadays foreign language teaching without the use of text is not possible.
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    Kognitives Training von Fremdsprachlernstrategien — Begründung eines neuen Forschungsansatzes der Fremdsprachlernpsychologie
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) Esser, Ulrich
    On the basis of empirical evidence, a cognitive-psychological approach is introduced which aims at an optimization of foreign language learning and teaching. The possibilities include a systematic training in foreign language learning strategies in order to improve storage, memorization and retrieval of lexical items in L2.
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    Zu Theorie und Praxis einer allgemeinen Fremdsprachenmethodik (AFM) — Grundlegende Positionen und empirische Erfahrungen
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1990) Apelt, Walter
    On the basis of comprehensive theoretical and practical experience and research the author describes: (1) The social and educational necessity of GFLD as a fundamental strategy in foreign language teacher training. He underlines the importance of the development of a theoretical and scientific basic professional competence in prospective FL teachers with regard to foreign language teaching and learning, and not only methodical ‘skills and techniques’ of the classroom teaching; (2) relevant positions of GFLD: its subject, general tasks and educational aims in teacher training, as well as special ‘fields’ to be covered and taught such as foreign language teaching (FLT) as a scientific discipline and its aims, basic referential sciences (pedagogy, psychology,, linguistics etc.), historical aspects of leading methods and methodical strategies in FLT, the principles of FLT; (3) practical problems and actual experience in the teaching of GFLD at a university level.