Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, 2011, nr XXI/2

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    Wyrażanie obowiązku w traktacie De officiis M.T. Cycerona
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Górska, Małgorzata
    This article attempts to distinguish various language markers of obligation used in Cicero’s De officiis. The tentative list of means which serve to express obligation in chosen text includes (1) morphological markers, such as: the imperative and subjunctive moods, the future tense; (2) lexical means: the modal verbs debere and oportet, the impersonal phrases officium est and munus est, the performative verbs postulo and hortor, and (3) syntactic markers: the periphrastic gerundival construction and the est + genetivus possessivus construction. However all these grammatical and lexical means may express the notions of deontic necessity only under the specific circumstances.
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    Cath Catharda. Irlandzka wersja Bellum Civile Marka Anneusza Lukana? Wprowadzenie do tematu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Bartnik, Agnieszka
    In the paper the author advances thesis that prose composition Cath Catharda can be an Irish version of Bellum Civile by Marcus Annaeus Lukanus. The Irish text, which consists of twenty one chapters preserved till nowadays in the form of in eight manuscripts shows surprising similarity to the Songs I-VII from the Lucanus’ work. Similarities do not only concern the choice of episodes, but also specific expressions, definitions, which in fact are identical.
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    „Senes severiores”. Notes on „too-strict” translations of comparatives (Catul. V 2)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Pierzak, Damian
    The paper includes some examples of the comparative usages within adjectives among Catullus’ poems for the introduction. The main assumption is to present a quite new point of view on the rendition of senes severiores, an expression mostly translated as “too strict / too stern old men”. The new interpretation is to be connected with Roman magistrates – censores. The article shortly examines different backgrounds (language, literature, culture) to prove the possibility, that the poet, saying ‘stern old men’ could have meant something more, than it appears at first sight.
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    Zmierzch komedii staroattyckiej? Wybrane problemy Plutosa Arystofanesa
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Kostek, Szymon
    The article is an attempt of interpretation of the main problems of the last saved comedy written by Aristophanes. Personifications of wealth and poverty are a basic object of analysis. We can say that there is wealth and its influence on life of citizens of Athens in the centre of Wealth’s problems. The author of the article gives some opening remarks about Wealth in the context of Attic Old Comedy which is understood as theatrical/dramatic genre. The statements of the commentators of Aristophanes as Angus M. Bowie, Kenneth J. Dover, Anna M. Komornicka, Douglas M. MacDowell, Erich Segal, Martin Revermann or Tadeusz Zieliński are used in the article in order to achieve a result of power of interpretation.
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    Temperantia, stoicki złoty środek według Seneki Młodszego
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Budzanowska, Dominika
    Seneca’s philosophical writings concern a virtue, among others also the virtues of justice, temperance (or moderation), fortitude and prudence. They are four virtues from the time of St. Ambrose called cardinal. Seneca gives this definition of the virtue temperantia: cupiditates refrenare – to confine one’s desires. So the temperance is practicing self-control, abstention and moderation. Seneca discuses it very often in a wider context of the different virtues, with which it’s tightly connected according to a stoical idea of the inseparability of the virtues. He claims that we have to learn virtue. Seneca reminds, that the life is not easy and only the indications of the philosophy concerning virtue preserve from the unjust fortune.
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    Nulla est gloria praeterire asellos. Wizerunek osła w kulturze i literaturze starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Karamucka, Magdalena
    The article aims to examine the representation of donkey in the ancient Greek and Roman culture and literature. It is investigated, on the example of selected texts, how developed the popular, negative stereotypes about stupid, lazy and even greedy and lustful donkeys, that seems to have their origins in Greek-Roman mentality and literature. The article contains a part of symbolic meanings and idioms connected with donkeys, especially these, that derive from antiquity.
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    Zjawiska psychotyczne w Heraklesie Eurypidesa
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Stróżyński, Mateusz
    The article is an attempt of psychoanalytic interpretation of the Euripidean Heracles. The theory used to explain psychological phenomena of the play is Melanie Klein’s concept of the paranoid-schizoid and depressive position, as well as contributions to the understanding of psychotic thinking made by her followers: Hanna Segal, Wilfred Bion, Herbert Rosenfeld and John Steiner. Characters in the play, in their speech and behavior, as well as chorus’ songs, reveal significant number of primitive psychological mechanisms, such as splitting, denial, idealization and projective identification. The analysis of those mechanisms expressed in literary material allows to see the much argued continuity of Euripides’ extraordinary play.
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    Wergiliusz jako twórca labiryntu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Krawczyk, Ewelina
    Vergil described his opus magnum, Aeneis, within the poem itself - as a temple’s door ecphrasis. By introducing Daedalus’ narrative into the main narrative, he set a bunch of signs of identity, both biographical and textual, between himself and the ancient inventor, in order to show the analogous identity between Aeneis and Daedalus’ work, the double labyrinth. By that he managed to highlight the hybrid nature of Aeneis itself and also, through some textual omissions, to depict Roman superhero-to-be, Aeneas, as a traitor. Vergil also made this ecphrasis both poet’s statement about boundaries of making poetry and a masterpiece of Augustan propaganda.
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    Nauka o duszy w antropologii Dydyma Aleksandryjskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Nakonieczny, Rafał
    The anthropological terminology of ancient authors is as rich as ambiguous. This article presents the reconstruction of Didimos’ teaching about the soul (psyche) from a perspective of early-Christian philosophy and philology.
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    Karnowska Maria, Mag znaczy filozof, czyli magia Giordana Bruna w świetle jego traktatu O magii
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Karnowska, Maria
    Giordano Bruno przedstawia w traktacie O magii swoje poglądy na temat tego, czym jest magia i jak można ją wykorzystywać, lecz za jego słowami o demonach i nakładaniu więzów na ducha można dostrzec wskazany kierunek samodoskonalenia nie mający wiele wspólnego z naukami tajemnymi, a będący raczej formą filozofii.