Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, T. 24, 2010

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    Teologiczna symbolika wybranych postaci historii Izraela w mowie Matatiasza (1 Mch 2,51-61)
    (2015) Janusz Nawrot
    The core of Mattathias’ deathbed speech addressed to his sons and all the participants of the Maccabaean rising (1 Macc 2:51-61) is the command to be faithful to the law and the covenant as  a foundation of patriotism as it was then understood – love of one’s homeland and defense of traditions that constituted the identity of the people who inhabited it. The biblical author recalls the major figures in the history of Israel to show the struggle of the insurgents as a continuation of    the history created by the heroes of the past. The object of the article is to present the theology      of those particular figures from the history of Israel in the context of the then ongoing events whereby they became models to follow and a source of perseverance in the undertaken struggle against the pagan invaders from the Seleucid empire.
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    Autobiografia mistyczna Marianny Marchockiej jako kłopot i dar dla teologa
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Grupiński, Wojciech
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    Asceza w doświadczeniu duchowym Teresy z Lisieux oraz Teresy z Los Andes
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Hadryś, Jacek
    The Servant of God John Paul II beatified and canonized Juanita, or Teresa of Jesus ‘of Los Andes’ (Chile) and declared Therese of the Child Jesus Doctor of the Church. The two Carmelites lived almost concurrently and were called to eternity at a young age. They shared not only a Carmelite vocation but also a deep spiritual life. The latter defines the aim of the article: to show the place and character of ascesis in the spiritual experience of each of the two, and to bring out relevant similarities and differences. The results of the study are presented in three aspects: motivations of the ascetic effort, inner overcoming of oneself, and external practices of mortification. Both saints practiced ascesis only on account of Christ, and as demonstrated in the article, all their other motivations issued from their love for Christ, and confirmed and developed this love.
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    Spis treści
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010)
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    Palamizm a ikona
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Sprutta, Justyna
    The theory of hesychasm which was systematized in the 14th century by St. Gregory Palamas is known as Palamism. Palamism focused on the problem of God’s essence and energies, claiming among others that God allows Himself to be known only through His energies whereas His essence remains unknown and is beyond any cognition. Divine energies are represented by an omnipresent supernatural light, expressed in icons by such colours as gold, pure yellow or white. This light is also sometimes indicated by the colour of the assist or the filling of the background and the nimbus. The icon that explicitly expresses and presents the transformation effected by Divine energies is The Transfiguration o f Christ although in fact every icon is meant to lead to transformation. Palamism originated from a controversy between the monk Barlaam and St. Gregory Palamas.
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    Nadzwyczajne i zwyczajne źródła przeświadczeń i zachowań religijnych ludzi wierzących
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Zimnica-Kuzioła, Emilia
    The text deals with the issue of the religious beliefs of believers. The author refers to a range o f scientific theories (sociological, psychological, theological and neurotheological) that explicate the phenomenon of religiosity. In parallel she presents the justification of faith given by ordinary believers who also point to supernatural sources of religiosity. For them their inner experience is more important than rational (philosophical) arguments for the existence of the Absolute.
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    Awake, my heart and think... Truth as a foundation for life
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Szymik, Jerzy
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    Udział wartości w kształtowaniu chrześcijańskiego sumienia młodzieży
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Głaz, Stanisław
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    Wokół pierwszego pobytu Apostoła Pawła w Efezie (Dz 18,18-22)
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Siuda, Tomasz
    One of the crucial stages of the Apostle Paul’s ministry was his stay at Ephesus. However, considering the fact that the reliability of some data in the Acts of the Apostles on the time of Paul’s arrival to Ephesus is nowadays frequently put into question, it has become necessary to investigate the issue. In the present article the author assesses the relevant source material and takes a stand on the particular opinions of contemporary interpreters of the subject. Based on an analysis of the text of the Acts of the Apostles he is led to conclude that Luke’s account of Paul’s first short visit to Ephesus reveals traits of historicity.
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    Relektura cytatów z Księgi Psalmów w Ewangelii według św. Jana
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Sikora, Adam Ryszard
    The author of the article analyses eights passages from the Gospel according to St. John which contain quotations from the Book of Psalms. The quotations come from Ps 22,19 (Jn 19,24), Ps 41,9 (Jn 13,18), Ps 69,5 (Jn 15,25), Ps 69,10 (Jn 2,17), Ps 69,28 (Jn 19,28); Ps 78,24 (Jn 6,31), Ps 82,6 (Jn 10,34) and Ps 118,26 (Jn 12,13). As a result of the undertaken inquiry the author states that all the quotations from the psalms were reinterpreted in a specific theological perspective. The author of the Fourth Gospel was not interested in the meaning of the quotations in their original context but rather in the Christological thought embedded in them. From those psalms, read in a Christological key within a new context, emerges an image of Jesus who is the Son of God in an absolute sense (Ps 82,6), the Messianic King (Ps 118,26), who despite unjustified hatred on the part of the world (Ps 69,5), unbelief on the part of some of His interlocutors (Ps 78,24) and His awareness of the hostility of one of His disciples (Ps 41,10), zealously fulfills the Father’s plan (Ps 69,10), surrendering himself to all the humiliations (Ps 22,19) and tribulations of salvific passion (Ps 69,22). It should also be underscored that many exegetes interpret the content of those quotations not merely literally, i.e. by linking them to historical events, but expound their deeper spiritual sense.
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    Struktura retoryczna Psalmu 77 i jego interpretacja
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Mrozek, Kinga
    The article presents an analysis of one of the Psalms of Asaph - Ps 77. The main purpose of the study is to show the dependence between the structure of the text and its interpretation, the impact of text division on ascertaining its message. With this aim in view different propositions of exegetes are set forth, their standpoints falling into two groups. On the one hand they divide Ps 77 according to the following criteria: the ‘selah’ pause or the generic features of the text - this approach results in demonstrating the nonuniformity of Ps 77. On the other hand, some exegetes claim that the analyzed text contains features that allow us to consider it as a uniform whole. The division of Ps 77 proposed in the article is based firstly on formal criteria and secondly on content criteria. Finally, a synthesis of both types of division is achieved and serves as a basis of interpretation. In this way it becomes possible to show: the dynamism of the content of Ps 77, its major themes, its reflective character, the image of a gracious but at the same time also mighty God, and the parenthetical features of the psalm.
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    Problemy wolności wiary religijnej, ukrytości Boga i dowodów istnienia Boga na przykładzie koncepcji Johna Hicka i jej krytyki
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Strzyżyński, Przemysław
    The main point is presentation of J. Hick’s conception of religious faith freedom and her critics. On this ground article put questions to catholic’s theology. Hick say that faith is experiencing-as, and has almost infinite freedom. God can't to force to believe Him. From the other side. Hick consider that person like Jesus had huge awareness of God’s, that it was no place for freedom. Authors like Perret, Henze, Cheetham try to analyze Hik’s conception. They shows few contradictions and new problems.
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    Pycha króla jako problem teologiczny w Księdze Machabejskiej (1,3)
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Nawrot, Janusz
    Studies on IMacc 1,3a - a verse interesting on account of its historical context - lead to the conclusion that when remarking on the pride of the Macedonian King the author of the book uses the expression his heart was lifted, up not only as a reference to history, although history does confirm the king’s character. The quoted phrase has a highly theological connotation in the Bible and is used with reference to various characters who meet with an adequate response on the part of the God of Israel. The causes of human pride discussed in the article - success in life, riches and military victory - are by no means the only ones responsible for the increasing self-satisfaction felt by the characters. However, it seems that it is those causes of pride that most often threaten punishment to the willful.
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    Propozycja reinterpretacji tytułów Bożego pomazańca w Księdze Izajasza (9,5b-6a)
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Tobola, Łukasz
    The article suggests a reinterpretation of the titulary of God’s Anointed One in Isa 9,5b-6a. Based on a detailed analysis of the inscription of this text in the Qumran Isaiah scroll (QIsaa) and in the oldest Masoretic manuscripts also in their relation to biblical onomastics, a triple division of royal titulary, different from the hitherto accepted ones, is proposed which in the intent of the biblical author was to reflect the qualities of an ideal king. This triple division refers to the king’s wisdom as a mediator between God and the people („A Wonderful Counselor is God”), his role as a commander who fights in the name of the Divine protector („Mighty is the Everlasting Father”) and as a guardian who watches over the fate of the community entrusted to his care („The Divine Companion is the Master of Prosperity”). This image is confirmed by extrabiblical texts especially by the sources from Ugarit, where the kings used a similar titulary - both in the aspect of form as well as content.
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    „Negev" ¡n Gen 13:1. Translation and Interpretation
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Stanek, Teresa
    Opisując powrót Abrama z Egiptu do Betel, dla określenia kierunku drogi Rdz 1,13 używa terminu na południe (majn). W przekładach Księgi Rodzaju tłumacze wyraźnie zmagają się z tym określeniem, a najpełniejszy wyraz temu problemowi daje komentarz Rasziego. Artykuł przytacza reprezentatywne przykłady tłumaczeń na język angielski i polski. Starsze tłumaczenia podążają za znaczeniem południe, które ma sens symboliczny - w Księdze Rodzaju bohaterowie podążający w kierunku południowym, podążają za wezwaniem Boga, ku Jego obietnicy. Tłumaczenia nowsze używają, uzasadnionej racjonalnie, nazwy geograficznej - Negew, tracąc przy tym aspekt symbolu. Ciekawym przyczynkiem jest tłumaczenie Lutra, który nadal pozostaje w obrębie symboliki, ale zamienia znaczenie przestrzenne na czasowe.
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    Co jest stawką w zakładzie Pascala?
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Wiertlewska, Małgorzata
    The author draws on several literary and philosophical approaches to bring out some of the themes embedded in Pascal’s wager, such as: the world as an arena o f one’s confrontation with one’s vision o f oneself; the notions o f ‘here’ and ‘there’ in relation to the intuition o f the immortality o f the individual human soul; God as an answer to human longing for a Witness; belief in God as ultimate concern for human life; the transnatural destiny o f the human person. These existential insights are complemented by the analytical considerations and criticism o f Pascal’s wager put forward by Richard Swinbume in his book Faith and Reason (2005). Swinburne’s inquiry pivots around the problem o f a person’s responsibility for the beliefs he/she holds and what it means to be rational. The purpose o f the article is to actualize the question: What is the stake in Pascal’s wager?
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    Weź twego syna, którego miłujesz, idź i złóż go w ofierze! „Związanie" Izaaka w literaturze i myśli rabinicznej
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Kalimi, Isaac
    The Aqedah story is a crown jewel of the biblical literature. Highlighting genuine emotions and important theological and ethical problems, it holds ground in all monotheistic religions. It brings about several questions concerning the mutual relationship between man and God, and man’s relationship with his son, wife and surroundings. Rabbinic literature provides plurality of perspectives on the Aqedah. It fills in gaps of the narrative and suggests directions o f interpretation that reflects in Josephus and perhaps in the Qumranic literature. Some interpretations are rooted in Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha literature, and many continue in the medieval Jewish interpretation. Usually the rabbis see God’s request as a test of Abraham’s unconditional belief. Some view the text as Abraham mistaking God’s intent. Others are justifying the placement of God and blaming Satan and Abraham. Several rabbis considered the Aqedah as an act of Kiddush Hashem (martyrdom). Abraham is viewed as one who is truly motivated by his religious belief over moral command, and his immediate acceptance of the command was praised. Many consider the Aqedah also as Isaac’s test. There are several approaches regarding what truly happened on the mount. However, Isaac’s blood cannot be viewed as a counterblast to Jesus’ blood. Sarah’s death was related with the Aqedah. Abraham’s act is considered to be an enduring eminence of Israel.
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    Żydowskie dewekut w postaci kontemplacji tetragramu oraz kombinatoryki literowej jako droga duchowego rozwoju
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Brylla, Dorota
    The article deals with the Jewish concept of devekut („clinging on”), a type of communio mystica, realized in two kabbalistic - i.e. specific for mystical, esoteric trend in Judaism, originated in the 12th century - methods. These methods are the meditation and contemplation (moreover also: visualization, recitation and vocalization) of the divine biblical name YHWH - Tetragrammaton, and the explication of it, the so called science of the combination of letters, hochmah ha-tzeruf,immanently associated with the sacred text (precisely: the combinations and permutations made on it, namely on divine name/names), which most known representative was Abraham Abulafia. What distinguishes present text from other scientific publications about both Abulafia’s mystical technique and the concentration on Tetragrammaton, is the emphasis placed on the ideal of devekut, which can be implemented in these mystic behaviours, as well as treating the presented mystical methods as the way, simultaneously - the system, of personal spiritual growth, spiritual development and self-cultivation.
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    O Jednem w perspektywie filozoficzno-religijne
    (Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2010) Karpiński, Maciej
    The One is the identity of Transcendens-Immanens. Far (external) as Transcendens, It becomes close (internal) as Immanens. This closeness entitles us to try to express the One. Reason, will and - involving both, in sacrum area - faith can testify of the One. It is previous to every philosophical discourse, which is asking about the principle of universe (arche). The One is previously given and - at least implicite - present in discourse. It is also, exactly as arche, the completion of this discourse. In the philosophy, which starts from and completes on the One, we can see the structural conflict between dualistic form of principium rationis and the trend to unity. However, this conflict seems to be the strength of the philosophy, when it assumes the positive shape of balance between rationality and extrarationality (existence). The One cannot be comprehended in rational way, because principium rationis invariably imposes to consider the One in contrast to multiplicity. „The One” in such understanding is not Transcendens (-Immanens), while entangled in dualism. Only in the symbiosis of rational and existential orders (thanks to mentioned balance) the One can overcome the rational determinateness. Then It reveals itself in eschatological dimension as Deity; the philosophical space becomes the religious space. Mystical experience takes place of meditation, becoming a kernel of faith - ultimate care. The commonness of ultimate care experience, which is known by every man, tends to stand for mystical egalitarianism, which means recognition of mystical state as the experience inherent connected with the human fate. As an expression of Transcendens-Immanens, the One calms. The One is a password (word o f passing) ciphering arche of philosophy and Deity of religion. Reading of this cipher requires the cooperation of reason and existence - thinking and participation.