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    Germany and France towards Eastern Partnership project of the European Union 2008-2015
    (2018-09-22) Barabasz, Adam
    The main aim of the article was to present the reaction of Germany and France towards the Eastern Partnership project of the European Union between 2008-2015. In the article the summit of the Eastern Partnership was also briefly discussed and the most important decisions that were made there were emphasized. Attention was also paid to the challenges facing the six countries covered by the project. Attention was also paid to Russia's attitude towards EAP.
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    Deutschland, Frankreich und das Problem der Flüchtlinge in der Europäischen Union (2015-2016)
    Koszel, Bogdan
    Infolge der arabischen Revolutionen in Nordafrika und des Bürgerkriegs in Syrien im Jahr 2011 gab es eine Welle von Emigration, die in einem beispiellosen Ausmaß nach Europa gelenkt wurde. Die meisten Auswanderer gingen nach Deutschland, Österreich, Benelux und Schweden. Die Bundesregierung hat, ohne den engsten Partner mit der EU-Frankreich zu konsultieren, beschlossen, ihre Grenze zu öffnen, was nur die Einwanderungsprozesse intensivierte. Die deutschen Motive waren humanitärer Natur, aber bald übertraf das Ausmaß des Phänomens die deutschen Fähigkeiten. Kanzlerin Merkel hat begonnen, eine "gerechte Umverteilung" von Einwanderern in den Mitgliedstaaten zu fordern, die als deutsche "moralische Erpressung" bezeichnet wurde. Dank Merkels Kooperation mit Präsident Hollande ist es gelungen die Türkei davon überzeugen, den Auswanderungsstrom nach Europa zu stoppen. Gleichzeitig führte die Europäische Kommission gemeinsam mit dem Europäischen Parlament eine Reihe von Verordnungen ein, die die Kontrolle der EU-Außengrenzen verbessern und den Zustrom von Einwanderern stoppen würden.
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    French-German cooperation in the European union in 2007-2013
    Koszel, Bogdan
    The author discusses the thesis that in the arduous circumstances of the 21st century France passed the test of cooperation with the united Germany. The French-German “integration engine” scored both successes and failures, but did not break down. Germany governed by Chancellor Merkel proved to be a loyal and predictable partner, while France during Sarkozy’s presidency did not venture any steps that would strain this cooperation. A real test of the German-French leadership of the EU came with the financial crisis of the Eurozone. President Sarkozy understood the situation better and reacted faster to the growing threats, whereas Germany, for internal reasons, delayed launching large-scale rescue actions. Nevertheless, the signing of the fiscal union pact was the effect of a compromise between the two partners and yet another proof of the stability of the German-French cooperation.
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    O narodnom interesu i ratio status: teorijska razmatranja
    (2012) Kałążna, Klaudia; Rosicki, Remigiusz
    The concepts of national interest or raison d’etat continue to be fundamental elements in the foreign policies of states. Making direct reference to these concepts is crucial for making the arguments employed in political discussions efficient. The paper presents theoretical considerations on the issue of raison d’etat or national interest. It attempts to distinguish between the meanings of these two concepts, presents the changes in how they have been understood and tries to approach them theoretically. It also refers to how the raison d’etat and national interest are understood by N. Machiavelli, C. Le Bret and a range of contemporary authors. The theoretical approach to national interest makes use of V. Udalov’s theory, which discusses this concept as understood by researchers from the two opposing blocs at the time of the Cold War – the USA and the USSR. The paper also refers to the concept of interest in the context of international relations.
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    Poland in a stage of system transformation and integration with the European Union
    (2013-09-04) Tomaszyk, Mikołaj
    Eight years of Polish membership in European Union can be present from several or even a dozen of research perspectives. Interesting studies are these related to absorption of assets from European Structural Funds. Especially these concerning methods of availing them and a legal state of territories strengthened according to additional financial sources. Furthermore analysis concerning activity of Polish Members of European Parliament and also these describing status of Poland in the European Community. The status as a consequence of valid treaties or even the Lisbon Treaty which is intended to replace the earlier one.
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    Pomarańczowa rewolucja w kontekście rosyjskim
    (2011-04-19T11:27:07Z) Miłoszewska, Dorota
    Ostatnie tygodnie 2004 roku za sprawą wydarzeń na Ukrainie przyniosły Europie doniosłe zmiany. Ukraińcy zademonstrowali godną najwyższej pochwały postawę obywatelską – sprzeciwili się nadmiernym wpływom Rosji, mafijno-oligarchicznym układom (tzw. stagarchii), starej władzy (tzw. momentokracji), gdzie ludzie nie posiadali żadnych praw obywatelskich ani nie było niezależnych sądów. W ciągu 17-stu dni pomarańczowej rewolucji to, co wydawało się wiecznotrwałe i nienaruszalne gdzieś zniknęło. Cała struktura władzy Leonida Kuczmy rozpłynęła się w powietrzu. Artykuł poświęcony jest stosunkowi Rosji do wydarzeń mających miejsce w byłej republice postradzieckiej. Z jednej strony ukazuje on silne związki pomiędzy obu państwami, a z drugiej dążenie Ukrainy do prawdziwej niezależności.