Aktualizacja legendy. Życie, posag i problem Halszki z Ostroga
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Legend actualization. Life, dowry and problem of Halszka from Ostróg
Aktualizacja legendy Halszki z Ostroga, czyli Elżbiety Ostrogskiej to zjawisko niezwykle ciekawe, gdyż dotyczy postaci należącej do niewielkiego grona kobiet staropolskich, o których wiemy więcej, niż tylko czyimi były córkami, żonami i matkami. Ostrogska stała się jedną z pierwszych, polskich emancypantek, sławną bohaterką obyczajowego skandalu, tajemniczą Czarną Księżniczką o wielkiej sile artystycznej inspiracji. Genezą legendy o Halszce był konflikt o jej rękę i posag wywołany przez pierwszych panów w Polsce i na Litwie, ale również – i to niezwykłe – pragnienie wyjścia dziedziczki ogromnej fortuny poza role przeznaczone dla renesansowej kobiety, związane wyłącznie z płcią. Burzliwe życie księżniczki w centrum ważnych wydarzeń politycznych i przemian społecznych, jej niezrozumiałe decyzje otwierające pole dla wyobraźni doprowadziły do rozgłosu problemu Elżbiety Ostrogskiej na terenie jagiellońskiej monarchii jeszcze za jej życia i niedługo po śmierci, co znalazło odzwierciedlenie w sprzecznych ze sobą przekazach historycznych. Owa niejednoznaczność dała Halszce drugie, legendarne życie, które nie stanowi konstrukcji niezmiennej. Ulega aktualizacji zgodnie z potrzebami swego czasu i pragnieniami ludzi. Kolejne wersje i modulacje legendy Czarnej Księżniczki stanowią cenne źródło wiedzy dla historyka próbującego poznać wyobrażenia i poszukiwane wartości przez ludzi żyjących w różnych epokach. Zjawisko adaptacji tejże legendy w nowych warunkach i do nowych celów pozwala włączyć się w dyskurs na temat związku między tradycją a historią, co od wieków stanowi interesujący przedmiot badawczy.
The actualization of the legend of Halszka from Ostróg is an extremely interesting phenomena as it refers to the character that belongs to the narrow circle of the Old Polish women who we know more about than only the facts whose daughters, wives or mothers they were. Ostrogska became one of the first Polish suffragist, the famous heroine of a sex/moral scandal, the mysterious Black Princess with an enormous strength for artistic inspiration.The legend about Halszka had its genesis not only in a conflict between the first noble men in Poland and Lithuania who tried to propose to her, to gain her dowry but also in her extremely strong wish as a rich heiress of huge fortune who aspired to go beyond the roles reserved for the Renaissance woman and connected only with her sex. Her tempestuous life in the background of the most important political events and social changes, her incomprehensible decisions opening the possibilities for imagination activities, spread Elizabeth Ostrogska’s problem in the area of Jagiellonian monarchy still during her life and shortly after her death. It was profoundly reflected in the historical records very often inconsistent and contradictory with each other. Such ambiguity gave Halszka the second, legendary life that is not of unchangeable construction. It is changing according to the needs of its time and people’s wishes. The subsequent versions and modifications of the legend about the Black Princess are truly valuable source of knowledge for historian who is trying to get to know the ideas and values through the people living in various epochs. Adaptation of this legend in new circumstances and for new purposes enables us to start a discourse about the connection between tradition and history, what has been the interesting subject of research for ages.
The actualization of the legend of Halszka from Ostróg is an extremely interesting phenomena as it refers to the character that belongs to the narrow circle of the Old Polish women who we know more about than only the facts whose daughters, wives or mothers they were. Ostrogska became one of the first Polish suffragist, the famous heroine of a sex/moral scandal, the mysterious Black Princess with an enormous strength for artistic inspiration.The legend about Halszka had its genesis not only in a conflict between the first noble men in Poland and Lithuania who tried to propose to her, to gain her dowry but also in her extremely strong wish as a rich heiress of huge fortune who aspired to go beyond the roles reserved for the Renaissance woman and connected only with her sex. Her tempestuous life in the background of the most important political events and social changes, her incomprehensible decisions opening the possibilities for imagination activities, spread Elizabeth Ostrogska’s problem in the area of Jagiellonian monarchy still during her life and shortly after her death. It was profoundly reflected in the historical records very often inconsistent and contradictory with each other. Such ambiguity gave Halszka the second, legendary life that is not of unchangeable construction. It is changing according to the needs of its time and people’s wishes. The subsequent versions and modifications of the legend about the Black Princess are truly valuable source of knowledge for historian who is trying to get to know the ideas and values through the people living in various epochs. Adaptation of this legend in new circumstances and for new purposes enables us to start a discourse about the connection between tradition and history, what has been the interesting subject of research for ages.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii
Halszka z Ostroga, Halszka from Ostróg