Studia Rossica Posnaniensia, Nr 36 (2011)

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    Один герой трех рассказов И.А. Бунина
    (2011) Kapinos, Elena
    The paper of Yelena Kapinos One Protagonist of Three Short Stories by Ivan Bunin analyzes three short stories by Ivan Bunin (Grammar of Love, A Winter Dream and In a Never- Never Land). The stories are connected through the same recurring protagonist, Ivlev, who functions as a “mediator” between the world of the characters and that of the author. The Tyree texts are structured as a kaleidoscope of similar motifs, details and narrative techniques that reveal the key elements of Bunin's poetic universe.
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    „Эпитафия Владимиру Высоцкому” Яцека Качмарского как интертекст
    (2011) Osiewicz, Bartosz
    This article is devoted to the analysis of the poem Epitafium dla Włodzimierza Wysockiego (Epitaph for Vladimir Vysotsky) of Jacek Kaczmarski. In this poem the Polish bard conducts an intertextual dialogue with outstanding Russian poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky.
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    1. Strona tytułowa
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    2. Содержание 36, 2011
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    „План мира” и мотивы поступка русского литературного героя (И.С. Тургенев и Дж. Байрон)
    (2011) Nikołajew, Nikołaj
    The paper is aimed at understanding peculiarities of behavior of the Russian literary character. The analysis of the early romantic poem Steno by I.S. Turgenev is defined by its imitating of Byron's Manfred. At the same time, the author of the paper indicates items of difference in the “architectonics of actions” as it is viewed by the Russian and English literary character.
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    Фантом истории и история фантома в романе Ю. Дружникова „Первый день оставшейся жизни”
    (2011) Nefagina, Galina
    The article studies the originality of the latest Yu. Druzhnikov's nоvеl chich accumulated the features of detective, historic, аdvеnturе, аnd espionage gеnrеs. Соlliding different stylistic systems the author provokes unехресtеd synthesis which generates а work bеlоnging to а new artistic type. It melts historically true and historically possible facts into а single unity. Воrn bу the writer's imagination the historic phantom looks absolutely rеаl and is perceived as а true historic fact. It is the history of this phantom that creates the peripeteia of the nоvеl The first day of the remaiпiпg life.
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    Человеческая жизнь на фоне временного пространства. Романы М.А. Осоргина „Свидетель истории” и „Книга о концах”
    (2011) Murawski, Antoni
    The main theme of this article is specific perceiving of reality and the historical process in the novels of Mikhail Osorgin. The writer tries to explain the sense of socialistic movement in Russia and it’s consequence – the revolution and the civil war 1917–1919. According to the point of view of Osorgin, the catastrophe, which happened to his country, is a part of the natural evolution of the universe. For the author, human life is more important than political ideas. Osorgin explains that people should build their own happiness instead of sacrifying their lives for abstract goals, which means nothing in the face of the universe and infinity. These ideas are connected with cosmological ideology of Osorgin.
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    Мотив семейного разлада в русской беллетристике о жизни духовенства 1860–1870-х гг.
    (2011) Łukaszewicz, Marta
    In the present paper the analysis of a motif characteristic of the Church-oriented novels, novelettes, stories and sketches – the motif of family discord – is offered. The examination of several literary works of the 1860s and 1870s has shown that it is the depiction of the negative aspects of clergymen's family life that dominates, the reasons for which being different moral principles, hierarchy of values and major life objectives. Usually it is a priest's wife that is presented as a negative character, although the opposite may be also observed. In the paper both the influence of the literary motif of family discord, popular in the realistic literature, is examined and certain facts of everyday life of the Orthodox clergy are presented in order to show the combination of these factors in the Church-oriented literary works.
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    Архетип героя в повести Олега Павлова „Казенная сказка”
    (2011) Kryłowa, Snieżana
    In the article, basic features of the main hero of the story The state fairy tale captain Khabarov are being analysed. It’s also proved that the story became a support for overcoming the spiritual chaos for the writer during the epoch of disintegration of the 1990s.
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    Эстетическое содержание самоубийства главной героини романа Л.Н. Толстого „Анна Каренина”
    (2011) Królikiewicz, Natalia
    The article is an attempt at analysing and rereading of the Russian prosaist’s masterpiece by means of phenomenology of suicide. The suicidal casus in the artistic world of the author of Resurrection – a thinker, Christian, open to the assimilation of different value systems and deep spiritual attitudes – reveals one of the many methodological possibilities to study the occurring cultural phenomena as justified in exploring the world masterpieces.
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    Смысл символики имени „Макар” в контексте творчества Ф.М. Достоевского и проблем эсхатологии как скрытый концепт жизни и культурной креативности человека
    (2011) Krężołek, Olga
    The paper deals with the meanings of the name Makar according to Florinsky's metaphysical conception which, with reference to the symbolic representation of simplicity in the oeuvre of Dostoyevsky and its problems of eschatology, make it possible to reveal the universal and cosmological message hidden in the symbolic content of the name. The name Makar as a symbol of the organic unity and the integrity of man's personality is rendered as a biblical universal model of the whole creation of which man is its expression. Man is meant as “God’s temple” which is “holy” i.e. ideal, as ideal is innocent man. Therefore, the name Makar in the oeuvre of Dostoyevsky is meant as the only valid conception of man's life and creativity which corresponds to God's Universe and protects man from further decline and degradation of life and culture because of its extreme measure.
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    И. Тургенев как протомодернист. Пьеса „Месяц в деревне” в контексте цикла эссе К. Гринберга „Защита модернизма”. Предвестие нового художественного стиля
    (2011) Waligórska-Olejniczak, Beata
    Clement Greenberg is considered as one of the greatest and most influential American critics of the late 20th century. Understanding modern and postmodern discussions in the world of literature and fine arts seems to be impossible without the profound knowledge of Greenberg's opinions. The aim of the studies in this article is the comparative analysis of I. Turgenev's drama A Month in the Country and fundamental principles of Greenberg's theory of modernism, the attempt to generate the inner relationships between those two works of art. Treating the aforementioned drama as the model piece of Turgenev's dramaturgy we focus on the parametres which build up the openness of the play, emphasise the innovative character of the text in the context of the changes of the Great Theatre Reform. The interpretation of Turgenev's play in the view of global artistic tendencies shows the uniqueness of his work of art. The comparative method of the analysis helps to discover the encoded features which will influence modernist way of thinking, eliminating the differences between the word and other ways of artistic expression.
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    Поэзия на службе власти – раннее панегирическое творчество Симеона Полоцкого
    (2011) Kozak, Barbara
    In this paper we endeavour to probe into the life and art of а unique poet and intellectual Symeon of Polotsk. We are dealing with this on the basis of his first still unpublished manuscript, focusing on the panegyrical works. Symeon, the future tutor of Peter the Great was formed in the turbulent times of the 17th century on the eastern lines of the weakening Polish empire. In his thirties he was forced to flee his native Polotsk and took refuge under the wings of tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in Moscow. There his talents found an excellent opportunity to flourish. The court of the Romanovs was Fast becoming the cultural and spiritual centre of the absolute monarchy, which was soon to become the powerful Russian empire. The poetry of Symeon took an indispensable part in the burgeoning royal ceremonial. In this the poet not only responded to the realities of the tsar’s court, but shaped new directions in the baroque art and influenced other wordsmiths of his time. The uniqueness of his approach to the panegyrical poetry employs biblical symbols and celestial analogies in order to celebrate the might and wisdom of his master and protector. This paper pays tribute to the indisputable originality of the works
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    Феномен русской прозы: писатели – референты иноэтнокультуры
    (2011) Szafranskaja, Eleonora
    The contemporary literature borders don't agree with the formal state borders. The Russian literature is an example of this. Its ethnic index doesn't correspond either with a writer's residence or his citizenship. Belonging to the Russian literature is defined by the Russian language. Some of non-Russian ethnic writers win awards for their contribution to the Russian literature. Thus any author writing in Russian is a Russian writer. By origin and nurture D. Rubina, T. Pulatov, S. Aflatuni, CH. Aytmatov, A. Volos et al. belong to the Russian culture as well as to a non-Russian one. Being in the sphere of folk and family mythology, memories, traditions, ethnic cooking, religious myths, these writers create their non-Russian ethnic works in Russian. They appear as commentators, interpreters, mediators between two mentalities: the own and the non-own, acting as spokesmen for non-Russian ethnic culture, or as translators between different mentalities, different ethnic values.
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    Жизнь идеи в художественной форме метароманов Ф.М. Достоевского и В. Набокова
    (2011) Kaźmierczak, Natalia; Kropaczewski, Krzysztof
    The paper focuses on the analysis of F. Dostoyevsky's and V. Nabokov's metanovels as the phenomenon synthesizing all core values of artistic consciousness and the world of a sensitive reader. The examination of Dostoyevsky's and Nabokov's metaprose shows the coexistence of languages and cultural systems characterising both writers. The comparative method of the interpretation is utilised in order to show the unique model of intertextuality in 19th century and modern Russian literature.
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    Творчество А.П. Чехова в рецепции С.Н. Булгакова
    (2011) Sobennikow, Anatolij
    The article is devoted to Sergej Bulgakov’s reception of Chekhov. Bulgakov turned numerous times to the works of Russian writers, such as Gertsen, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and others. The public lecture ‘Chekhov as Thinker’ was given in the autumn of 1904 at the Tenishev College. It can be examined within the framework of Bulgakov's reception of Chekhov's writings. However, a more productive approach seems to lie elsewhere: the philosopher’s thoughts on Chekhov in the context of his transition ‘from Marxism to idealism’. In this sense, the lecture on Chekhov represents a sum total of sorts. Chekhov's heroes become for him an example of the discrepancy between the general level of culture and spiritual potential of personality. In Chekhov's artistic world, the accent is indeed placed on the individual's moral effort. Instead of putting forward demands to the world, Chekhov's heroes, such as Dymov (in Poprygunia, The Hopper), Misail Poloznev (in Моя жизнь, My Life), Nina Zarechnaja (in Chaika, The Seagull) and many others, begin with demands on themselves. The public lecture was given at the time of first Russian Revolution of 1905. Thus the philosopher extends the boundaries of aesthetic analysis, and considers Chekhov's oeuvre as a testament, while the personality of the writer becomes an example of civic service.
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    Twórczość Borysa Pasternaka w badaniach polskich
    (2011) Zbyrowski, Zygmunt
    The Poetry of Boris Pasternak has been known in Poland thanks to translations and critical articles already since 1920s. Nonetheless Polish researchers became interested in his oeuvre as whole after the authors death. The largest number of studies originates from the last two decades, and their characteristic features include a great diversity of problems and methodology. The Polish authors are especially interested in the contents and form of Pasternak’s writings, and their analysis concern particular works (e.g. poems) or asserted questions and phenomena typical for Pasternak. The most active researchers in Poland are Anna Majmieskułow, Jerzy Faryno and Zygmunt Zbyrowski, other authors have published pertinent articles.
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    Николай Гоголь в культурном контексте эпохи (на материале повести А. Полторацкого „В Петербурге”)
    (2011) Romaszczenko, Ludmiła
    In the article based on the story In Petersburg by Alexei Poltoratsky, N. Gogol's personality in the cultural context of Russian empire capital is considered. Special attention is paid to creative relations of N. Gogol with prominent cultural personalities of that time: Pushkin, Jukovsky, Delvig, Maximowich and others. Except that the author reconsiders some stereotypes of appraisals touching these historical persons.
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    К теме творчества в ранней поэзии Анны Ахматовой. Финал книги „Четки” (1914)
    (2011) Owsiannikowa, Swietłana
    The article is dedicated to the analysis of the final of Beads by great Russian poetess Anna Akhmanova. The book’s final consists of just nine verses, but, nevertheless, it is beautiful and amazing. In a relatively brief article the author tries to acquaint us with a very complex, multicolored world created by the poetess and also attempts to bring to a focus the deep, sharp feelings of lyric heroine.
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    Религиозно-нравственная проблематика в деревенской прозе ХХ века (В. Астафьев, В. Распутин, В. Шукшин)
    (2011) Popiel-Machnicki, Wawrzyniec
    Victor Astafiev, Valentin Rasputin and Vasiliy Shukshin are the representatives of a rural Russian prose. They all come from Siberia that has a great impact on their works. They wanted to save the rural spirit, hidden in the endless forests of the taiga, from the destructive influence of the urban culture. The writers wanted the Siberian countryside to help Russian society, which was drawn away from cultural roots, to return again to God.