Studia Edukacyjne, 2016, nr 41


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    Jednostka, neoliberalizm i redukcjonizm edukacji współczesnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Gromkowska-Melosik, Agnieszka
    Contemporary educational policy of many developed countries is permeated with the ideology of neoliberalism, the essence of which is to increase the efficiency and "focus on the best," while respecting the principle of indifference to sex, race or social origin. It is belevied that in neoliberalism, education - seen as the "good of the individual" is bringing economic benefits to society. Learning / knowledge becomes a commodity, an individual is treated in accordance with the logic of neoliberalism as "innovative entrepreneur", which determines his/her own success or failure. Here there is a dominance of rhetoric of performance, efficiency and standards together with conviction that schools should operate as excellent corporations that bring profits through routine activities, procedures, diagnosis and evaluation. In this context one can ask the question: is it still possible, to believe in emancipatory function of education?
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    Piłka nożna, amerykański izolacjonizm i paradoksy globalizacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Melosik, Zbyszko
    The article is devoted to analyzing the North American attitude towards soccer. American arguments against soccer are presented against the background of prevailing tendencies of world globalization. Also, the essence of soccer is confronted with the American version of masculinity, symbolized by aggressive American football.
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    Edukacja tubylcza a szkolnictwo głównego nurtu – konteksty teoretyczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Gmerek, Tomasz
    The article deals with the issue of the relation between indigenous education and mainstream schooling in contemporary multicultural societies. Particular emphasis was placed on reconstructing educational practices that is implemented toward indigenous minorities. An attempt was made at examining the relationship between schooling, language policy, teachers education and revitalization and development of languages, cultures, traditions and ethnic identity of indigenous minorities.
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    Doświadczenia kulturowe społeczeństwa utrwalone w związkach frazeologicznych – aspekt pedagogiczny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kuszak, Kinga
    The article discusses the cultural experience preserved in language in the form of more or less popular phrasemes. The author identifies selected sources of the phrasemes and depicts their function in preserving and saving the cultural heritage of past generations. She highlights the changes taking place in the contemporary language. The author underlines the multidirectional nature of these changes: on the one hand, society preserves the linguistic heritage, while on the other hand it gives new meanings to previously known words and sayings, creates new words and phrasemes which allow a reflection on the current socio-cultural experiences of individuals and social groups. The summary indicates the educational aspect of the issue and the necessity of implementing a carefully planned native language education which will support developing the identities of individuals, social groups and society as a whole.
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    Career as a Domain Introducing Hierarchy in the Social Space – a Functional"Structural Perspective
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Cybal-Michalska, Agnieszka
    The tradition positioning the study of careers in the structural-functional orientation sees the career as an external system, an objective phenomenon. In this cognitive perspective, a career means a sequence of professional roles fulfilled by the subject, which could mean promotion, stability or degradation. If we adopt an objective criterion to distinguish careers, it would be the positions (professional position or position within the profession) occupied in formal structures. In this sense, a career is not the attribute of an individual, but is the property of the professional role.
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    By(wa)ć mentorem czyli o dylematach i pułapkach mentoringu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Piorunek, Magdalena
    Mentoring is regarded as a method of comprehensive development of a protégé’s potential, which required a steady approach, regular contact and collaboration with the mentor. A non-directive interaction between the master and protégé, mentoring is a relation that involves inspiration, stimulation and leadership. At its foundation lies a belief that it is possible to have impact on other individuals in their zones of proximal development (Vygotsky) based on the skill (art) of bringing out protégé’s strong assets (Seligman) within joint involvement episodes (Schaffer). A mentor is expected to motivate and encourage her protégé to be active as well as to develop an honest, open and friendly collaboration environment that is based on mutual respect. As a work and joint involvement method, mentoring is endorsed in education, labour market institutions, learning organisations (Senge). The concept of a mentor is linked to those of a master, authority, important person, example to follow, leader, and to some extent those of a teacher. To what extent this mentor- protégé relation can be formalised? Is it, as claimed by critical pedagogy, a component of pastoral power where the protégé is required to give herself up and surrender her development to the hands of the leader, i.e. a pastor, mentor (Foucault)? Is a teacher (occasionally) a mentor? These selected dilemmas, questions and doubts about the mentoring concept are raised in this text.
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    Opinie nauczycieli szkół specjalnych na temat edukacji włączającej – uczeń ze SPE w szkole włączającej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Chrzanowska, Iwona
    The idea of inclusive education is the concept of education for all. According to opinions of different backgrounds, it seems that the idea of inclusive education in Poland is mainly associ'ated with the “problem” of a presence of students with disabilities in the mainstream school. The studies on the phenomenon of inclusive education were focused on the problems of the organization of education, teachers’ competences, and their consequences for the student with disability. Seldom, if ever, is the phenomenon recognized in the context of all students, participants in the process. The idea of inclusive education goes beyond a single entity, i.e. a student with a disability. This idea requires a search for a new model of school – “a learning school” (like in the model of a learning organization). The school should be a place where people for all time are expanding their capacity to achieve results, constantly discovering and creating the reality in which they live.