Paweł Tetera – hetman kozacki
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Pavlo Teteria - Cossack hetman
Paweł Tetera pochodził z wołyńskiej, prawosławnej rodziny szlacheckiej - Morzkowskich. Najprawdopodobniej jego ojcem chrzestnym był Bohdan Chmielnicki. W młodości otrzymał gruntowne wykształcenie, które procentowało w jego dalszym życiu. Początkowo pracował w kancelarii grodzkiej w Łucku. Jednak wraz z wybuchem powstania Chmielnickiego przeszedł na stronę powstańców. W 1649 roku został pisarzem pułku perejasławskiego, a w 1653 roku pułkownikiem tegoż pułku. Przy boku Chmielnickiego Tetera zdobywał potrzebne doświadczenie. Z czasem zaczęto go uważać za szarą eminencję dworu hetmańskiego. W 1654 roku przyczynił się do zawarcia ugody perejasławskiej. W 1657 roku Chmielnicki wysłał go w kolejne poselstwie do Moskwy. Paweł Tetera prowadził negocjacje ze Stanisławem K. Bieniewskim, które zakończyły się podpisaniem porozumienia w Hoszczy. Stały się one podstawą dla ugody hadziackiej. Następnie Tetera przebywał w najbliższym otoczeniu królewskim i został sekretarzem królewskim. Wbrew powszechnym opiniom nie uczestniczył w zawarciu ugody cudnowskiej. W 1662 roku powrócił na ziemie ukrainne jako rezydent Jana Kazimierza. W styczniu 1663 roku został wybrany hetmanem kozackim i był nim do połowy 1665 roku. Uczestniczył w wyprawie Jana Kazimierza na Moskwę oraz walczył z powstaniem, które ogarnęło prawobrzeżne ziemie ukrainne i przyczyniło się do upadku jego władzy. Jako hetman dążył do zjednoczenia Kozaczyzny przy boku Rzeczpospolitej. Wysunął także interesującą koncepcję reformy Kozaczyzny w ramach państwa polsko-litewskiego. Ostatnie lata jego życia to okres licznych procesów. Skazany na banicję i infamię wyjechał z Rzeczpospolitej. Zmarł w Adrianopolu.
Paweł Tetera odznaczał się zdolnościami dyplomatycznymi i politycznymi. Jako pierwszy tak wyraźnie ostrzegał Jana Kazimierza przed zagrożeniem tatarskim.
Paweł Tetera (Pavlo Teteria) was from Volhynian Orthodox noble family called Morzkowscy. Bohdan Chmielnicki (Bohdan Khmelnytsky) was probably his godfather. In his youth he acquired solid education, which has paid off in his future. Initially, he worked in municipal office in Łuck (Lutsk). However with the outbreak of Chmielnicki’s uprising he joined insurgents. In 1649, he became a regimental secretary of Pereyaslav (or Pereiaslav), and in 1653 he became a colonel there. Standing at Chmielnicki’s side Tetera gained necessary experience. With time he was considered as grey eminence of hetman’s court. In 1654, he contributed to the Treaty of Pereyaslav. In 1657, Chmielnicki sent him into the next diplomatic mission to Moscow. Paweł Tetera conducted negotiations with Stanisław K. Bieniewski, as a result the agreement in Hoszcza was signed. It became the foundation for the Treaty of Hadiach. Afterwards Tetera was staying in close surroundings of the king and became the royal secretary. Despite common opinions he did not take part in the inclusion of the Chudniv Treaty. In 1662, he came back to Ukraine as the resident of the king Jan Kazimierz (King John II Casimir). In January 1663, he was chosen for the hetman of Ukrainian Cossacks and hold this position till the half of 1665. He participated in the campaign of Jan Kazimierz against Moscow, as well as he fought in the uprising, which spread in the right-bank Ukraine and caused collapse of his reign. As hetman, he aimed at unification of Cossacks by the side of Rzeczpospolita. Tetera proposed also an interesting idea of Cossacks’ reform in the reference to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Last years of his life was the time of numerous processes. He was banished and sentenced for (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) infamy and left Rzeczpospolita. He died in Adrianopolis. Paweł Tetera had great diplomatic and political skills. He was the first one that warned Jan Kazimierz against Tatars’ threat.
Paweł Tetera (Pavlo Teteria) was from Volhynian Orthodox noble family called Morzkowscy. Bohdan Chmielnicki (Bohdan Khmelnytsky) was probably his godfather. In his youth he acquired solid education, which has paid off in his future. Initially, he worked in municipal office in Łuck (Lutsk). However with the outbreak of Chmielnicki’s uprising he joined insurgents. In 1649, he became a regimental secretary of Pereyaslav (or Pereiaslav), and in 1653 he became a colonel there. Standing at Chmielnicki’s side Tetera gained necessary experience. With time he was considered as grey eminence of hetman’s court. In 1654, he contributed to the Treaty of Pereyaslav. In 1657, Chmielnicki sent him into the next diplomatic mission to Moscow. Paweł Tetera conducted negotiations with Stanisław K. Bieniewski, as a result the agreement in Hoszcza was signed. It became the foundation for the Treaty of Hadiach. Afterwards Tetera was staying in close surroundings of the king and became the royal secretary. Despite common opinions he did not take part in the inclusion of the Chudniv Treaty. In 1662, he came back to Ukraine as the resident of the king Jan Kazimierz (King John II Casimir). In January 1663, he was chosen for the hetman of Ukrainian Cossacks and hold this position till the half of 1665. He participated in the campaign of Jan Kazimierz against Moscow, as well as he fought in the uprising, which spread in the right-bank Ukraine and caused collapse of his reign. As hetman, he aimed at unification of Cossacks by the side of Rzeczpospolita. Tetera proposed also an interesting idea of Cossacks’ reform in the reference to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Last years of his life was the time of numerous processes. He was banished and sentenced for (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) infamy and left Rzeczpospolita. He died in Adrianopolis. Paweł Tetera had great diplomatic and political skills. He was the first one that warned Jan Kazimierz against Tatars’ threat.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii
Kozacy, Cossacks, Tetera Paweł, Teteria Pavlo, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ukraina, Ukraine, Ruina kozacka, Cossacks Ruin