Przegląd Antropologiczny, 1986, vol. 52

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    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986)
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    Analiza antropologiczna wczesnośredniowiecznej ludności z Milicza (XII-XIII w. n. e.)
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Miszkiewicz, Brunon; Gronkiewicz, Stanisław
    In den Jahren 1960-1962 führte die Abteilung Anthropologie der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Konservator von archäologischen Denkmälern in Wroclaw systematische Forschungen, Ausgrabungen (teilweise auf 18 Ar) in Milicz aus (Niederschlesien). Das grosse Reihengräberfeld befindet sich auf frühlausitzer und teils X/XI Jht. frühmittelalterlichen Siedlungsresten, in nächster Nachbarschaft eines Burgwalls. Die Chronologie des Gräberfelds konnte zwischen dem XII. bis XIII. Jht. festgestellt werden (darunter Fragmentskelettgräber und reichliche Knochenanhäufungen). Die Gräber waren mit folgenden Beigaben ausgestattet, wie: 2 Münzen (Brakteate aus dem XII Jht.), zahlreiche Schläfenringe, Messer, Messerscheidenbeschläge, Glasperlen, Fingerringe, Bronzeketten, KnochenEisennadeln, Spinnwirtel, Hornstichel, Keramik usw. Eine eingehende archäologische Analyse, mit Fundanalogien, wurde von dr. K. Wachowski durchgeführt und dementsprechend publiziert. Das Skelettmaterial wurde anthropologisch analysiert. Der Erhaltungszustand des explorierten Skelettmaterials ist massig bis schwach. Es konnten 15% Kindergräber, 40% Männer - und 45% Frauengräber ausgesondert, festgestellt werden. Das mittlere Alter beträgt bei Männerserien Maturus, bei der Frauenserie Adultus (wesentlich niedriger). Insgesamt wurden 245 Männer - und 155 Frauenkranien statistisch analysiert (115 kraniometrische Merkmale). Zur individuellen Typenanalyse nach dem Approximationsverfahren von A. Wanke, und den bearbeiteten anthropologischen Konstanten von W. Köika, wurden 185 Männer - und 155 Frauenschädel berücksichtigt (ausschliesslich komplete Kranien). Die anthropologische Analyse sowohl männlicher, wie auch weiblicher Kranien brachte folgende Ergebnisse: die Schädel sind lang und mittelhoch, das Gesicht und die Nase ist mittelbreit mit niedrigen Orbitae. Die typologische Zusammensetzung entspricht einer nord-west- Formation (Definition) mit starken lapponoiden und paläoeuropiden Beimischungen (Tabellen 1-5). Ausserdem wurde, nach J. Czekanowski, ein Diagramm von 17 slavischen Vergleichsserien aufgestellt (Abb.2). Beispielshalber wurden auch 4 charakteristische anthropologische Typen angeführt (Tab. 4, Abb, 1). Die armenoide Beimischung spielt in dieser Population keine wesentliche Rolle. Anhand der anthropologisch-archäologischen Analyse (Ergebnisse) ist die frühmittelalterliche Population aus Milicz eine typisch slavische Formation West-Polens.
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    Cechy somatyczne kobiet zatrudnionych w zakładach chemicznych i odzieżowych górnośląskiego okręgu przemysłowego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Majchrzyk, Helena
    The analysis of the experimental material aimed at giving the answer to the question, what were the trends of shaping somatic features in women representing the two professional groups employed in the area of the Upper Silesian Industrial District. The study was carried on 468 work-women in the productive ages (20 - 59 years) employed in chosen chemical and clothing works of Katowice Province. The experimental material was divided into four decade-groups, joining the women in pairs according to their calendar age. 17 somatic features were measured and on their basis five indices of body structure were estimated. The results of the analysis has shown that both compared professional groups, over the whole period of the observation, do not present any clear differentiation in all the somatic features and the indices of body structure estimated on their basis.
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    Zmiany sekularne wybranych cech morfologicznych dzieci w wieku przedpokwitaniowym
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Ignasiak, Zofia; Sławińska, Teresa
    The phenomenon of secular trend of selected morphological traits of two series of longitudinal studies in children from Wroclaw was investigated. The studies were carried out with an interval of 19 years. From the analysis carried out it follows that in the prepuberty period the pure effect of the secular trend is increased by the overlapping considerable acceleration of the maturity process in girls. The Rohrer’s index does not indicate any secular changes. It follows that the phenomenon of secular trend of the height and body weight has no influence on the weight and growth proportions.
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    Rozwój biologiczny dzieci i młodzieży z rodzin społecznie zaburzonych. I. Wychowankowie „Ognisk Wychowawczych” w Warszawie
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Łaska-Mierzejewska, Teresa; Łuczak, Ewa
    The studies covered a total of 313 wards of Part Time Care Centers. This number comprised 227 boys and 86 girls in the age from 8 to 17 years. Anthropological examinations refered to measurements of body height and weight, the evaluation of secondary sexual traits in this age (the menarche in girls) and health conditions. Data concerning the above traits were also retrospectively obtained from the records since the time when the subjects were admitted to the institution. In 225 children of 313 additional measurements of 7 somatic traits were made and they are presented in fig. 3. Furhtermore exact information about the functioning of the family environment of the ward was collected. Due to a small number of the investigated subjects the results of somatic measurements were presented in the form of standardized values referring them to the arithmetical mean and the standard deviation of random sample of Warsaw children [J. CHARZEWSKI 1981]. This procedure permitted to omit the age groups of the examined subjects and to evaluate the differences in comparison with the reference group. The children from Part Time Care Centers show lower values of somatic traits and a slower rate of maturation in comparison with the random sample of Warsaw children. 1. The obtained differences are: - greater in boys than in girls - they are more intensively expressed in the height than in body weight. 2. These differences both in boys and girls decrease with the appearance of tfye successive degrees of sexual maturity being indirectly a proof of a delay in the maturity rate of the studied children. 3. The degree of the obtained differences depends on: - the extent of the pathology of family environment - and on the time of the child’s abiding in the Care Centers.
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    Zróżnicowanie niektórych cech morfologicznych i fizjologicznych w warunkach wysokogórskich Peru
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Stolarczyk, Henryk
    Analysed material gathering 105 individuals (63 d* and 42 (j>) was collected in the year 1978 in Puno during anthropological examination of academic youth of local university. This material consists of a great deal of representatives of tribes Aymara and Quechua living in region of lake Uticaca. The measurements of physical features were taken as follow: stature, g-op, eu-eu, mss-mss,fi-ft, zy-zy, go-go, tr-gn, n-gn, n-sio, n-sn, ai-ai. The cephaloscopic data include pigmentation of eyes, hairs, skin and lips, form of eyelid and hairs, profile of face and nose. Moreover some physiological characters, such as blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), pulse before and after effort, girth of thorax during aspiration, rest and expiration; and muscular strenght of hands were registered. The comparison of physical characters of both Indian series indicates above all to greater facial dimensions of Aymara men and women than Quechua. Some dependence between altitude (above sea level) of birthplace and dimensions of thorax girth were confirmed. Female Peruvian students in comparison with Polish student girls evidence to many statistically significant differences in majority of features. Striking great difference in stature in favor of Polish girls should be explained mostly as a modifying influence of natural environment (a harsh existential conditions in Puno). Student girls from Puno have an advantage over Polish students in size of thorax girth, what is connected with their pyknoidal body habit. Polish girls are characterized by higher index of thorax mobility. Moreover the systolic blood pressure as well as pulse of Peruvian student girls is lower than in Polish series. Polish girls characterize greater than in Peruvian students muscular strenght.
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    Digital formulae of hands and feet in Indian populations
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Rao, V Raghavendra
    Poza kilkoma opracowaniami dotyczącymi Asamu niewiele jest prac na temat formuł palców u mieszkańców Indii. Udział czynnika dziedzicznego w zróżnicowaniu tych cech wydaje się znaczny, choć niejasny jest sposób dziedziczenia. Na podstawie dostępnych materiałów stwierdzono, że formuła palców ręki 4 < 2 na terenie Indii wykazuje zwiększoną częstotliwość w populacjach o charakterze plemiennym. Formuła palców stopy nie wykazuje zróżnicowania międzykastowego i międzyplemiennego. Dalsze systematyczne badania, z uwzględnieniem płci, wieku, lateralizacji oraz pochodzenia grup (co najmniej terytorialnego) pozwolą lepiej zrozumieć genetykę populacyjną omawianych cech u ludności subkontynentu indyjskiego.
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    Funkcjonalna specyfika typów somatycznych u dzieci
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Welon, Zygmunt
    The problem was analysed on the basis of examinations carried out in 1334 children in the age of 9 years from Lower Silesia. Anthropometric measurements by the modified Parnell’s method served to determine the somatotypes of the children. A battery of 6 tests of motoric fitness was used as the functional characteristics of the distinguished somatotype groups: L, M, T and S. During the analysis very distinct differences in the motoric fitness were found between the distinguished somatotype groups mainly due to the elimination of disturbing factors, differences in body height and in the level of developmental progress of children in the groups: L, M, T and S. The obtained results supply another successive proof of the reality of constitutional types in children, and we can already determine these types by a set of morpho-functional traits.
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    Zrożnicowanie plio-plejstoceńskich Hominidae III. Konsekwencje taksonomiczne i antropogenetyczne
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Kaszycka, Katarzyna A.
    This work presents the final part of a cycle of articles among which the two latter ones discussed the morphology, ecology and sexual dimorphism of early hominids called Australopithecines. The present part evaluates two different interpretations of hominid phylogeny: multi-species hypothesis and the single species one. The proposals of R. Broom; Louis, Mary and Richard Leakey; J. Robinson, D. Pilbeam and M. Zwell; and D. Johanson and T. White have been discussed. Attention has been concentrated on cases of unjustified multiplication of terminology (Table 1), essential erroneous interpretations (e.g. Zinjanthropus), and fluctuations of taxonomic views, the dietary hypothesis (Table 2, Fig. 1), conceptions following from the discovery of Homo habitis (Fig.6), and the discoveries from Hadar and Laetoli (Fig.7,8). The above hypotheses are opposed by the proposal of M. Wolpoff and C. Brace basing mainly on the data about sexual dimorphism of Piio-Pleistocene hominids, a high allometric variability, réévaluation of J. Robinson’s hypothesis and on the rejection of the taxon Homo habilis. In the discussion the author deals more extensively with the single species hypothesis, indicating its weak points (option in the use of metric data - Table 7, and interpretation through allometry) but pointing out its merits as well. In the conclusion the author states that the discussion concerning the phylogenetic systematics of Plio-Pleistocene hominids has not been terminated yet. In the present state of studies the most convincing seems to be the hypothesis of two lineages proposed among others by Pilbeam and Zwell, and Johanson and White. According to them the direct ancestor of the modern man is the form of Homo habilis, while Australopithecus robustus represents a sidebranch of the phylogenetic tree. The problem which of the Plio-Pleistocene forms was the common ancestor of the mentioned lineages requires a solution.
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    Dermatoglifika dłoni mieszkańców wyspy Palue (Indonezja): Thenar i Hypothenar
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Mitei, Richard Kiprono A.
    In supplement of the elaborations by Glinka [1971], and Glinka , Jasicki and Wiśniewska [1983] the author presented a description of palm dermatoglyphics of 1777 inhabitants of Palue island (Lesser Sunda islands). He found a comparatively low frequency of true patterns both on the Thenar and Hypothenar. Differences in the occurrence of patterns on the right and left hands were weakly manifested, on the other hand small differences between sexes have been found.
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    Wpływ selekcji negatywnej na średnią wysokość ciała w populacji - ujęcie ekologiczne
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Jurynec, Roman
    This work was based on material of military anthropological survey of Poland, which was carried out in the years 1921-1923 under the leadership of J. Mydlarski. Subject of investigation were data concerning 2569 soldiers born in the years 1899-1901 in Poznań province and the southern part of Pomeranian province. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the dependence between the environmental conditions and the mean body height in the population. The results are analysed in the light of the hypothesis about a selective character of the environmental influence on the population. In agreement with the accepted assumption, the mean body height in the population is influenced in a contrasting way by two partially different environmental factors: ’living conditions’ understood as the level of satisfying the basic life needs of the individual, and ’selective pressure’ being the sum of life dangers. These factors act on the individuals in a differentiated way depending on the genetic predispositions conditioning their adaptation ability, resistance and general health. The selective pressure through negative selection (differential mortality) eliminating from the population individuals who in the given living conditions develop and realize their growth potential in the poorest way limits the negative influence of living conditions on the mean body height in the population. This selection can have both a directional and stabilizing character. The mean body height of mature individuals in the population depends on the living conditions in which their development took place and on the selection degree by differential mortality. For the evaluation of the living and environmental conditions data were utilized concerning the number of children born, living and deceased in the families from which the investigated subjects originated. On this basis the environmental conditions were evaluated both in families and in the socio-professional groups distinguished on the basis of the father’s profession and the birth place ("village", "town"). In case of families, the evaluation was based on the assumption that the number of children in the family is a burdening factor, and the morality is in a great degree the effect of worse living and environmental conditions. Better environmental conditions in socio-professional groups are testified primarily by a lower percentage of deceased children in the families from which the investigated subjects belonging to the given group originate, as well as by a greater number of children. The departing point of the hypothesis accepted at the outset was the fact that in the material no definite dependence was found between the evaluated living and environmental conditions and the mean body height. The analysis of families has shown that on the average the tallest were the subjects originating from families which due to the number of living children in the family and the percentage of the deceased ones could provide the average living and environmental conditions (Tables 8 and 11). Worse environmental conditions, in case of socio-professional groups, caused by mortality and fecundity in the families from which the subjects belonging to the definite groups originated were not always connected with smaller body heights (Tables 9 and 10).
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    Częstość występowania wybranych cech niemetrycznych czaszki w zależności od cribra orbitalia i wyposażenia grobów
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Bergman, Paweł
    The analysis of skulls (N = 436) from the aligned cemetery in Milicz. Lower Silesia (12th-14th CC.) gave the following results. The frequencies of appearance of certain non-metric traits may undergo changes caused by a morbid factor (anaemia as a result of iron deficiency). The analysis of frequencies of appearance of cribra orbitalia shows that the presence of grave equipment versus lack of such equipment indicates a higher level of living conditions, at least in the sense of better health and nutritional status of the deceased individuals. Anaemia and its effects increased probably mortality especially in younger individuals (aduiius group) who, at the same time, existed in worse living conditions. No differences were found in frequencies of appearance of the eight non-metric traits between individuals from equipped and non-equipped graves. However, the frequencies of appearance of ossicula suturae lambdoideae show statistically significant differences. It is emphasized that the multivariate distances between populations may point not only toward ethnic or genetic differences between them but also toward differences conditioned environmentally.
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    Dental discriminant sexing of human cremated remains
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Kaczmarek, Maria; Piontek, Janusz; Malinowski, Andrzej
    Badając ludzkie szczątki kostne antropolog staje często przed problemem określenia płci nieznanego osobnika. Dzięki specyficznym właściwościom uzębienia (struktury zębów powstają pod ścisłą kontrolą genetyczną, ponadto są oporne na czynniki fosylizacyjne) może być ono wykorzystane do identyfikacji płci osobników młodocianych (7-14 lat) z grobów ciałopalnych. Proponuje się szereg funkcji dyskryminacyjnych bazujących na podstawowych pomiarach zębów (M-D,^ i B-L,^,.) pozwalających określać płeć z prawdopodobieństwem 70-80%.
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    W „schemacie socjalizacji” - antropologia a materializm historyczny
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Galor, Zbigniew
    An analysis of the mutual relations between anthropology and historical materialism permits to separate a certain method of solving the problems of human socialization, i.e. the "Socialization scheme" occuring in the investigation practice. Its theoretical premises are in the conception of man based on evolution theory and in the fact that in the works of K. Marx and F. Engels there occurs the anthropological theory of man (personalities, societies) formed under the conception of L. Feuerbach. In investigations this scheme favours the neglecting of the role of social structures in the formation of the features of the human individual. Decisive are here the nondialectic interpretations characteristic of the prescientific thought based on antinomies: changes and stability, determination and spontaneity, norms and activities. The cognitive perspective peculiar for the historical materialism assumes also the distinguishing of two types of social structures: the subjective structures and the anthropological structures. Contradicting to it are such conceptions as e.g. the conception of historical anthropology which by referring to the assumptions of historical materialism reduces however its premises to the theory of anthropogenesis or sociogenesis. Or it omits in the analyses the phenomenon of work contenting with the analysis of activities. In anthropological studies the "socialization scheme" does not favour an effective use of theories characteristic of historical materialism. Similarly it does not favour the utilization of the results of anthropological studies within this approach. It is visible by the fact that such studies use notions as e.g. need, generations, social environment which do not reflect adequately the social phenomena (in the sense in which they are used) or/and involve the terminology of evolutional anthropology.
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    Antropologia a kultura fizyczna
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Drozdowski, Zbigniew
    The interrelation between physical culture and anthropological problems has been shown against th e background of the general tasks of physical culture. It was assumed that the physical culture is a set of stimuli which form the biological value of human population, remove the negative results of the style of our life and work, and also counteract them and contribute to the acceleration of the regeneration process of h um an biological forces and creative abilities. In the realization of Che tasks of physical culture, anthropology is cooperating and particularly its specialistic division: sports anthropology. It deals with the investigation of morphological conditionings of human physical activity, morphological changes (also the biorythmical character of this process) taking place in human organism in time and under the influence of the performance of different forms of physical activity having both the character of physical exercises or sports training as well as professional work.
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    Antropologia a nauki stosowane. Antropologia polska nadchodzących lat
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Drozdowski, Zbigniew
    An analysis and evaluation has been made of the present investigation directions of the Polish anthropology, world tendencies of the development of this discipline and the expected social needs. This permitted to divide the main directions of anthropological studies into the following ones: 1) In the field of methods and investigation techniques we can expect the implementation of different methods of the investigation on biochemical properties of the human organism, different internal organs in vivo (radiological and tomographic techniques), and also sociometric techniques. A further computerization will follow both in the process of the accumulation of anthropological information data and their processing. 2) Onthogenetic studies will be concentrated around the problem of biological value of Polish population and its conditioning by the changing environmental factors. More intensive investigation will be carried out on the productivity period of human life and the senile period with a wider consideration of the functional properties. Studies on biological conditionings and results of different phenomena in the individual development process of man will be extended. 3) Studies on the morphofunctional conditionings of the physical activity of man will be developed. Investigations in this field should supply information about biosocial prerequisites of the matching and selection in different forms of motor activity of man, both the professional and those connected with different fields of physical culture. It creates the basis of compensating activity, particularly compensating the negative results. 4) The traditional Polish studies in the field of ethnical anthropology will be more and more concentrated around the problem of the biology of the prehistoric populations and the process of ethnogenesis. They should lead to the understanding of the structure of the extinct populations and their living conditions, the cognition of the microevolutional transformations of man, and also their conditionings. It will permit a reconstruction of the living environment of our ancestors, their mode of living and on this background of the biological transformations of population. 5) Studies on the philogenesis of man will probably still move in the direction of general theory of anthropogenesis with the utilization of the investigation methods characteristic of Polish anthropology. 6) In the field of the practical application of anthropology we should expect a continuation or undertaking of studies on: a) developmental norms both of the somatic features and the physiological and motoric features, b) cyclical expertises referring to the biological conditions of population, c) periodical verification of the standards of clothes and other equipment of mass consumption, d) sporadical expertises on different biosocial situations in the regional populations in connection with the growing ecological endangerment.
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    Antropologia kulturowa i społeczna
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Ziółkowski, Janusz
    The central concept of anthropology as a humanistic discipline is that of culture. The use of "culture", although operative since the Ancient era, derives mainly from social evolutionism and Kuiturgeschichte of the XIX century. The turning point in the development of cultural (social) anthropology was the work of an Englishman, E. B. lyior. Since his "Primitive Culture" (London 1871) it became possible to speak of culture in general and of particular cultures. It is difficult to settle upon a single definition of this complex term. A.L. Kroeber and C. Kluckhohn analysed 168 definitions of culture. These appeared, as judged by general emphasis, to fall into six major groups: 1) enumeratively descriptive, 2) historical, 3) normative, 4) psychological, 5) structural, 6) genetic. The term "cultural anthropology" is more widely used in the United States whereas in Britain the term "social anthropology" is predominant. In Central Europe, particularly in German-speaking countries, the term "anthropology" has been reserved for biological aspects of man’s life. The study of cultural dimension of man’s existence appears under the label of ethnology (the theoretical and generalizing aspect) and ethnography (the descriptive aspect). This pattern has been followed, by and large, by Polish scientific community. However, there is too much overlap to warrant keeping apart "cultural" from "social" anthropology. The subject matter of the discipline is essentially two-dimensional, being always both "cultural" and "social". All human behaviour is influnced by cultural standards, and conversely culture itself is essentially social, in its transmission and distribution among the members of a society. Many anthropologists therefore either speak of social and cultural anthropology jointly or fuse them into a single term "sociocultural anthropology". In the growth of the discipline, one can discern several theoretical orientations. 1) Evolutionism - the application of the general theory of evolution to cultural phenomena as distinguished from biological or physical phenomena. Cultural evolution is conceived as a continuous and usually accumulative process, by which cultural phenomena undergo change, one form or stage succeeding another. 2) Diffusion ism - a term to refer to all the orderly processes which produce cultural similarities in various societies other than invention. The concept of the Kulturkreis, coined by the German culture-historical school, has proved to be most influential and representative for this school of thought. 3) Historicism - the emphasis on historically created diversities, leaving to psychology the exploration of common human nature. Every aspect of culture must be considered in the total context in which it occurred. F. Boas was a leading exponent of this way of viewing anthropology. 4) Culture and personality approach - the stress laid upon the interaction between culture and personality formation. Culture exists only in human personalities; motives, emotions and values are institutionalized in culture. 5) Functionalism - the explanation of anthropological facts by the part which they play within the integral system of culture and by the manner in which they are related to each other. Functionalism, propounded by B. Malinowski and A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, became the theoretical foundation of the British social anthropology with its emphasis on organization and social structure. 6) Structuralism - a thesis of fundamental constancy of structural, unconscious equipment of man (its main representative is C. Lévi-Strauss). In order to reach the structure of socio-cultural reality, a process of symbolization (converting facts into signs) is required. 7) Ncocvoluliotiism - an attempt to revive, refine and test the theory of cultural evolution, particularly with regard to its unilinear or multilinear character. Within this orientation the interdisciplinary discussion is being held on the interaction between biology and culture. Human evolution is considered the history of feedback relationship between organism and behaviour. Human behaviour can best be described as biocultural behaviour. Man is viewed more and more in a holistic way. The emergence of anthropology tout court, an integrated science of man, is a logical consequence of this stance.
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    Pozycja Homo sapiens widziana z perspektywy molekularnej
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Kunicki-Goldfinger, Władysław J. H.
    These studies refer primarily to the proteins and DNA. Works on rRNA and tRNA have a smaller significance in comparison with closely related groups. Comparative studies of proteins were started with the help of immunological methods, mainly precipitation and complement fixation reaction, then Immunoelectrophoresis and electrophoresis in gel were applied, and finally the sequencing of proteins. In the works on DNA the amount of repetitive DNA was determined, renaturalization and hybridization were defined , and then sequencing of DNA, particularly of the one drop DNA. Recently the mitrochondrial DNA started to be studied and quite recently the polymorphism of the length of restrictive segments has been investigated. A supplement of this are the cariological works, studies on the number and structure of chromosomes, their type of striation and the recent studies on the localization of genes. Discussions are carried out on the possibility and limitation of these studies, particularly on the so called melecular clock. Molecular studies refer at present to the living species of Hominidae family and particularly of the subfamily of Homininae with man included. Subsequent discussions refer to the relation of man with apes, their mutual philogenetic relations and the contribution of molecular biology to the achievements of anthropogenesis. Isolated molecular studies on the extinct forms are mentioned. The applicability of molecular methods in the studies on human populations and their value in the investigations on the ethnogenesis and the history of definite populations are discussed. The necessity is stressed that there is a need of a different interpretation of data obtained in the investigation on adaptation features and features with no adaptational values, taking into account not only the investigation of semandides but also the works on the frequency of mutations, on the genetic composition of different populations and the polymorphism of restriction segments. Finally the work discusses briefly the molecular studies of mummies and bones.
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    Sześćdziesięciolecie działalności Polskiego Towarzystwa Antropologicznego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Malinowski, Andrzej
    The article discusses the history of the Polish Anthropological Society. The development of anthropology which took place in Poland at the turn of the 19th century, particularly the activity of Józef Majer and Izydor Kopernicki contributed to the development of numerous Chairs of Anthropology at Universities. The second trend of the development of this science was the activity of the Polish emigrants, particularly in France. On their initiative, already in 1878 in Paris, a Polish Anthropological and Ethnografical Society was established with which Teofil Chudziński was associated. After the first world war anthropological institutions were created at universities which were staffed by known researchers like Jan Czekanowski (Lvov), Kazimierz Stolyhwo, Edward Loth, Jan Mydlarski (Warsaw), Julian Talko-Hryncewicz (Cracow), Michal Reicher (Vilna) and Adam Wrzosek (Poznań). The idea to create the Anthropological Society and its organ which was the "Anthropological Review" was the work of Adam Wrzosek who saw the necessity to integrate the rather scientifically differentiated anthropological circle. The Society was created in 1925 in Poznań and here were its Headquarters until the second world war. The Presidents of the Society were successively: A. Wrzosek, M. Ćwirko-Godycki, J. Mydlarski, T. Dzierżykray-Rogalski and at present this position is held by A. Malinowski. The Society integrates the Polish anthropology by its publications and the organization of scientific congresses and conferences.
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    80-lecie urodzin profesora dra hab. Bronisława Jasickiego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Sikora, Paweł
    Professor Bronisław JASICKI was born in Sporysz on the 12th of January 1907. Since 1928 he has worked at the Jagellonian University, at first under the direction of Professor J. Talko-Hryncewicz, then Professors Kazimierz and Eugenia Stołyhwo. He devoted his entire life to anthropology. He directed and participated in research projects in ontogenetics (including research on the population of the Żywiec region). He is an author of numerous and original works in this field. For many years he was the head of the Anthropology Division of the Jagellonian University. He educated many anthropologists as a promotor and reviewer of numerous master theses, doctoral dissertations and works qualifying for the position of an assistant professor and professor. He has made an invaluable contribution to the development of Polish anthropology.