Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2011 Nr 1 (8)

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    Polska bibliografia prawnorolna za 2010r.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) ŁOBOS-KOTOWSKA, DOROTA (oprac.); STAŃKO, MAREK (oprac.)
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    Wybrane zagadnienia prawne pomocy de minimis w rolnictwie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) SUCHOŃ, ANETA
    The de minimis assistance in agriculture is a relatively new issue in the Polish agricul-tural law. It is connected with the introduction of EU principles of financial support for this sector of the Polish economy. The aim of these considerations was to present an attempt at a possibly comprehensive approach to problems connected with de minimis assistance in agriculture and to clarify doubts found in practice. In conclusion the author states among other things that EU regulations very generally define de minimis assistance, which sometimes causes problems with its interpretation, but creates a chance for the prompt introduction of new forms of assistance by individual member countries, taking into consideration current needs of agricultural producers. Certain legal acts expressis verbis define a given assistance as de minimis, while other disregard this issue. In practice many problems are caused by the individual premises for the granting of a specific type of this assistance. These considerations are concluded with an attempt at a classification of de minimis assistance in agriculture.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) KREMER, ELŻBIETA (oprac.)
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Jeżyńska, Beata (oprac.)
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    PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA „Diritto e Giurisprudenza Agraria, Alimentare e dell’Ambiente”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna (oprac.)
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    PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA „Revue de Droit Rural”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Błażejewska, Kamila (oprac.)
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    PRZEGLĄD ORZECZNICTWA Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) TRUSZKIEWICZ, ZYGMUNT (oprac.)
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota (oprac.); Stańko, Marek (oprac.)
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    PRZEGLĄD CZASOPISM ZAGRANICZNYCH „Diritto e Giurisprudenza Agraria, Alimentare e dell’Ambiente”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna (oprac.)
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) KREMER, ELŻBIETA (oprac.)
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) MARCINKOWSKI, MICHAŁ (oprac.)
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Zieliński, Andrzej
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    Prawo rolne w rosyjskim systemie prawnym: stanowienie, rozwój i tendencje
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Akmanov, Stiepan Stiepanovicz
    The rapid development of agricultural law as a new branch in the Russian legal system is determined both by the radical transformation of the social and political system in Russia and the creation of new legal foundations for the activity of agricultural producers. This law, due to the characteristics and structure, is defined as a complex specialised branch of law, which forms a comprehensive system of related legal norms regulating agricultural social relations in the sphere of economic activity. Agricultural relations are of considerable social importance, which results in a situation when they become the subject of an independent, separate legal regulation, a special set of different integrated norms and legal institutions. At present the Russian agricultural law has its own legal foundations, which are characterised by a sufficiently broad scope and cover different aspects of activity of agricultural producers under market economy conditions. Legal institutions in agricultural law are unique in cha-racter not only due to their subject, but also the contents of objectives of legal regulations. In view of the rapid development of agrarian relations the author defines trends and prospects for further development of agricultural law in Russia as an independent branch within the Russian legal system.
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    Klimatyczne wyzwania Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej po 2013 r.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Błażejewska, Kamila
    Climate change constitutes one of the most important challenges to CAP, thus we need to consider in what manner and scope climate change will be included in legal regulations concerning particularly agricultural markets and rural development. The author considers relationships between the agricultural sector and climate change and next characterises in more detail two directions for action, i.e. in terms of climate protection and actions in the adaptation of agriculture to climate change. Realisation of climatic challenges to CAP after 2013 is presented in view of factors determining the future form of this policy. In conclusion the author states among other things that CAP, being one of the most sensitive sector policies of the European Union, obtains additional legitimisation thanks to the incorporation of climatic challenge, which is common not only for the EU member countries, but all countries worldwide.
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    Europejskie prawo rolne po Traktacie z Lizbony pomiędzy interwencją a regulacją. Europejskie kodeksy rolnictwa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Albisinni, Ferdinando
    The implementation of the Lisbon Treaty has brought about a profound institutional reform, with significant consequences both in terms of the contents and structure of the European agricultural law. This treaty introduced very important changes in the regulation of the Common Agricultural Policy concerning first of all the institutional and competence aspects and to a lesser degree – also the material aspect. At the same time, with changes at the institutional and competence levels introduced by the Lisbon Treaty and being a con-sequence of the legal regulation of agriculture subjected to a regular legislative procedure, a novel aspect has appeared in the relation between economy and law within the Common Agricultural Policy. In view of the latest European reforms, which took place before and after the Lisbon Treaty, we may observe a trend towards the creation of a European code of agricultural law. However, this code is not only a uniform code for the twenty seven countries presently comprising the European Union, but rather a common code, in which the needs and subjects at the national, regional and local levels occupy an important position next to those competent for the undertaking of central normative decisions. It is a model for the codification and a code differing from the national codes originating from the 18th century.
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    Międzynarodowe aspekty reform Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) SKRZYPCZYŃSKA, JOANNA
    The aim of these considerations was to present the effect of regulations implemented by the World Trade Organisation on the form of agricultural policy in the European Union. The first part of this paper introduces the subject of agriculture in GATT and the WTO as well as changes in the agricultural policy of the EC connected with negotiations held at that time. The second part of the paper concerns negotiations on agriculture conducted within the Development Round of the WTO as well as potential changes to the EU agricultural policy after 2013. The Common Agricultural Policy occupies a special position in the European Union. Its role is not limited to the protection of the EU market against foreign competition, but also serves many functions connected with food safety, sustainable development, regional cohesion and other common goals of the EU. Further liberalisation of CAP requires from the European Commission the support for this idea by the member countries. The future agricultural policy of the EU has to combine many contradictory goals, in-cluding the prevention of a reduction in agricultural revenue, protection of the European model of agriculture as well as assurance of competitiveness for European agricultural produce on the world market, at the simultaneous maintenance of obligations resulting from negotiations conducted with the WTO.
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    Funkcje zasady wzajemnej zgodności we Wspólnej Polityce Rolnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) STANIEWSKA, ANNA
    The subject matter of these considerations concerns functions of the cross compliance within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). References to this prin-ciple are found in many legal acts, both in the first and the second pillar of CAP. The author discusses cross compliance in view of the functions of agriculture. In conclusion the author states among other things that cross compliance does not di-rectly concern the primary function of agriculture, i.e. production of goods to be sold on the market, paid for using market prices or the resulting revenue function, connected with the livelihood of farmers. The basic function of cross compliance is to contribute to the provision of public goods by agriculture. The most important such goods include protec-tion of the natural environment and assurance of food safety. Cross compliance also con-tributes to the creation of public goods of social and recreation nature. An essential func-tion of cross compliance, although not resulting directly from the respective legal regulations, is also to justify the Common Agricultural Policy, both on the international scale and for the European community.
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    Z problematyki odpowiedzialności administracyjnej i karnej w prawie żywnościowym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) WOJCIECHOWSKI, PAWEŁ
    Regulations of food law impose on physical or legal persons numerous obligations and specify sanctions implemented in case of their breach. The considerations are based on the assumption that administrative and criminal responsibility of entrepreneurs participating in the food chain production cycle is of key importance for the realisation of objectives of food law. The author, following an analysis of administrative and criminal sanctions states in the conclusions that the objectives of food law are best realised through the combination of administrative responsibility and criminal responsibility. The coexistence of both respon-sibility regimes makes it possible to impose sanctions fully adequate in relation to individual types of infringement of law. However, it is unacceptable for the performance of the action to be covered by responsibility resulting from different legal regulations of food law. In turn, imposition of a penalty has to be controlled by courts. Moreover, the type of responsibility and severity of sanctions should be adapted to the type of infringement of individual requirements of food law. Sanctions have to be deterring in nature, but first of all proportional to the infringement.