Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2011, vol. 38, nr 2

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Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2011, vol. 38, nr 2 Didactique intégrée des langues étrangères (red. nauk. Katarzyna Karpińska-Szaj)


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    Enseignement du français en milieu minoritaire plurilingue
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Żuchelkowska, Alicja
    In her article the author presents problems of identity encountered by Acadian students that originate from their relative degree of linguistic isolation. Social circumstances of Acadian-speaking persons in the Atlantic Provinces (especially in New Brunswick) comprise : the degree of contact with external varieties of French, the degree of contact with varieties of English, the availability of schooling in French, the use of French in a working environment. All these aspects offer a chance of teaching languages in multilingual societies. The author shows that social interrelationships within the community and within universities also play a significant role in the maintenance of the minority language and culture.
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    L’application des méthodes "Think-Aloud Protocol" et analyse conversationnelle à la didactique de traduction
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Borowczyk, Paulina
    The article presents a Think Aloud Protocol study and conversation analysis implemented as strategies by inexperienced translators who translated an extract of an audiovisual message from French into German. We observed and analysed the case in which were recorded the students in order to externalize the process of translating. The author of this paper wants to show how they used different understanding and search strategies during the act of translation. The results can serve as hypotheses for the teaching of translation.
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    Faut-il privilégier l’emploi de la langue maternelle chez les adeptes de la traduction ?
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Kasperska, Iwona
    The paper describes two main methods of teaching text translation, applied in courses of literary and specialized texts translation for a general public, and in a specialized course of translation for MA advanced students. In both methods the use of Polish language as a mother tongue is considered legitimate not only as a language of translation but also as a main vehicle of communication in the process of acquiring translation skills. This role of the mother tongue is extremely important in defining the translation brief and in the evaluation of target texts. The article provides several examples in order to illustrate and justify this thesis.
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    Le va-et-vient entre le polonais et le français en atelier de la créativité langagière
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Blachowska-Szmigiel, Marzena; Moreau, Anne-Claire
    The aim of this paper is to answer the question of whether the use of the Polish language by students during the workshops of creative language behaviors in philological studies hinders or facilitates students’ learning of French as a foreign language. In the first part of the paper, we specify the properties of creative language behaviors and their development in the learners of French as a foreign language, then we characterize the creative language behavior workshops organized for our students of French as a foreign language, and finally we discuss the results of our research concerning the use of the Polish language by students during the above-mentioned workshops.
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    Besoins communicatifs en L1 comme source d'erreurs sociolinguistiques en LE chez les étudiants débutants en philologie romane
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Zając, Jolanta
    Speaking foreign language does not imply only mastering its lexical and morphosyntactic code, but, more importantly, learning to conceptualize differently the world around us. One of major sources of deviations in L2 is due to a very poor mastery of conventional structures (formulaic competence), an incorrect linguistic profiling and the confusion between the synthetic and analytical character of the L1 and the L2 (here Polish and French). Beginners in Romance philology often fall into a trap when trying to verbalize in a written form their communicative intentions. We propose here to analyze their sociolinguistic and sociocultural mistakes in order to imagine a course of remedial teaching.
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    Franchir l’infranchissable – stratégies d’interaction orale en classe de FLE
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Kucharczyk, Radosław
    In this article I will show that oral interaction is an independent competence in the language learning / teaching process and it requires adequate strategies. At the beginning of the article, I will present a description of a spoken language and verbal oral interaction as a subject of linguistic studies. Next, I will present a description of oral interaction in accordance with The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), as well as, a description of the interactive strategies presented by the authors of the Framework. After that, I will present the place of oral interaction strategies in various administrative documents regulating learning / teaching foreign languages at present. The last part of the article will describe examples of didactic actions which had an objective of developing this strategic competence among the beginner students of Romance philology.
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    Développer la compétence médiatique pour mieux apprendre une langue étrangère : travailler avec les ressources virtuelles au niveau avancé
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Górecka, Joanna
    The aim of the paper is to discuss the relevance of media and information education in language learning at advanced levels. The present paper is based on the empirical data obtained during the action-research conducted with the Romance philology students attending the course of French as a foreign language. The main object of the research is to establish to what degree an oral argumentation task, preceded by the task of planning the discussion on Wiki is considered to be a learning situation by students themselves. The research focuses on a selected aspect of the learning process, namely, on the use of media resources while negotiating the discussion outline and specifically, while negotiating its topic, objectives and its cognitive value. The principal conclusions indicate 1) that the task scenario should be based on the critical and dialogical approach to media and 2) that this kind of instruction can reinforce the argumentative dimension of the discussion.
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    L’interférence chez les étudiants en philologie italienne en tant que défi pour l’enseignant
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Karczewska, Małgorzata
    Polish students of Italian philology in Poznań study two Romance languages: Italian and French, which on one hand facilitates the process of learning, as many rules of grammar and words are similar in both languages. On the other hand, though, the closeness of two linguistic systems is the source of the interference phenomenon even if none of the languages is a mother tongue. As students of philology are expected to speak perfectly the foreign language studied, all mistakes need to be eliminated. In the present paper we concentrate on mistakes made in Italian due to the interference of French. After a short theoretical introduction on interference we give some examples of errors to illustrate the phenomenon and to show the areas in which errors are particularly numerous. In the third part of the paper we suggest some solutions which are based on observations and conclusions resulting from the professional experience as a lecturer in Italian.
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    Cas d’absence d’article en français : difficultés des apprenants et proposition d’une analyse unifiée
    (AMU Press, 2011-12-27) Lebas-Fraczak, Lidia
    Given the difficulties encountered by learners of French in deciding whether in a noun phrase an article is to be used or not, we consider that it is necessary for them to apprehend the general function of the determiner in opposition to the cases of the absence of determiner in a nominal expression. Having noted that the usual explanations of these cases, which are based on semantic and grammatical criteria, are insufficient, we put forward an analysis based on a pragmatic-and-discursive factor: the communicative status of a noun within an utterance. We thus consider that the determiner serves to place a noun in the center of attention whereas the absence of determiner marks a defocalized status of a noun.