Antropologia a nauki stosowane. Antropologia polska nadchodzących lat
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Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne
Title alternative
Anthropology and applied sciences. Polish anthropology of the Coming years
An analysis and evaluation has been made of the present investigation directions of the Polish
anthropology, world tendencies of the development of this discipline and the expected social needs. This
permitted to divide the main directions of anthropological studies into the following ones:
1) In the field of methods and investigation techniques we can expect the implementation of different
methods of the investigation on biochemical properties of the human organism, different internal organs in vivo
(radiological and tomographic techniques), and also sociometric techniques. A further computerization will
follow both in the process of the accumulation of anthropological information data and their processing.
2) Onthogenetic studies will be concentrated around the problem of biological value of Polish population
and its conditioning by the changing environmental factors. More intensive investigation will be carried out on
the productivity period of human life and the senile period with a wider consideration of the functional
properties. Studies on biological conditionings and results of different phenomena in the individual
development process of man will be extended.
3) Studies on the morphofunctional conditionings of the physical activity of man will be developed.
Investigations in this field should supply information about biosocial prerequisites of the matching and selection
in different forms of motor activity of man, both the professional and those connected with different fields of
physical culture. It creates the basis of compensating activity, particularly compensating the negative results.
4) The traditional Polish studies in the field of ethnical anthropology will be more and more concentrated
around the problem of the biology of the prehistoric populations and the process of ethnogenesis. They should
lead to the understanding of the structure of the extinct populations and their living conditions, the cognition of
the microevolutional transformations of man, and also their conditionings. It will permit a reconstruction of the
living environment of our ancestors, their mode of living and on this background of the biological
transformations of population.
5) Studies on the philogenesis of man will probably still move in the direction of general theory of
anthropogenesis with the utilization of the investigation methods characteristic of Polish anthropology.
6) In the field of the practical application of anthropology we should expect a continuation or undertaking
of studies on: a) developmental norms both of the somatic features and the physiological and motoric features,
b) cyclical expertises referring to the biological conditions of population, c) periodical verification of the
standards of clothes and other equipment of mass consumption, d) sporadical expertises on different biosocial
situations in the regional populations in connection with the growing ecological endangerment.
Przegląd Antropologiczny, vol. 52, z. 1-2, 1986, pp. 55-68