Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, 2016, Tom 5, Nr 2


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    The use of Geographic Information Systems in the participatory management of a big city. Case study of Gdynia
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Grzyś, Patrycja
    This paper examines the way of including society in decisionmaking processes within cities in the context of the ICT sector development and the usage of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). With universal access to information and increased possibilities of expression and gathering society’s opinion, it creates new forms of democracy that are conducive to participatory management especially in urban units. One of the tools used by the municipal government for the realization of the idea of participation is the Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS). In the first section of the text author focuses on the theoretical framework of social participation processes. Both on the processes of socio-economic transformation as well as on the legal conditions for participation in Poland. Afterwards, the author explains the idea of PPGIS and possibilities of its use in cities. Next section applies to a case study of Gdynia referring earlier theoretical considerations to specific urban practice. There has been described geosurveys technique that was carried out in the city. The text outlines the way of its implementation and its results in the context of the decision and policy-making processes in the big cities on the example of Gdynia. These considerations fit into the theme of creating the information society in the processes of city management, using participatory methods of Geographical Information Systems.
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    Editors & Editorial Board
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016)
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    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016)
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    Open innovation model within public research and innovation programmes
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Bonecki, Mateusz
    The paper concerns the role of open innovation within public R&D&I programmes. The history of innovation management shows that the methods used to organize research and development work have evolved towards open innovation model. The first, original, concept of “open innovation” (Chesbrough) has been coined to explain how companies diversify technology sourcing and commercialization methods, and thus represents a perspective of industry. On the other hand, Open Innovation 2.0 approach emerged in the context of policy-making and displays features characteristic of innovation systems theory. It enables a more indepth analysis of interactions between different types of actors involved in innovation process and complex R&D ecosystems.
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    Cognitive dimensions of public space
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Błaszak, Maciej
    The paper presents a new approach to cognitive aspects of public space based on the Bayesian framework for cognition. According to it, cognition is powered by hypothesis-testing brain, constantly minimizing its prediction error. Expectations the brain generates can be analyzed at three different levels of organization: (1) neural implementation, comprising of three distinctive cortical networks, (2) mental computation, consisting of three parts of the Bayes’ rule, and (3) social behavior inside three different social networks. Properly designed the public space can be part of the extended mind of its inhabitants, enhancing or substituting their brains’ activity.
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    Homo Sapiens, Homo Faber and Homo Dictyous. Creatively united by computing science
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Mamali, Cătălin
    The present essay is a reflection inspired by the excellent book “Human Face of Computing” (editor Cristian S. Calude, published by Imperial College, Press, 2016) that is the outcome of a participatory exploration carried out by and insider (C. Calude) on the history of computing science with with its wide and deep ramification that are influencing all human activities. The book is based on interviews with outstanding researchers in computing science, mathematics, Internet, physics and technological sciences who have landmark contributions to computing science and are deeply interested in its applications, impact, uses and abuses in social life. The book explores the consequences of this field on the quality, production and democratization of knowledge.
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    Competency paradigm for educational practice. Fostering key competencies for socio-economic development
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Kowalewska, Karolina
    Socio-economic development rests upon many factors, among which the intangible factors, especially social and human capital, gain in importance. The development of the capital should take place through shaping of a wide range of competencies, with social competencies being those of crucial importance. It seems that in the nearest future, not only a high level of employees’ knowledge and abilities will be the key to functioning of establishments but also proper interpersonal behaviour and attitude. The article thus explains how the competency paradigm contributes to the progression of those abilities that are vital to socioeconomic development.
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    Stakeholders’ participation in regional energy planning processes. Case study from RES H/C SPREAD project
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Faberi, Stefano
    The article briefly describes, through the illustration of four best practices, a successful experience concerning the involvement of external stakeholders in the realization of regional energy plans for the fostering of the renewable energy technologies for heating and cooling in different EU countries. This participatory activity was carried out within the RES H/C SPREAD project (EU Intelligent Energy Program 2014-2016). Project objective was to strengthen the capacity of regional and local authorities for planning in a sustainable development framework.
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    Participation and urban policy-making in a network society – a theoretical outline on new urban governance
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Haindlmaier, Gudrun
    Society takes place in cities and shapes them. The “city” is commonly attributed with certain objectified qualities, daily practices, perceptions and symbolic readings and is strongly linked to institutional arrangements. As various transformation forces and processes can be observed in contemporary cities, the question arises: what instruments and possibilities can be identified for steering urban structures and development by means of urban policy? The current shift away from a top-down oriented city administration and planning towards the participatory governance suggests that cities are facing new challenges and requirements that are closely associated with a political dimension. The possibilities of influencing and steering urban development by urban planning and policy and participation as one element of those control options will be discussed in this paper. In order to understand the role and scope of new urban governance the societal context that frames contemporary cities will be outlined. Starting from the characteristics of new urban governance modes it will be discussed why governance and participation can be understood as reaction to the network society and its challenges of the established nation-state based democracy, traditional power relations and legitimation of political processes and institutions.
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    CIVISTI – A forward-looking method based on citizens’ visions
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Sotoudeh, Mahshid; Gudowsky, Niklas
    In this paper, we present the forward-looking CIVISTI method with strong participatory elements for inter- and transdisciplinary futures research based on citizens’ visions. This multi- perspective demand side approach, has been developed and implemented since 2008 in different projects at EU, national and local level for knowledge-based policy advice mainly focussed on program development. Applying CIVISTI (Citizens Visions on Science Technology and Innovation) provides desirable futures that incorporate people’s hopes and fears and provides insights to societal challenges and values. It furthermore combines this knowledge with experts’ and stakeholders’ recommendations for implementation.
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    Society in need of transformation. Citizen-Foresight as a method to co-create urban future
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Wilhelmer, Doris
    The European Commission highlights that creating shared values and democratic citizenship is a today’s requirement to answer challenges of urbanization in Europe. The awareness about the necessity of inclusion of vulnerable groups such as elderly or migrants is still a substantial deficit in research on inclusion. As a matter of principle, future cannot be forecasted. The most effective way to foresee future is to jointly shape it! The Participatory Citizen-Foresight offers a neutral transformation-room and multi-method coordination- framework for detecting accessible and tacit-knowledge for change. In co-creation citizens, experts and Civil-Servants gain insights into complex interdependencies allowing mutual learning and behavior in rehearsal for transition. Society is in need of powerful, collective pictures serving self-confidence and self-responsibility of citizens. First, we describe the specific, participatory-foresight approach. Second, we highlight preconditions for learning and societal change based on constructivism and brain research. Third, we show how this can work in reality by shortly outlining two Citizen- Foresight cases with elderlies and, fourth, we derive selection- criteria for methods aiming at transforming mental images, maps and behaviour.
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    Contributing to an European vision of democratic education by engaging multiple actors in shaping responsible research agendas
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Gudowsky, Niklas; Sotoudeh, Mahshid; Bechtold, Ulrike; Peissl, Walter
    Traditionally, expert-based forward looking has been applied to anticipate future challenges, solutions and strategic decisions, but limitations to this approach have become obvious – especially when considering long term perspectives – e.g. failing to include a comprehensive array of opinions. Aiming at producing sustainable strategies for responsible socio-technical change, research funding can benefit from combining forward looking and public participation to elicit socially robust knowledge from consulting with multi-actors, including citizens. In this paper, we give insights into the EU project CIMULACT – Citizen and Multi- Actor Consultation on Horizon 2020. In CIMULACT, more than 4500 citizens, stakeholders and experts from 30 European countries engaged online and offline to co-create research topics. These are supposed to serve as input for the next round of calls in Horizon 2020, national research agendas as well as the ninth framework programme in the making. We investigate key results of this transdisciplinary process focussing on the topic “democratic education” with regard to two levels: What issues concerning the topic were raised? Can we find a common European imaginary for “democratic education”? Our analysis shows that the results contribute to defining and describing challenges for the currently prevailing imaginary of democratic education in Europe.
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    Challenges of participatory-deliberative governance in the era of social media digitalisation
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Czepczyński, Mariusz
    Question of public involvement in urban development processes grows to be among the major contemporary issues of new urban governance. Local powers, traditionally based on the elected bodies (the council and the mayor) is recently being challenged by growing, often unstructured and informal urban movements. New powers have been renegotiating supremacy relations, often using social media and digital tools. The same time digital tools are used by municipalities to expand public participation. Direct participation in urban management evolve to be a basic civic right, but it is seldom correlated with responsibilities and consequences of common, especially digital, decisions. New apps and programs create many opportunities for public participation, but social media often lack broader consideration, compromise and conciliation. Simplistic digital participation can be easily fuelled by internet ignorance, expertise relativism or ‘balanced routine’.
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    Participatory methods for information society
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2016) Bonecki, Mateusz; Malitowska, Anna
    The paper provides introductory remarks to the special issue of Public Philosophy and Democratic Education dedicated to the role of participatory methods in contemporary informational society. The authors posit that in relation to classical definitions of knowledge economy, which treat knowledge as a fundamental factor of production leading to innovations in products and services, one can also acknowledge the democratizing of the innovation (technical, social, or institutional) due to increased participation of society in the process. The authors refer to information technologies which enable citizens’ participation in urban governance. They also emphasize the role of participatory-foresight methods in creating public policy based on long-term citizens-driven visions of social and economic development.