Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, vol. 17-18 (1991)

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    Bildungen auf -trächtig im Deutschen und ihre Entsprechungen im Polnischen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Koniuszaniec, Gabriela
    In this article the author analysed -trächtig constructions in German along with their translational equivalents in Polish taking in to consideration the word-formation and semantic aspect. The foundation of the unilateral confrontation are examples taken from the press and literature stored in the so called Mannheim Corpus. Circa 70 word forms were analysed together with their occurrence contexts. When analysing the compounds mentioned in the title the author used the method of paraphrases either predicative or in the form of subordinate clauses or extended attributives. The method applied makes the choice of a proper equivalent easier in Polish. When in German univerbalization (Univerbierung) as it is called is the feature of the language in the analysed case, then in Polish shows tendencies to creating analytical constructions.
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    Kulturwissenschaftliche Germanistik versus interkulturelle Germanistik - Überlegungen zu Entwicklungen des Faches in den 70er und 80er Jahren
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Papiór, Jan
    The external impulse for the formulation of these considerations became the setting up of the Department of Culture of German-speaking Countries at the Institute of German, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the academic year 1987-88. Along with the establishing of the department the hitherto structure of German studies in Poznań has been extended: history of literature, linguistics, methodology, and study of culture of German-speaking countries, thus creating for the studies a possibility of writing diploma works in the field of the specialization which is immanently contained from the very start of every neophilology. These considerations are focussed on the determinants of German studies as a discipline of one's native and foreign language: what is important is the position in the field of ones' own culture, and in the second case the double context towards the ever present one's own culture as placed against the foreign culture. An attempt is made at showing other (foreign) cultural perspectives, arising during research work, studies and teaching of another culture. This look shows the fact that the history of Europa has always been an intercultural and interpolitical phenomenon. Considerations show the function and meaning of the context of one's own culture in the research, studying and teaching of foreign culture. The most important of the six theses formulated by the author at the end of the article claims that what we attempt at in the research and teaching process of foreign philology is to form a cultural competence which uses structures of dialogue.
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    Zur Entwicklung des Lesens im Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Sawicka, Maria
    Reading, one of the four language skills developed in the process of foreign instruction has a receptive character. However, it is more and more often interpreted not only in the categories of reception and production, but also as a kind of interaction, i.e. relations between the text (author) and the reader who co-creates the text. From this active role of the reader result certain consequences for foreign language teaching as far as the selection of texts and forms of working on them are concerned. When the texts a reselected it is important to take into account, apart from students' interests, their perceptive abilities in the linguistic and intellectual aspect, the structure of the text – from the point of view of form and content. These problems and examples of work with a literary and technical text are presented in this article.
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    ,,Am besten ... Dichter und Arzt zusammen". Zu Elias Canettis therapeutischem Literaturverständnis
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Przybecki, Marek
    This essay is an attempt at a methodological rehabilitation of semiotically conceived biography of the writer which is very often received by the readers parallelly to the fundamental writings - more or less legible "text". In the case of Canetti the legibility of this "text" is magnified by the fact that the researcher has here at his disposal a thick. volume - author's autobiography. The essay traces the sacramental formula quoted in the title and coming from the writer's mother's mouth, and as it appears this opinion was to shape a therapeutic vision of Canetti's literature. Literature as a form of social therapy - at this point both Canetti's "texts": the poetic and existential one converge.
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    Grillparzers Kunst des Aphorismus
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Kaszyński, Stefan H.
    Franz Grillparzer, the classic of Austrian literature wrote, apart from his much valued dramas, short stories and essays, aphorisms which he partly interspersed into his diaries and autobiographical memoirs. The article deals with localization of these aphorisms and their analysis from the point of view of problems they undertake from the point of view of their poetics taking into consideration the theory and history of this genre. It can be seen distinctly from these analyses that Grillparzer was a progenitor and inspirer of later masters of Austrian aphorism from Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach through Karla Kraus to Elias Canetti and Peter Handke.
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    Zur Struktur der Ratschläge im Deutschen und Polnischen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Prokop, Izabela
    Advice is some of the most frequently used acts of speech both in written and spoken language. Their boundaries are flexible and their structure is very much differentiated. This article is an attempt at listing some of the linguistic realizations of this speech act which occur in journals in Polish and in German. In the further part of the article the author introduced a differentiation between institutionalized and private advice and analysed the former kind.
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    Das Polenbild im "Gelübde" von E. T. A. Hoffmann
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Połczyńska, Edyta
    The article is an analysis of E. T. A. Hoffmann's (1776-1822) short story entitled The vows (1817) conducted from the angle of occurrence of a Polish motive in it, connected with the Kościuszko Uprising. It is known from E. T. A. Hoffmann's biography that he was one of the not too numerous great Germans who had more extensive contacts with Poland. Experiences and news about Poland when E. T. A. Hoffmann married to a Polish woman from Poznań, Michalina Rohrer-Trzcińska collected during his stay in Poznań (1800-1802), Płock (1802-1804) and Warsaw (1804-1807) were reflected in his reviews, correspondence and artistic creation, specifically in two short stories The vows and Othello.
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    Zum Adelsverständnis der Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts im deutsch-polnischen Bereich (Theodor Fontane, Gustav Freytag, Marie v. Ebner Eschenbach)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Załubska, Cecylia
    The names of the three writers mentioned in the title are representative for German realism of the 19th century. Their understanding of nobility was different as their social origins differed. The first two of them - Fontane and Freytag, both from the bourgeoisie spheres knew mainly the Prussian nobility, and obviously the Polish nobility, too, and Marie v. Ebner Eschenbach, a noblewoman by origin, was in the circles of Austrian aristocracy and hence comes her perfect knowledge of these circles. All three of them had a particular attitude towards Polish questions. Theodor Fontane was known for his liking of noblemen and great families which at the end of the last century, during the expansion of big industry and the growth of importance of the developing bourgeoisie, did not bring him recognition. A totally different point of view of nobility and Poles is presented by Gustav Freytag who was born at the Polish-German border (in Kluczbork). The one-sided subjective image which he draws in his novels, first of all in the best-seller Owes and has fulfills a tendentiously aimed task of slandering Poles, Polish economy (Polnische Wirtschaft) and of course of Polish nobility. The Austrian noblewoman, Marie von Ebner Eschenbach was the most competent person of all the three writers mentioned here as she knew the nobility from the inside. Her coming from the German-Slavic nobility (she was born the countess of Dubsky from the border of Bohemia and Moravia) did not let her become a chauvinist. In her prosa she is against the privileges of the nobility who are shown by her in a distorting mirror of the satire, and she shows the life of rural people with some fondness.
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    Zum Problem kommunikativer Didaktisierungsmöglichkeiten literarischer Texte im Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Karolak, Czesław
    On the basis of the practical attempt at didactization it was found that work with short narrative prose forms, starting from specific elements of communicative process, may stimulate both the simpler activities and the more complex communicative operations and linguistic reactions going in their structure and content beyond the text. Attention was drawn to the role of authenticity of communicative situations initiated by the text - especially with reference to identification of the intentional aspect of the text.
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    Fritz von Unruh - ein Tolstojaner?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Orłowski, Hubert
    The text "Fritz von Unruh - the follower of Tolstoy's view" deals with the views, attitude and political activities of an eminent writer Fritz von Unruh who came from the well-known family of Prussian junkers who served for many generations the Prussian kings and the Wilhelm Reich. His experiences of the I World War brought about a distinct change in the writer's attitude, namely, he turned toward pacifism and antimilitarism. Thesis of the work proclaims: von Unruh was under the influence of Leo Tolstoy's views, which by necessity must have led to misunderstanding of the principle obligatory for each writer-politician. Namely, to want, to desire - is one thing, whereas to be able to is another thing. Not differentiating between "the spirit" and "act" (cf. Max Weber) must have ended with the inefficiency of actions of the writer von Unruh - the actions of a distinct moral option.
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    Dephraseologische Ableitungen von deutschen Funktionsverbgefügen und ihre Wiedergabe im Polnischen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Konieczna, Hanka
    This article discusses the share of constant non-idiomatic syntagms of the Funktionsverbgefüge (FVG) type in German in the formation of noun, adjective and verbal constructions for word formation, e.g. "in Angriff nehmen" > "Inangriffnahme", "die Aufsicht haben" > "aufsichthabend", "Gewähr leisten" > "gewährleisten". This kind of dephraseological derivates, contributing on the one hand to the further development of the nominal style though creation of secondary nominalizations, and on the other hand, illustrating univerbal tendencies, was submitted to the analysis from the word-formation point of view (with taking into consideration of their meaning classification in case of nominal formations). Then the author gave Polish equivalents to the German derivates of FVG. Because of the fact that only a part of the German FVG has congruent or partly congruent equivalents in Polish and because of the differences in the use of particular word-formation structures in both languages, structural analogies could only be observed in not very many cases.
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    Lesevarianten zu Günter Grass' Lektüren in Polen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Szumowska, Henryka
    According to what is told in the title of this article it deals with many variants of reading and understanding Günter Grass's works which have prevailed the reading of this writer's, artist's and publicist's works in Poland since the appearance of his first books as early as 1958 until the present day. Let us add, therefore, that reading of Grass's works in Poland has had its long-lasting career - the origin and invariably "intensive" course, independently of the fact that the prolific literary output of Günter Grass has been represented on Polish book market by only two prose works, namely “The cat and the mouse” and “The brass drum”, selected poetic works and fragments of some of his other novels, like for instance “The Flounder”. Nevertheless, this writer is a well-known and recognized individuality and personality not only because of his being born in Gdańsk, his numerous friends and relatives in Poland, but also because of his particular interest in Poland, his many visits to our country and celebrations connected with them, organized especially magnificently at the sea-shore, mostly in Gdańsk, and also in Warsaw, Wrocław and, more recently in Poznań.
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    Jan Papiór: Kulturwissenschaftliche Germanistik versus interkulturelle Germanistik - Überlegungen zu Entwicklungen des Faches in den 70er und 80er Jahren
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Papiór, Jan
    The external impulse for the formulation of these considerations became the setting up of the Department of Culture of German-speaking Countries at the Institute of German, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the academic year 1987-88. Along with the establishing of the department the hitherto structure of German studies in Poznań has been extended: history of literature, linguistics, methodology, and study of culture of German-speaking countries, thus creating for the studies a possibility of writing diploma works in the field of the specialization which is immanently contained from the very start of every neophilology. These considerations are focussed on the determinants of German studies as a discipline of one's native and foreign language: what is important is the position in the field of ones' own culture, and in the second case the double context towards the ever present one's own culture as placed against the foreign culture. An attempt is made at showing other (foreign) cultural perspectives, arising during research work, studies and teaching of another culture. This look shows the fact that the history of Europa has always been an intercultural and interpolitical phenomenon. Considerations show the function and meaning of the context of one's own culture in the research, studying and teaching of foreign culture. The most important of the six theses formulated by the author at the end of the article claims that what we attempt at in the research and teaching process of foreign philology is to form a cultural competence which uses structures of dialogue.
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    Emphatische Subjektanzeige in der deutschen und polnischen Textstruktur
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Gaca, Alicja
    Emphasizing (Emphase, Hervorhebung) of the relevance of some fragment of a text (here of an object in particular) is considered as semantic relation (=dissimilativer Konnektor) and its formal exponents interpreted from the point of view of the syntax of the text. It is an attempt at establishing the rules of equivalence for both languages. The knowledge of conventions (rules of which control communicative structure of the text in German and in Polish is a precondition of proper reception (in communicative and stylistic sense) and text translation.
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    Zur Stellung und Funktion des Hörverstehens im sprachpraktischen Unterricht polnischer Germanistikstudenten
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Myczko, Kazimiera
    The position of listening (oral comprehension) at German studies and the functions which it performs in the teaching process are determined by the level of foreign language mastery of the students. This level makes it that developing of a complex ability of oral comprehension, thus oriented to the reception of the meaning contained in the text, is connected in the course of teaching with developing of the other language skills and with the work on the subsystems of the language and in particular on the lexical subsystem. The general remarks contained in the first part of the article are in the course of further considerations the basis for differentiation of the position and functions of listening skill (oral comprehension) in specific years of studies.
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    Linguistische Einheiten und ihre Varianz
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1991) Bzdęga, Andrzej Z.
    The author establishes all kinds of segment units on the plane of constituents (infrastructure, size level) and representation (infrastructure) which are compatible with the taxonomic model of language and grammar as that of German. On the latter plane there occurs a differentiation of system units ("emic" according to Pike) and their variants (units of an allo or "etic" type) and the author pays particular attention to the proper identification of free (facultative) variants. The author keeps himself away from establishing variants resulting not from the representation of immediate constituents of units, but from the projection of indirect constituents. The notion of variation is finally extended onto the language as a whole, including in to it considerations on the subject of so called diacodes and language varieties.