Postmemory in Popular Culture Based on Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz and Krystian Rosenberg’s Graphic Novel “Achtung Zelig! Druga wojna”

dc.contributor.authorGajewska, Grażyna
dc.description.abstractThe article addresses the issue of diverse contemporary manifestations of postmemory. Although works of literature, graphic arts, architecture and sculpture, belonging to the so-called high art culture, have already been analysed with respect to post memory and post-traumatic culture, the domain of popular culture remains practically excluded from such analyses. Meanwhile, it is precisely popular culture that has a considerable impact on the attitudes and views of the people living today. The omnipresence of pop-culture, the pressure it exerts prompts re-evaluation of entire culture, not only its entertainment-related domains. Post-traumatic culture is largely shaped within and through popular culture, which is evinced in the popularity of the graphic story entitled “Achtung Zelig! Druga wojna” by Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz (art) and Krystian Rosenberg (story), displaying numerous traits defined as postmemory. A detailed analysis of the comic book permits the author to reveal those qualities.pl_PL
dc.description.sponsorshipDofinansowanie: Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Publikacja sfinansowana ze środków Urzędu Miejskiego w Gnieźniepl_PL
dc.identifier.citationStudia Europaea Gnesnensia, 7/2013, s. 57-69pl_PL
dc.publisherPoznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Naukpl_PL
dc.subjectpost-traumatic culturepl_PL
dc.subjectpopular culturepl_PL
dc.subjectcomic bookpl_PL
dc.titlePostmemory in Popular Culture Based on Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz and Krystian Rosenberg’s Graphic Novel “Achtung Zelig! Druga wojna”pl_PL
