Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2001, vol. 28

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    Connotations culturelles dans la perspective humboldtienne. Étude comparative des unités phraséologiques du français et du polonais
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Dyoniziak, Jolanta
    The main idea of this article is to indicate the relation of language and culture through reference to Humboldtian philosophy of language and some linguistic theories which lake up this problem. The analysis presented here deals with cultural connotations of idiomatic expressions and assuming that languages are representations that render the spirit of nations, it illustrates particular aspects of relationship between language and culture, namely: - placing expressions in the cultural specificity of particular communities, - difficulties encountered while translating them into another language, which are connected with differences in illustrating them (giving their picture). Examples collected in the further part are to show a certain group of these idiomatic expressions which are motivated immediately by social reality that is specific of either the Polish or the French nation.
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    Morfonologia limbii romàne. I. Paradigmatica. O abordare teoretică pe baza materialului verbal
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Cychnerski, Tomasz
    This paper is the first of a series o f articles devoted to the morphonology o f contemporary Romanian. Its aim is to introduce the main notions o f the morphonological paradigmatics, such as morphonological alternation, its types, functions and conditioning. The theoretical apparatus is illustrated with examples of Romanian verbal inflection.
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    Comment (re)connaître et traduire la signification des mots d ’une langue étrangère
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Florczak, Jacek
    Assuming that a profound knowledge of a second language is impossible without the knowledge about the language itself, the author’s aim is to present the classical linguistic methods of meaning analysis as helpful tools in the formation and development of second language semantic competence at the advanced and intermediate levels. These methods operate on one language and decompose a word’s meaning into relevant and discrete features. They vary from the logical analysis of features common to all referents denoted by a word, through the semic analysis of words compared in semantic fields, to the componential analysis which determines the range of a word’s use in context. While all these analyses concern the semantic norm, the discursive content is the object of research of the interpretative analysis and translation, where the realization of meaning in discourse is always a function of semantic norm and where the lack of knowledge of the normative content leads directly to faulty or strange translations.
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    Étude des modèles de texte sur l ’exemple de la note de service
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Matek, Iwona
    The memo, a kind of company’s internal correspondence, is a very interesting material for investigation due to its highly formalised character. The linguistic analysis based on text models is aimed at arriving at the French standard of the memo. The first part of the article discusses basic aspects of text models. Next, a structural and formulative model of the French memo is presented. This model then undergoes a thorough linguistic analysis which is to show the interrelations between the participants of the communication act. Finally, the article concentrates on those elements of verbal communication which decide about proper understanding and, consequently, about the effectiveness of a given text.
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    «L'Idéal sous les voiles de l’ électricité». A propos de «L'Ève future» de Villiers de l ’Isle-Adam
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Malinowski Wiesław, Mateusz
    The article discusses an extremely idealistic message of the 1886 novel L ’Ève future by Villiers de l’lsle-Adam. The motif of an artificial woman constructed by a genius scientist is a pretext for philosophical and metaphysical meditation on human fate, an attempt to reach - through art - the deepest mysteries of the spiritual world set against shallow visible reality. The subject matter and rhetorics of the work is an expressive illustration of symbolism in the field of French novel.
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    En torno al género literario de la confesión
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Wachowska, Judyta
    The present article tries to explain some points of the generic definition of confession, showing that there are some determinant factors that allow to distinguish it from the autobiography such as: thematic space, reason and/or narralaire and treatment of time and memory.
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    Paul Willems: le dernier écrivain belge?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Loriau, Henri-François; Pantkowska, Agnieszka
    Paul Willems, Flemish writer and playwright, who wrote in French, can be considered along with Suzanne Lilar as one of the last Belgian writers in national understanding of this word. This paper is a proposal of analysis of the last prose writing of Willems Le Pays noyé. As this work can be read as an allegory of Belgian history, attention is drawn to the problem of Belgian identity and its formation process. Moreover the final remarks deal with the attitude of Willems to French language, reflected in his different dramatic writings.
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    «De la noncin» et «d'une nonne». Lecture cnmparée des structures spatiales dans les miracles
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Loba, Anna
    The paper is a comparison of the two narrative and dramatic medieval miracles. The texts come from different times, but they both, tell the same story - a miraculous intervention of the Virgin Mary on a life of a young nun. Written in the 14th century, the dramatic version is an adaptation of Gautier de Coincy narrative miracle. The author of the paper intends to seize the spatial transformations that occur between narrative “hypotexte” and dramatic “hypertexte”. Indirectly, this analysis evokes a question of rewriting in French medieval literature.
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    García Saraví y Juan Goytisolo: el concepto del tiempo
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Bączyk-Tomaszewska, Alicja
    The article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of texts by a contemporary Castillian writer, whose literary beginnings may be said to be rooted in the 1950s, and an Argentinean writer from La Plata, who belongs to the generation of the 1940s. What the two writers have in common is a worship of the word and similar subject matters, touching upon issues of universal character, such as life, death, the passage of time and the meaning of human existence. The thesis of the article is the following: the theme of the passage of time is the primary subject in the oeuvre of both representatives of Spanish literature. In the works of both the Argentinean and the Castillian writer there are clearly audible echoes of Gongola. Patterning themselves on Goya’s pictures, especially his “Atrocities of War”, the two use light and shadow in a similar way. Our aim was to make a comparative analysis of stylistic features of both artists and their method of creating a poetic image. Noticing the visual character of the metaphors used, we proceeded in our analysis by a method of active reading on the syntactical and phonetic planes. Subject to analysis are selected sonnets of García Saraví and some essays and novels by Juan Goytisolo.
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    Le journal personnel en tant que dispositif critique et didactique
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Lis, Jerzy
    An intimate diary is not only and exclusively spontaneous form of writing on personal themes, but may also appear as an instrument of critical reflection, and as a didactic aid. On the example of scientfic works of Philippe Lejeune and a handbook for pupils who have learning difficulties, the author analyses directions of development of this form of autobiographical recording and possibilities of using a diary in domains other than writing literature.
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    Despre un anumit pericol: PE-relator al complementului indirect
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Rusiewicz-Woźny Krystyna
    As a mark of the indirect object PE represents a transitional stage of evolution, occupying an intermediate position between the phase of semantic relator and the one of a syntactic relator. It is possible to avoid confusion with the direct object because of the intransitive character of the verbs, as well as the impossibility of doubling the object containing PE or replacing it with the weak Accusative forms of the corresponding pronouns.
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    Ia correction grammaticale, les anomalies sémantiques et la métaphore dans la grammaire transformationnelle-générative
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Nkollo, Mikołaj
    This paper deals mainly with the problem of semantic anomalies and their role in generative grammar. Once the issue was raised, the solutions brought about by authors varied among them considerably. As far as generative grammar is a formal theory, it cannot handle the anomalous uteerances with recourse to metaphor. Instead, two main approaches were proposed. The first one originates from a semantic theory set forth by Katz and Fodor and has been adopted by Chomsky and his followers. Its focus is laid on formal properties and technical aspects of the anomalies, without trying to explore their nature and their origin. The other one, argued for by the supporters of generative semantics, has resorted to extra-linguistic context and to one’s personal beliefs and utterances. Neither Chomsky’s theory nor GS’s theory are able to cope adequately with the problem, because its nature is strongly elusive to formal rules and its analysis can receive only several ad hoc solutions.
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    IL doppio aspetto della pronuncia delle vocali e, o in italiano
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Gałkowski, Artur
    The following article discusses one of the most characteristic problems of Italian phonemics concerning two vowels ‘e ’ and ‘o ’. They are either open or closed vowels. This relevant feature depends on the vowel position, accent and the vowel nature. However, with regard to the differences in the pronunciation of ‘e ’ and ‘o’ in two main kinds of language (Rome/Florence and Milan/Turin) “happy medium” rules are suggested. They can be applied in teaching Italian as a foreign language